

As I was about to turn the next page, I heard footsteps approaching me. I looked up, checking my surroundings. I was surprised by her appearance. It was Rose Richards. I looked up to her, and down to the books she's catching in hand. I realised that the journal was open and I can't let her see it! So I closed it quickly and pushed it below my text book which was already open. She looked at me confused, as she approached me.

"Woah! it's you actually. It's unusual of you", She said taking a seat before me. Ugh! "I usually skip classes. This is not unusual." I defy. "Yes, you skip, but it's not that you will float up to here." She stated, raising her brows. "I do this sometimes, you know, it doesn't suit my image but it's a small hobby of mine."I winked at her.

"eee...By the way, why are you hiding Evelyn's Journal?" She asked, twitching her eye brows. I tilted my head unsure of how to answer, as I diverted my eyes from her and looked outside the window. I sighed deeply, my presence telling me that, 'Your caught'. "Yes, there's nothing to defy. I found it near my locker and I wanted to return it. What's wrong in reading the journal?"I said, my voice stern and low.

Rose leaned in and said, "What did she write?" Her voice beaded with excitement and curiosity. I rested my head on my palm, looking at her, she is just as Evelyn defined. I exhaled, looking into her curious eyes, " I'll let you know, only if you tell me who this owner is!?"I looked at her, playfully. "hmm..."She paused,"Okay!"She agreed, her eyes, shadowed some darkness. 'She is really not trustable' , I thought subconsciously. "Before that, accept this deal, if I don't meet the right owner, your secret will be out!"I said as I shifted. Her eyes started to grew darker, as if she's caught, this time!

"What?"She asked innocence evident in her eyes.

"Why will I lie? Don't you know how I am actually?"Rose said in a higher tone, glaring at me.

I chuckled. Not knowing how I am supposed to react. "She's the biggest nerd of my class. So, I speak with her as no one does. She tells me things that she want to share." She said, her eyes beaming with fake puppy eyes .

"Tell me who she is then?"I said, now closing my text book. She glanced around the library, and I followed as well. "She is sitting there. She always writes or paints in this journal, always. I peeked a little sometimes, but I was scolded by librarian that I am just roaming around the library!" She said, lower her voice, stressing the last part of the sentence. "You know, I know your secret?" I said, not believing her. Not even a little!

"Look Mason!" Her voice deep, unclear. "I have secrets but I'm not like you. The first day crush of yours, your story. Everything I know. I knew it long before she actually drew you!" She said grinning devilishly. I smiled a little. "Not that I don't know about yours either Rose!" I said leaning in this time!

As i looked at her, to where she pointed out, I instantly knew her. My middle school crush! Evelyn D'Souza.