
Finding Our Female

I ran from my pack, my family, for years. I moved from place to place as a lone wolf endlessly searching for freedom. I was resigned to my lonely fate until I was found by a beautiful shifter like me. I was taken in by him and his brothers. Should I stay and put them in harms way or leave and stay a lone wolf forever? Trigger warning **

shellbell94 · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Chapter 35: Understanding

Michael pulled back and said, "You scared me Little Wolf and not a lot scares me anymore". I tried to look away but his grip held firm on my face and I had to continue my look into his eyes. I whispered, "I'm so sorry". His voice was quiet as he spoke again, "No, I'm sorry. I should have spoke to you in private before dinner. I was hoping we could have discussed James afterward.". I flinched at James' name as it rolled off Michael's tongue.

I looked down in submission as I asked, "Did he tell you what happened between us?". A feeling of guilt gnawed at my insides. Michael's hand pulled my chin up again. I looked in his eyes, even with the scar and the one blind eye, he was still so very attractive. His dominant alpha bond made my hair rise as he spoke, "Quit submitting. You have nothing to be ashamed about. Yes, James told me what happened between you both in the art room.". I fought the urge to pull away from his hands and asked, "Why is he running away from me?". Michael smiled and answered, "He would never leave you for long, Little Wolf. What happened between you two scared him. His wolf and him have always been partners, but in that passionate moment he lost control and the wolf dominated everything. He needed some time to collect himself, so when I was called away for business James offered to go in my stead.".

Michael's words quelled my hurt and brought about understanding that was much needed. I was still looking in his eyes when I gained my courage and left the words finally come out, "I feel something for more then just James. I..". Michael put his finger to my lips, "I know... and I feel it too. The first time I saw you my wolf and I had an immediate attraction to you and that's the same for James and some of the others, even if they do not want to admit it. Supernaturals do not have a normal standard for relationships. Do not feel guilty for feeling any sort of way for one or for all of us. Do what feels right and listen to your wolf and your heart.". His admittance and acceptance was dumbfounding. As an alpha wolf, Michael was willing to share me with the others if I wanted. My wolf was content hearing his words if not excited. The human side of me was still unsure of how to proceed, but maybe I should listen to Michael. I had to stop fighting my instincts and my wolf. We were one entity and we needed to act more in unison.

Michael stood up and asked, "I think I need to go on a run. Would you like to join?". My wolf and I hopped up from the chair ready to go. I stopped before leaving the dining area, looking back at my unfinished plate and the food still sitting on the table. "I cannot leave this food out. I have to finish my plate. The food cannot be waisted.", I told him. I heard the desperation in my voice and when Michael looked from me to the food I knew he must understand. He took my uninjured hand and said, "Beth can put the food in the fridge for us. When you regain your appetite later you can have the rest of the food on your plate.". When his fingers touched mine I could feel that sadness he was hiding under his tough exterior. He felt sadness for me, but he acted like everything was just normal. I appreciated his restraint more then he could ever imagine. I was not ready to go to that dark place with him, if ever.