
Finding Love ##1

Getting married to total stranger was never on my bucket list. i never even thought that i'll be married to person i don't love. Now here i am. In this guest room which screams how rich this guy is. He didn't even attend the reception which is just makes it clear that he wants nothing to do with me. why I'm even thinking that this marriage will work? it is a freaking contract marriage. Even if I have Jas I've never felt this lonely. I guess Jessica is right for the first time, i will always be alone in this world.

The_dreamer · Urban
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Chapter two

With that the doors opened and I started walking.

The music was playing. I was walking down to aisle "smiling" and looking down at my feet because even though I don't want to get married I still don't want to mess this up by falling on my face, breaking my teeth.

After what felt like eternity we reached at stage near my soon-to-be-husband-who-i-know-nothing-about the great Marcus Knight.

I still can't believe that I'm going to be part of Americas one of the richest family.

Well for 1 year oli.

Mason handed my hand in his and said "please take care of my niece. All my life I've treated her like the daughter I never had. Congratulations sweetie." wiping fake tears of his eyes.

Those words felt like acid in my ear. If only people knew how treats me like a maid behind the doors.

He kissed my cheek and left to stand near Jessica. I can't even stand the sight of both of them. I quickly scanned around the room to see if Jas is here, but I guess they didn't tell him about this marriage or else I know he would've never let this happen.

I finally looked up to see a freaking greek god, he is the most handsome man I'm seeing face to face. He is taller than my 5'5 frame, he maybe at least 6'5 or 6'4 and his eyes are beautiful shade of blue with tint of grey.

Oh shit!!

Why I have to check him out like this in front of all this people. I'm such an idiot.

I mentally slapped my forehead. I looked up to see him looking at me with weird smirk I quickly averted my gaze to ground again with red cheeks. I probably look like tomato.

Take deep breath oli, take a deep breath. I gathered whatever courage I had and looked up only to see him glaring at me.

Doesn't he know that I was forced in this marriage too?

I guess he thought his father will choose a model for him to spend his life with but instead he got a plain jane. I did saw his pictures on google with famous models, actresses and sometimes daughters of another famous business men. The main point is I'll never match his standard. I'm nothing like the girls he dated or still dates.

What?? is it weird to google your soon to be husband? And I still don't know what I was feeling watching him with all those beautiful ladies.

Well anyway oli cheer up!! This is new beginning and as well as I think I should buy diary of thousand pages to write the name of people who are going to hate me for marrying him.

I felt hand on my shoulder which was of my aunt.

She handed me ring with that we exchanged rings he hold my hand in his.

I was still looking down thinking about nothing. My mind was wandering everywhere but here. I just want to escape, run away far from here.

Yesterday his secretary came at home with papers of contract. I signed them. This marriage is of one year. After that we are going to get divorced.

He is not going to give me a penny after our divorce. And oh so many other rules like I have no right on his properties. We have to act like couples in love and so on.

Suddenly I felt squeeze on my hands. I looked up in his grey eyes. I realized its time to say I do's.

"Do you Olivia Williams take Marcus Knights as your lawfully wedded husband?"

Can I run away like right now?

I noticed my breathing quickened.

Olivia this is not the right time to have panic attack.

Marcus's grip on my hand tightened it felt like he was going to break my hand.

"Do you Olivia Williams take Marcus Knights as your lawfully wedded husband?"

The priest repeated.

"I.. I do" i stuttered.

"Do you Marcus knight take Olivia Williams as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." he said.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Oh shit I didn't think about this before. He is not gonna kiss me, right??

He started to come near me.

Holy marshmallows is he really going to kiss me? please don't.

With that I closed my eyes.

I felt his breath on my lips. He smells so nice. Not again oli don't think about--

"Fuck this" i heard him say. his voice is so-- NO!

I felt slightest touch on my cheeks which I assume are his lips. That small kiss set my face on ducking fire. His lips are so soft. Soft like -- what is wrong with me ? why I'm acting like no one has kissed me before? cause no one did oli. You are single since you were born. Whatever. Now to the main topic.

Olivia june williams he is your husband only for a year. Only for a year. Don't get attached to someone way out of your league.

I took a deep breath to clam my beating heart.I can see chris my father in law who was smiling. On the hand I see my mother in law who was glaring daggers at me. She hates me already.

I really thought there were going to be atleast thousand people for this wedding. But There are not many people as this marriage is private. I again looked at Marcus to see his best man saying something to him in ear which gain that guy a punch on shoulder.

Then that guy turned to me.

"Hello. My name Henry Roberts. And I'm this idiots best friend. Nice to meet you Olivia. I hope we get along well, so we can gossip about him, " Marcus was glaring at him , I just smiled and shook his hand. so that guy is Henry.

"It's nice to meet you too Henry."

"Come on Olivia. We have to get you ready for reception." my aunt said with her sugar coated voice. I nodded my head.

The reception was just going to be like family dinner.

I really need to call jas, I need to know if he really doesn't know about wedding.

After coming to a hotel where reception was going to be held I hurriedly went to my assigned room. I saw there was three black boxes on the bed. I opened my bags which were kept near the bed and dialled Jass' number. We talked for few min and apparently he knows about the wedding, my aunt made some story about me having a secret relation with for months and then he proposed. He gave me long ass lecture how I don't consider him my best friend and he will forgive if only I will make him his fav cookies. I have no option but to agree. He is going to visit after his exams are over.

I sat on bed and opened the boxes one had shoes another had elegant diamond earrings.

And the last one had a beautiful red dress. Everything was so expensive .I will never be able to afford something like this even after saving for a year.

As i was getting dressed the same girls came and did my make up again,

And oh my god, they are so freaking good as compare to someone who mess up a winged eyeliner even after practising so many hours. And that someone is me.

After putting on heels I was again in car with Wilson, the location was 15 min away we spent all that time talking. I got know about his wife who is house wife, his 24 year son who works at Marcus's office in London and not to forget his 15 yrs old daughter who made him kinda obsessed with Taylor swifts songs.

The way he talks about his wife you can clearly see his love for her. It looks they just got married yesterday. Call me dumb or stupid as my aunt does but i always wanted to get married to person I love, have kids, a dog or maybe a cat and get old with love of my life while watching my grandkids. That does sound cliché but that was something I always wanted.

"Are you always lost in your thoughts like this?"

"huh.." I just looked down embraced i have always been like this Wilson wish i could say that aloud. He just laughed.

"we have reached"

"Thank you Wilson." I said while getting out of car.

I spotted Henry who waved me to follow him.

I said quick goodbye to Wilson and started making my way towards Henry.

Ok here we go.



Henry Roberts : Marcuss' bestfriend

Jasper (Jas) Decker : Son of Jessice and Mason and olivias' cousin,friend.

Vote and comment if you liked this chapter. And you can comment if you find any grammer mistake while reading if you want to. i will make sure to correct them later.

About next update , it will be on next sunday/monday. I have 2 assignments, 1 group project and math test on next saturday. but i will try to update as soon as i can. I just can't wait to get out of this.

Thank you for your time...😊

Stay safe ,stay healthy. Don't forget to wear mask😷 while going out.

Have a day you deserve...