

As the most popular guy in my college, I've never thought that I would be left with no girlfriends. Tomorrow will be the first day of my last semester but why I'm not happy? I always wanted to get out of the suffocating college, girls and assignments. Why do I feel so down?

Anyways, I have to wake up early, so it's better I sleep!

He pulls the blankets over his head and adjusts himself, as he slides into great slumber.

Next Morning:

'Getcha up! Getcha up!Getcha up! Cyaaaaaa Ryuuuuuu!' Rang the alarm. "Ehhhh!" Russel Mason woke up! "Its already 7" He yelled, holding his alarm clock. He ran towards the washroom and got himself ready and headed downstairs. "Mom, I'm off!" He shouted and left. "You forgot your lunch!" Shouted his mom who was running behind him as she caught him his bag. He halted and looked back. "Thanks mom!" he said and kissed her cheek. "Have a good day!"She handed him the his lunch and he dashed out into the street.

As he reached the college gates, he heard the echos of the first day speech given to all the fourth years. As he realized and began to run, he was pushed by a girl.He fell over his face, his white shirt fortunately didn't ruin as he held himself exerting force on his palms.He heard a sweet voice saying 'sorry'. "What was that!" He yelled as he stood up dusting off the dirt and finds no one around. "What a day!!!" He said and ran inside towards the lockers. He knew, there would be no one inside as everyone were at the auditorium. He walked towards the lockers and stood looking at his locker. He paused what he was doing as he felt he was stamping something. He looked down and found a leather journal. He took it and kept it in his locker, 'I'll return to the owner later', he thought and left with the things he need in his classes.

He slowly walked to the end of the line and stood among his friends as if he was already present. 'Few advantages of being popular?' he thought absent-minded.

This is something new I'm trying to write. Share your views accordingly.

Lady_Akaicreators' thoughts