
Finding love in Hell

A woman dumped on her wedding day goes out to numb the pain, picking up some angel wings at the Halloween shop. She goes to a bar and hotel called Hell. She finds herself falling in to the lap of a demon. A very handsome demon, turns out to be a billionaire, after there fun night she wakes up alone in a hotel room. Her life will never be the same.

Freeze_2b · Urban
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11 Chs


" My dress is torn, my hair's a mess and I don't care. I don't care! I don't care that be dumped me! I don't care that he waited till our wedding day. nope don't care! I've waisted so much of my life you know. I'm done. Just done. I want a new life you know?"

" I think you've drank a bit much Angel"

he said taking my drink.

"I'm not done having fun " I pout like a child. Even though I've spent hours dancing and drinking.

"Don't worry Angel we can still have fun."

"yay fun time." I fallow him to a room on the top floor.

"Here is your room for the night Angel." he is a handsome well dressed demon.

"I have to pee" I say out loud before running to the bathroom.

I leave the bathroom in my underwear. I run up and kiss the sexy demon taking his tie.

"Patience Angel. I fully intend to rock your world. Lay on the bed and wait." he whispered, "I'm going to change your whole life. "

I run and jump on the bed. I'm waiting as he sat down across the room. What is he writing? I watch, waiting. I fall asleep and he's still setting there.

I wake up with my head pounding.I set up and I can't remember, most of the night. I'm not sure what I did.

I see his face, the face of a sexy demon.

I lean on the night table to get up.

There are a couple of pills and some water, and a note.

Dear Angel,

This well help you head.

signed with just a letter D.

I look around and see no sign of anyone else.

I take the pills and head to the restroom.

There is another note. I read while I'm on the toilet.

Dear Angel,

Once you have showered please get dressed.

These clothes are for you. Please take your time getting ready, once you are dial 6 on the hotel phone. Let them know you are awake.


Ok this is weird but kind of cute.

I shower, and put the clothing on. Everything fits so well. How did he know my sizes?

This dress looks so expensive and classes.

Who is this handsome demon? There is matching jewelry! What did I do last night?

I feel like a princess. I wonder if there is another note?