
Finding forever online

This book revolves around a lady named Sabrina who embarks on a journey to find love online. Along the way, she encounters various disappointments and heartbreaks with the guys she meets. Just when she thinks she has found the perfect match, she discovers that he practices BDSM, which comes as a surprise to her. This revelation poses a challenge for her, as she must navigate her own feelings, desires, and boundaries within the context of this newfound dynamic. Upon discovering her partner's BDSM practices,Sabrina decides to explore this new world with an open mind. As she delves deeper into the realm of BDSM, she not only discovers a newfound passion but also unravels a hidden side of herself that she never knew existed.

Salmani_Ibro · Fantasy
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Chapter 2:

Today was the first day of school, my Uncle enrolled me in a new school here and I didn't know if I'm supposed to be happy or scared. I got out of bed and picked out my cloths. This school didn't have uniform, which I guess was a good

thing. I got a white shirt that was cut

at the sleeves and short shorts. I put

on my white vans that my dad got me for

Last year's christmas. I put down my cloths on my bed then went to take a shower.

I got out of the shower and put on

my cloths. I brushed my teeth and

did my make up which took a long

time considering I'm not the greatest

at make up. I put my hair in a side

braid to get it out of my face and then I

walked downstairs to make breakfast.

My Uncle goes to work early so I was

home alone. I made myself a bowl of

cereal and ate it fast so I could be at

school early. Once I was done, I took

my backpack and caught the bus.

There were a lot of people I did not

know and I could just believe what

they were thinking.

. . . . . Who is this new girl?

. . . . . She better not take my boyfriend!

. . . . . . . Ugh, someone new!?

I didn't really want to know what they

thought of me, but I hoped that it was

good things. I took a seat at the front

of the bus near no one. I was alone in

that seat for a while until the girl I had

met on my walk came in and sat near

me! I didn't know that she attended this

school. I felt happier already and we

had conversations about how it was

like in that school and how the school

were in California.

We got to school then Megan went

to her class because she knew where

to go. I went to the main office and

the principal brought me to my new class. Sadly, Megan was not in my class but I believe she will be in at least of one of my classes. When I got in the class, the teacher introduced herself and the class.

Her name was Ms. Williams and she was our English teacher as well as my class room teacher. She pointed to an empty seat,instructing me to sit there. I sat down

and we had an English class..my first

English class in my new school. It was time for lunch and I saw Megan sitting

at my back, she then came to sit with me, after our class it was break time, we went to the dining room to get some snacks then we sat there and gisted, Megan was telling me about the most popular and cutest boy in the school. She never mentioned a name but she explained a lot about him. I remember her saying that almost every girl in that school liked him

except of course the girls that didn't

like boys. He sounded interesting and

all and I was listening to her briefly but

I was even more worried about who

else I would meet and what this new

experience would bring for challenges.

We later got up after we all ate and we,

well she talked about " the boy".

We went into math class and I did not

know anyone there. The teacher told

me to sit next to this girl in the back of

the room. She had blonde hair and I

was low key jealous of her looks. The

math class was like the math class back

at home. It was boring but we had to

learn it, well that's what the teachers

say. After class was over I went to

my locker and noticed that the same

blonde girl had the locker next to me.

She seemed nice and we talked for a

little she had mentioned her name,

her name was Laura and then she

mentioned .. "The boy". I wondered

why everyone was talking about him,

I mean he is probably just an average

boy that is a little hot. Anyways, after

that we left school and my cousin was

there to pick me up because although I

was 18,I didn't have a driving license

yet. He dropped me off at home and I

sat on my bed and did my homework.

For some odd reason, I kept asking

myself who was " The guy" and why

was everyone obsessed with him. I had

deep thoughts about it and finished my

homework. I went to get food because

I was hungry since lunch was a long

time ago. I took out Mac and cheese

and made it because I was too lazy to

prepare a whole dish. I was still hung

up on the boy and I didn't have the

brain at the moment to make a big

meal. In fact, I missed the plate while

putting the Mac and cheese on. That's

when I remembered…. Jason, we haven't talked for a while I missed him so much, I

checked my phone and saw his missed calls plus some messages from him saying he missed me I guess we felt the same way that day, I dialed his number and called him, I informed him that we moved to where he stayed, he sounded so happy, he asked me for my address and said he would visit during the weekend, I was so happy when he said that my heart actually did a back flip… We talked for a while then I went to bed.

The move from back there to California could it be a good thing or a bad thing but like I don't know yet. Life's going pretty good as it seems but we all know something always has to pop up to ruin the positivity at one point, it's all a matter of time. Megan was my best friend in California, well,kinda my only friend but still I would like to think I have more than just one friend. Everyone is talking about

The cute guy and I don't understand what's the huge deal about this guy, or any

famous person in general. But Megan

is dating Taylor finally! She told me

and I low key freaked cause they are

adorable together. Megan plans to fly

to LA to see him in the winter and I told

her that I would go with her because

it's close to where I lived, so I can visit

family and friends and of course meet

Taylor. We have school tomorrow

and I'm gonna finally try to meet this

Handsome cute guy everyone's talking about! He must get stalked or

something because I mean, everyone

talks about him. I just hope that I

don't turn to one of those obsessed

girls because I would be annoyed of

myself. This move to California is

great in a way because I met Megan

and I can meet new people along

with new experiences throughout it

all! Hopefully, my time here comes

with great things and not bad things.

Throughout my life, times have been

hard and I'm sure everyone has gone

through bad times and I get that also

hard for everyone but it's harder for

me because I take things in differently.

I just expect everything to go well and

when it doesn't that's when I really feel

hurt, my mom's death made me a different person and helped me to realize that no one is promised tomorrow so I have to live

one day at a time but live it out to the

greatest extent. And that's what I plan

to do with the rest of my life. Enjoy it to the fullest!!!