
Finding Yun Tian Hua

I call your name for a tens, hundreds, thousands...I lost counts but you didn't come as what you promised. I'm so furious and lonely. I always longing for you so I traveled the whole world just to find you yet everything was vain. Many years of waiting and finding I finally found you. But instead of feeling happy I felt sad, angry, disappointed, hopeless and miserable. How come after many years of searching at last I would find out that you're already married and have children with another man? I almost lost hope in life and finally decided to end it. As I did, I should've been dead but a beautiful, carefree, kind and mysterious lady that resembled you pulled me out of mysery and death's door. Does my waiting worth it? Or it's just a wishful thinking?

shistineJdLd1 · History
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14 Chs

C3: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Date: November 10, 2021

Time: 8:06 am

{Yun/ Xian Tian Hua}

Where should I ran to? Until know I have nowhere safe place to go. I was desperate to live.

It's already hard enough for me to do the things I want because of this blindness. I can only rely on my own intuition and other senses to step forward.

But people keep troubling me. If not for faking my own death I don't think there's another way at that moment.

Soon I'll live in another identity. Two weeks later...

I became a wandering unknown alchemist and physician. I helped people in need without telling them to pay a huge price. Well of course sometimes I can't refuse them so when there's no choice I have to accept their little gifts.

I picked "Hua" as my current calling name as I remember that when I'm little every flowers I passed along my way blooms. After that I lived on the name 'Hua'.

Then I decided to stay in the small cave not far from the Yun Clan Manor unfortunately at that time, bandits saw me. The events were fast as I heard that they already lashed their swords and swarmed in this cave, dashed towards my direction.

I got nervous again. I should run for my life! I have nothing but myself and that's enough for them. If I was captured I may became their toy or sold off. No- that can't be done!

Fortunately, I could sense the flunctuations and heard the substle movements around me that helped me dodge their attacks. But if it went on continuing dodging their consecutive attacks, I'm afraid that with my body who's frail from severe injuried may breakdown.

I didn't expect that this bandits were martial cultivators though the highest  level was Begginer Middle Level 1 Warrior they are ten times the strength of normal people. This cultivation level was easy for me if I had my former cultivation but I still needed to repair my dantian to restart cultivating.

Oh no! I'll be dead if they caught me. I could only think of escaping. My heart beating faster and I felt my strength gradually getting stronger, maybe because of blood rush.

However this cultivator bandits wouldn't let me make that happened. They're cultivators and at the  same time bandits. They robbed money from others that weaker than them and have a high possiblity they sell people to acquire huge sum of money. And I'm a goods!

One catch up on me and grab one of my hands, a black silhouette which was obviously belonged to the cultivator bandit. Eventhough I can't see I felt this... That seeing a beauty, his eyes will be filled of undisguised lust. Eww...

I felt distressed and disgusted. I'm also scared of what he wanted to do. I want to break free but couldn't. The cultivator bandit have great strength. Tears escaped my blind eyes. I was extremely scared that I forgot to scream or whatsoever.

Suddenly the perverted cultivator  bandit who's holding my hands coughed blood on me. Wait-what?

I heard a it's been pierced by a sharp sword on the back. Blood splatter on the white mystical clothing of mine as well as my shocked snow white face, tained but at the same time added to my charisma.

Fear also overwhelmed me. I trembled uncontrollably. I know, I can injured but not take a life.

"Chu-chuang Yao!" Trembling, longing, scared, shaky, rusty voice, almost out of breath, I recalled the name of the person who pierced the perverted cultivator bandit's heart at the back.

I almost forgot her. She's one of the people care about me even if people called me a jinx. Sheng Chuang Yao, my personal shadow guard given by my deceased and also my friend.

(Third Person)

A loud "thud" can be heard. That's when the woman in black named Chuang Yao abruptly knelt one knee to the ground paired with the fall of the perverted cultivator bandit's dead body.

"This subordinate, Chuang Yao, was  late, asking young miss to please punish me for being unpunctual, causing young miss to suffer grievance."

Hot breeze brushed past the two. The scene was enigmatic. One was kneeling and the other was standing still but trembling.

For this matter, she, Yun or Xian Tian Hua- no just Hua, doesn't matter if she's late but feeling concerned and grateful.

"No- no! Actually I'm thankful! If you're not arrived just in time I would be already dead!"

If not for Chuang Yao she'll be truly became a goods.

Then the pain in her past life and memories appeared again in her mind.

In the past she's also called Yun Tian Hua who's a legendary figure in her past life and now have a profound knowledge of two lifetimes, one was the past and the current, about alchemy and medical knowledge...

Regret? If we didn't do something that we'll make regret maybe we won't regret it. But of all the wrong things Yun Tian Hua did she regretted the most was to love a man that obviously didn't love her. Regret really comes at the end!

Five years ago, on her past life, on a stormy day her whole clan annihilated. She knew it will happen yet she couldn't stopped it from happening.

Instead focibly helped the annihilators. Of course she only did that because of her scumbag beloved man's request, Xiao Changde, the second young master of the Xiao Clan, the annihilator of her own clan.

