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My dad bought me a gift. Yes, it's the limited edition watch!!!❤ My dad expected me to wear it to college, but I said that *it was a very precious one* so I avoided wearing it to college because I know the consequences.

It's the beautiful day, me, my dad, my mom and brother. We all went to picnic. I and brother played in waters in the nearby river. Thank god! I didn't get my periods else I would miss the fun! Mom made apple pie, her master piece of all the dishes she is known for! Mom was always concerned about me. Because I was delicate ever since I was born. But I am a person who turned out to be like my dad. He never gives up! He always encourages me to see ahead and also not to mind any of the disturbances that we get.

'So, she's a loved one. This one makes me relived.' I thought as I smiled to myself.

Of all the days I travel through the local rail, my mind always wanders on various things. Sometimes love, life, struggles and next, I think some random scenery that I want to paint along with my loved one.A very beautiful scenery!

One such day, I never knew, when I was walking my way to the station, I saw a boy of my age, to put it, my school guy! Was helping little street children how to cross the road. His beautiful smile, bringing all cheers to those destitute children.

"Wait! I know this scenario. No. No way! it that me?" I wondered baffled.

He was all himself, looking at him, made me think that, through all struggles, we have to move forward with smile which can't solve but can find some answer to the unanswered question. His eyes had the shine, a shine which was so bright that said •go on living with smile•, so I drew him.

My mom's home-made pickle always has this bitter taste of sesame seeds. I wonder, that already the fall has began to surround me.