
Chapter 18

But she missed going out and having fun. She missed intimacy, and the excitement of meeting new people, and falling for someone all over again. She missed being infatuated, and learning the ins and outs about a new woman in her life, what to touch and where to kiss and how good it felt to hold another against her body.

At quarter after six on Friday evening, Joanne was only now sliding behind the wheel of her car. She’d told Edie they’d meet at the brewery before the show, which started in less than fifteen minutes. But Joanne was on the north side of the city, and even if by some miraculous act of God the interstate was clear of traffic at rush hour, there was no way she’d make it downtown in time.

First date with a new woman I think I might really like and I’m going to be late, she thought, grimacing as she started her car. Story of my life.