
The Escape plan 2

As the day draws darker, Jaylyn anxiety heightened as she led awake waiting. She peeps through her window whenever she hears any sound.

This got her extremely bothered, she just hopes Mrs Camila would be safe and out of any danger. She got down on her knee and prayed silently.

"God please save us tonight!",

Immediately the door opened Miss Camilla quickly helped her out of the room. Before she could speak, she hushed her.

" Hush, now child no question just follow me!. "

They walked down the hallway silently, all the guards were fast asleep, some with their mouth wide opened, Jaylyn couldn't help but chuckled as she saw them, Miss Camila placed her fingers between her lip as she guilds her out warning her from making any sound.

As they got toward the back gate, the girl Grace who helped Mrs Camila deliver the message to Jaylyn was waiting patiently for them holding a bright lantern.

Miss Camila is one of the oldest staff, she threaded them toward a secret path along the back gate. That led them straight to the Center market suddenly she stopped, brought out bag of coin, placed it on Jaylyn hands .

"Listen carefully! "

She said to a Jaylyn who was looking relentless to listen.

"You need to keep moving with Grace , I need to hold them off for a while ". She said but Jaylyn still refused to listen.

Jaylyn couldn't let Miss Camila take the blame all alone, she begged her to join them else she won't go anymore.

"Do you think my uncle would spare you?, "

She asked facing her as she held her hand tight.

"I don't want to lose you too , We must leave together. "

Grace called out to them as she was far ahead after much protest Miss Camila agreed to go with them. As they ran toward the dark lonely path, they were swarmed with fear. They had to rest for a while under a big oat tree along the dreaded road side breathing heavily.

The loud cried of the Owl kept them alert.

" What should we do now?, ' Grace asked looking so frightened by what they had just done and the consequence.

If the Baron and his wife start investigating Jaylyn disappearance she would not be overlooked since she was the only one that had served Jaylyn while she was locked in her room and had contact with Miss Camila whose absent would surely be noticed since she was the one who prepared the meal containing sleeping potions, she give to the guards. Jaylyn thanked her for helping her and promise to aid her if the need arises.

Miss Camila told them about her plans to take Jaylyn to Bridgebrock to see Lord Bryan who had come for her.He was the answer to their current dilemma. She also told her how close their fathers were while growing up.

"If his father really cared why didn't he help or visit during our time of need"

Jaylyn said doubtful, for she was not ready to become another charity case.

"That I can't tell, but we have to save you first from marrying that monster".

She replied with a lot of reasoning.

Jaylyn placed her head on her laps while Miss Camila pats her softly.

"I'm so sorry that because of me, you had to go through this stress. You had to leave everything you had laboured for"

" hush! Now Child, " She kept patting her hair.

" I know the time was right for you to leave, if they had succeeded I don't know if I could ever live with myself,

Do not worry I came out with all my saving even if the Duke refuse to take you in, it will surely save us for some months " She assured her. After resting for an hour, they set off again, as they walked down, they entered a safer street. To avoid been noticed by traveler or any passerby the veiled the faces.


Before the morning cock crowed, Sir Victor arrived with a Priest who was ready to marry them secretly with the carriage they plan to flee the town with. Upon their arrival they met the household in complete disorder as Jaylyn has fled and their guards defenseless.

Sir Victor was furious, he thought the Baron had plan on cheating him by marry her to someone else after accepting a huge sum of money from him. Before he left he warned the Baron to find his bride or return his money.

Lord Bennett was still dumbfounded as he fall back to his chair, the way things had played out this morning, he had never expected it. He woke up to the noise made by his servant who reported that all the guards were fast asleep on duties refusing to wake up and Jaylyn had escaped.

Now a drunk fool like Sir Victor had not only given him an order but also warned him to solve his situation before he informs the king. This got him thinking how much Sir Victor knew with the only possible way to seal his lips before matter gets out of hand.

He struck his right thumb against his middle finger as he ponder over the mistake he had just made.

He had really underestimated his niece not only had she escaped but fled with her gathered allies. All his preparation had turned out to be useless, wherever she had ran to, he will surely bring her back and end her, himself he vowed.

Lady Alfreda stood calmly behind her husband, watched as his forehead shapes into a strong frown, she dare not approach him for he was extremely furious , knowing fully well the entire plan was her idea and he would not listen to anything she has to say.

She was marveled at the fact that Jaylyn outsmarted her.

It was disappointing that their most trusted and valuable Servant had betrayed them by helping Jaylyn escape.

"No matter how far she runs, she wouldn't get out of this town that I will make sure of." Lord Bennett groaned

He giving out order to his henchman to chase after them.

He solely blamed his wife for her pointless advice.


That night, they walked from street to street before the found a moving carriage that carried them towards the boundary road as the night draws to its end.

Luckily, the man raiding the carriage meet his fellow driver who informed him of the road block at the check point that prevent anyone from moving further. They were all alerted as Miss Camila paid him when he reached some mile away from the check point close to the boundary market this prevented them from been caught.

Jaylyn spotted one of her uncle's henchmen, her heart began to pound in fear but luckily he had not taken notice of her, she alert the other. A long silence fell before them as they moved further, they noticed more men were in front . Now they were fully aware that their absence had been noticed they walked back quietly. They walked back to the nearest Inn.

Grace walked into the counter and paid for a room where they could change their dresses. Inside they disguised themselves to avoid being noticed with a black bonnets and wore mourning gowns.

"I don't think following this route would be safer, we have to follow somewhere that your uncle would never expect. "

Grace pointed out.

"Lancoast! " Jaylyn said immediately

" Why Lancoast, it would take us weeks to get to Bridgebrock "

Miss Camila Stated. Jaylyn explained to them how Sir Victor had revealed to her they would stay in Lancoast once they get married. That was a good place to hide. Grace want out to check if it was save for them to come out, after some minutes she found out that everywhere was heavily guarded.

Grace watched as a man entered the Inn to make inquire using the description that matches Jaylyn and Mrs Camila.

. The Henchman enter with his glazing eyes scanning the inn for his target. He kept striking his unshaved face beard softly as he approached the owner of the Inn questioned him about accommodating any recent guest, a girl with an elderly woman. While they were still talking, Grace called out a street child and paid him some coin to distract the fellow talking to the keeper then swiftly enter the room to tell Miss Camila about the what was about to happen.

Immediately they quickly walked out of the room as they reached the main entrance. They found out that the child had created an opportunity for them to escape.

The street kid had launched himself at a maid serving meal to the guest who tripped and landed on the Henchman. Before they could untangle themselves, they both landed on the fall.

They board a carriage that led them to the Sea Port going to Lancoast, a route no one would notice they had taken.

As they arrived at the Seaport , Miss Camila and Jaylyn had to hide behind while Grace left to get tickets.

"How long does it take to get to Lancoast? Grace asked the ticket seller.

" The ship is about to leave, you are lucky you came on time. " he informed her.

Jaylyn and Miss Camilla stood by the corner watching Grace make the transaction between the seaman.

" Do you trust that girl? , Why would she help us all of a sudden" Jaylyn asked immediately as she watch Grace from a distance impressed with how courageous she was.

" No need to fear, let board on first then I will explain everything you".

They got into the ship, Jaylyn drawled out a long breath as the ship set sail.

" Finally, am free" She exhaled