She's so stupid and naive to think that she can marry that scumbag young master after she do the scumbag young master order that led the Xiao Clan defeated smoothly her own clan. That's regretful but dissipated after learning that she'll marry him afterwards.

Fortunately she tried to betray the scumbag young master for rescuing her elders and other important members of her Xian Clan. Many clan members got angry of her.

But her clan was so kindhearted people so after hearing what trully happened even though they're angry it doesn't so deep and instead pitied her. The many elders even wish her luck and request to visit them once a month and she agreed. How kindhearted clan fellows+!

Not long after that she help that scumbag young master get the position of the Xiao Clan's Head Master for that scumbag young master promised that she'll be his only wife and will be the Xiao Clan's Madam.

She help him with whatever needed to achieve his own goals. For example she must killed the eldest young master of the Xiao Clan, get pills for that scumbag young master's cultivation through painstaking means, shield him from arrows and attacks that almost cause her to lose her own life, assembling and building a great army of strong martial qi cultivators to use on a battle, learn to scheme others, she learned how to heal his physical wound in an instant and many more.

It's arduous, tiring and her own life was always on the line but she didn't gave up because after this she'll be his wife. She'll be the only love, wife and madam of his life. She thinks all of this will be worth it.

But everytime she ask him when will she become his wife his always response was ," There's still many bussiness and things to do so we'll maybe put aside that idea for now. When I finished I promise you, I'll immediately throw a lavish and grand wedding for you."

That's bullsh*t! This scumbag young master didn't even keep his promises! He's just taking her as fool, naive and stupid girl that always follow on his orders. Always keeping many things to do as an excuse to add to the girls hope.

While this fool , stupid and naive Yun  Tian Hua thinks it's really quite reasonable cause many things were happening and she thinks that he's doing it for their good and peaceful future.

Unknowingly she's just a chess piece that he get free to used anytime. It's a pity that she's a great talent and alchemist cultivator that came once in a thousand years yet but a stupid naive girl. Really a fool! What a waste...

Behind Yun Tian Hua's back this scumbag young master have Yun Zushu, Yun Tian Hua's younger sister. No one know that this slut still alive. Of course the scumbag young master planned to fake her death.

Yun Zushu, also a young mistress like her elder sister and the truly great and beautiful beloved of the scumbag young master. But apparently everyone know the secret affair except for the fool, naive and stupid girl that still thinking of becoming the only beloved man of the scumbag young master.

But now heart crumbled along with her hopes. In a cold night, it's late autumn and welcoming the first fall of snow, the early winter. Blood dripped down from the right chest where her heart's reside also from the sword's tip towards the ground. The same blood from the same person dripped down the ground.

What happened was so fast. Yun Tian Hua almost struck by a bolt of lightning when she saw her man with a familiar woman embracing each other, naked.

She keep feeling uneasy every night and sometimes heard moans and groans of a familiar voices from a distance but she didn't think too much about it. She never expected that one night when she have some urgent report then she immediately come inside the study room unfortunately saw an unbelievable scene.

Because of repulse she suddenly slapped the familiar woman. She immediately know it was Yun Zushu, her younger sister, eventhough it's unbelievable.

"Yun Zushu, Xiao Changde is mine! You slut not only you flirt with my man, you also stole my beloved man! Turned out you're atill alive I'm relieve but... You... As my favorite sister... I... I'll never forgive you! You stole my man, you slut!!! Whore!... Arghhhhh- ahumph!" Yun Tian  Hua's mind constantly spinning like a roller coaster, it's in turmoil. She spat a mouthful of blood out of anger when she grabbing onto the woman's hair, wanting to tear and ruined Yun Zushu.

"Ahhh! Let go of me! Mad woman let go! De'er, young master, help me! This crazy woman was going to kill me" Yun Zushu shriked in weak pitiful begging manner. She didn't recognize who's the girl grabbing her hair.

The scumbag Xiao Changde's face turned dark. He's displeased with Yun Tian Hua's sudden crazy action. When the scumbag heard the word 'kill' from the pitiful shriked of Yun Zushu he immediately raised his legs and kicked Yun Tian Hua.

Unprepared, Yun Tian Hua thrown directly through the leafless tree. Because of the great impact she spat another mouthful blood on the ground filled with scattered dry brown leaves from the leafless tree. Shocked, heart became so numb. She doesn't feel pain from the physical impact but the things happened pierced her heart.

"Young master De'er, I don't know what will I do without you huhuhu maybe Eldest sister going to kill me if she knew you love me instead of her huhuhu," a gentle sobbing can be heard from the girl who's now wearing a pink furred clothing in the sturdy charming scumbag young master's embrace.

Upon hearing those words Changde's heart panicked so he immediately comforted her," Shhhhh! Don't say that Shu'er, my love, I won't let that bitch do that to you. Before she can do that she'll die first!"

Hearing the honey sweet words from her beloved man bestowing to her younger sister, her heart felt viciously pricked by a million needles. So hurting! Her beloved man loved another woman and that's not her!

