
5. Kallimec Iceberg 8/20/19 Test

1. What is your favorite color? Blue

2. What kind of animal do you like? Penguins and skunks

3. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

4. What is your favorite time of year and why? Fall because its not too cold not too hot and you can have bonfires still.

5. What element do you relate too?

A. Fire: fierce and fiesty

(B.) Ice: cold/shy

(C.) Water: spontaneous and everywhere

D. Thunder: Booming and Dark

E. Grass: Growing and Adventurous

F. Rock: Plain and Boring but Strong

6. What is your favorite type of weather?

A. An Earthquake

(B.) Rain/Thunderstorms

C. Tsunamis

(D.) Snow

E. Sunny

F. Cloudy

7. What is your best subject? Art

8. What is your hobby? Drawing and Biking

9. What are you talented in? Singing

10. What do you want to learn at our school? Too not be shy and make friends.

I looked over my test to see if I needed to change anything. Once I was set I walked up to Professor Mary Weather and handed in my paper.

Kallimec Iceberg: Here is my test professor Mary Weather!

I hand her my test.

M. Weather: Thank you dearie! May I ask what your name is?

K. Iceberg: I'm Kallimec Iceberg. But my friends and family call me Kalli.

M. Weather: Well it is nice to meet you Kalli! I hope to see you in my class once in awhile! Here is a map of the school. You can exit through the doors to the left to start exploring the school. If you get lost there's a button you can press for help! See you in 2 days Dearie! Bye!

Kalli: Bye Mrs. Mary Weather!

I head out the doors and start exploring the school. I wonder how the button works?