But still she doesn't want to open her eyes to the reality. She doesn't believe what she saw, she wanted to know the truth even if its obvious. But she should also never needed to make another mistake that make her regret once again in her life so when she was pierced by a true sword by that scumbag young master she just filled with resentment, regret, hatred, animosity, and any other complicated feelings...

Tear rolled down her cheeks, she come to her own senses and realized that she's crying. The past memories she possibly more or less suddenly care about it more.

"Young miss! It's Chuang Yao's fault for coming earlier! I... I'm... I'm willing to share everything the sufferings young miss' experienced!... You can tell me everything if young miss have feeling hurt! Young miss can cry until she felt better. Young miss should let out any grief she've been feeling. But young miss should remember that she needed to live! Young miss' mother wished young miss happiness but cannot give it. Chuang Yao can only do things that can at leat young miss' pain. Chuang Yao sweared that I'll be loyal to young miss!"

Wiping tears, Hua said," This young miss didn't need to test your loyalty I already knew that you'll always protect from danger no matter what and I'm already grateful for that. You see, I can't see anything. I can't protect myself from dangers. I can't just always rely on others. But I knew that I needed to grow on my own! And live my life to the fullest!"

{(Chuang Yao)}

Do you see that Mistress? Young miss was learning to became much mature! Chuang Yao really promised that I'll always abide by your orders and

young miss' orders. I'll make myself of great use for young miss to grow strong and independent. I'll help her restore her eyesight and cultivation! May young miss stand in highest platform of all.

And I hope that she can revive the glory of our Xian Shi Mua someday.

{Yun/Xian Tian Hua}

I was foolish! I'm such a fool in my past life! And even my current life?! Will I always be like this? No!!!

Given a second chance to live was truly a blessing! I must not waste it anymore!

(Third Person)

Ardpmonth passed and another unexpected things to happen again...

"Chuang Yao, look! Did I got the purple glaze ganoderma, correctly?! Am I?," Hua asked in excitement, showing the sparkling fresh purple crystal like glaze colored varnished kidney shaped- cap with brands and peripherally inserted stems give it a fan like appearance. This ganodermawas truly fresh 'cause it's flat, cork-like and soft. It's so lustrous and have a vigorous vitality. Seemed like it's a High grade Mystique herb.

"Young miss was truly talented! Even without looking at the plant with her own eyes she can easily distinguish the herbs!," Chuang Yao exclaimed.

"Ohh~ The ladies found something great? Can you share the goods to this brothers?," brawny and malicious voice suddenly ranged out of knowhere.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!...Young miss hide!," Chuang Yao suddenly get alerted. She's worried for her young miss, telling her to hide herselft immediately.

But Hua was stubborn. She hesitated for a few minutes before deciding to hide herself with the purple glaze ganoderma.

{Yun/ Xian Tian Hua}

Could it be bandits again? What could this bandits want? Do they want this purple glaze ganoderma? No way! I must not let them get this good stuff.

Chuang Yao was there holding off the bandits. I...

"Give the purple glaze ganoderma to us if you don't want to die young!," I heard one of the bandits demanded.

I was right! They really want the purple glaze ganoderma!

"Why should I give it to you?! My young miss picked it herself so it's naturally belong to us! I won't let you have it!," Chuang Yao refused.

"Then prepare to die!"

With that I don't know when it started but all I can hear was that the clashing sounds of swords and their intense fighting.

Until the I heard Chuang Yao coughed blood. "Hehe! You don't want to give the purple glaze ganoderma? Then you shall die! After you die I'll get the purple glaze ganoderma from that young miss myself!"

Oh no! It seemed like situation was not good! Should I just give the purple glaze ganoderma to them or...aha! I have a bold idea. What if I...

I reveal myself from the hiding spot and shouted.

"Stop! Here fate is not for you to decide! Didn't you want this purple glaze ganoderma?... Then get it if you can!"

I gripped the purple glaze ganoderma and immediately bite it. I chew and chew and chew until I ate all the purple glaze ganoderma. I finished eating the purple glaze ganoderma before they could even react.

I ate the purple glaze ganoderma raw. It should be cooked before I ate it. What will happen if I ate it like that?

(Third Person)

Everyone was stunned. "What?! Little girl, did you just ate the purple glaze ganoderma raw?!," the bandits seemed shocked.

"Uh-huh!," Hua just casually responsed.

"Don't you know what will happened if you eat it raw?," the bandit with long beard and mustache suddenly blurted out.

"No, I don't," Hua honestly answered.

"So that's why. What?! You don't know?! You don't know that it'll became poisonous if you eat it raw?! You won't live within half a hour!"


Lightning seemed to strucked Hua's background.

{ Yun/ Xian Tian Hua}

I, Hua, a wandering female physician and alchemist who helped many people will die in a half an hour because of eating the purple glaze ganoderma raw making it a lethal poison!

I just don't want them to get the purple glaze ganoderma for themselves. Ahhh! Unbelievable!

*<{C3 Finished}>*

{[To Be Continued]}

¤☆¤(C4 In The Next Entry)¤☆¤

"Must you eat something unknown just to keep it for yourself? Isn't that an act of greediness? Tell me, comment in the comment section below. Tnx!"

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