
Finding Back Home with My Step Brother

Finding Back Home with My Step Brother " follows the journey of a young girl named Yana, whose life takes an unexpected turn when her parents separate. To protect her from the upheaval, Yana's mother hides her away. As time passes in seclusion, Yana's world shifts when she meets her crush, a charming young man named Kiel, completely unaware that he is her stepbrother. Their initial encounter sparks an instant connection, and an irresistible romance blossoms between Yana and Kiel. United by shared interests and a deepening affection, they navigate the thrill of newfound love, oblivious to the familial ties that bind them. As their relationship deepens, coincidences and shared experiences gradually hint at a hidden connection between them. Clues from their pasts begin to surface, eventually leading to a shocking revelation-they are step-siblings. Yana and Kiel must confront the truth that threatens their love and decide whether to let go of their feelings or co konfront the complexities of their intertwined family history. "Fictional Cast Yana Kate Marquez ( Main Cast ) Ezekiel Montenegro( Main Cast) Elizabeth Marquez (Yana's mother) Edward Mediano (Father of Yana) Cynthia Montenegro(Kiel's Mother) Jessa Montenegro (Kiel's Sister) Butch Gonzalez ( Yana's Friend) Mitch Belmonte(Yana's Friend) Tristan Dalman(Kiel's Friend) Marlon Calda(Kiel's Friend) Megz Resco(Kiel's Friend)

CatherineJasmen · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 7; New School, New Life

I'm now in a new school. I quickly found my classroom for my first subject, but it feels strange because I don't know anyone here. Unlike before when I was always with Butch in searching for our classrooms.

I enrolled in 18 units, so I have 3 major subjects each day. I didn't change my dorm since the new school isn't far from my previous one, but I still have to ride a bus to get here.

This is what I wanted though - to be away from the people who hurt me.I sat at the back, there were no people there and I didn't want to have a seatmate. It's the first time I chose to sit at the back in class. I feel lonely being left out. They all seem happy and acquainted with each other, while I'm here, alone. No one to talk to, no one I know. I rested my arms on the desk and buried my face in them. I closed my eyes, but my mind was still awake. I savored the sounds around me. After a while, two girls in front of me let out a simple squeal.

"He's so cute, like a new transferee," one of them said, giggling.

I paid no attention to them and continued to bury my face in my desk. Eventually, I felt someone take a seat next to me. Still, I ignored them.

The professor seems to be taking a while, don't you think?" my seatmate asked with a voice that sounded somewhat familiar.

I lifted my head and saw the handsome face of Kiel. I was surprised by what I saw. I rubbed my eyes, hoping that I was just seeing things, but it really was Kiel in front of me. "What are you doing here? How did you get in? I asked him.

I enrolled here," he replied. "What? How? What happened to your OJT?" I asked him one question after another, my head still swimming with confusion.

"It just so happens that my stepdad knows the dean of the BS Architecture department here. I asked for his help in enrolling for the subjects. As for the OJT, I decided to postpone it for now. I might do it next semester. " Kiel said with a smile

Though I was a bit confused, I felt a slight thrill and happiness, but I didn't show it to him. "You're not thinking about your future," I told him. "But my future is here," he replied.

The first subject ended, and Kiel was still my classmate in the second and third subjects. He followed me wherever I went, even in the cafeteria while I was eating. I didn't acknowledge him, so I just let him be.

I'm going home and waiting for the bus,but Kiel is still following me. "How long are you going to follow me?" I asked him directly. "Until you reach home," he replied. "Really? I'm getting on the bus ,are you already on board?" I asked, teasing him.I find it amusing.

He really got on the bus, and he was sweating profusely because it was crowded since I took a crowded buses during rush hour. I smiled when I saw him wiping off his sweat, seemingly struggling with his standing position.We arrived outside my dorm, and Kiel bid goodbye to go home. Although I wanted to invite him, I hesitated because of the mixed feelings I had. "Take care, Kiel," I said to him with a serious expression.

We had dinner together with Butch and Mitch, it's been a while since we had this kind of gathering ever since I got together with Kiel and Mitch started dating Megi. Butch, however, went home to his dorm. For now, Mitch said he's no longer with Megi, so we were all happy and enjoying our time together.Do you know that Kiel has stopped studying?" Butch asked, looking at me.

Yes, I know that he entered the same school as me and took a subject similar to mine. I provided them with the answers.He has a connection with the Dean at UST, that's why he was able to take the subject. I narrated. Both of them exclaimed in excitement, saying, "Your hair is so long, girl." "You know, Kiel really loves you. I've seen all the effort he puts into you."Mitch said, "I just shrugged my shoulders and changed the topic of the conversation with them.

On the day of school, Kiel was still tailing me. It continued every day in our entire class. He would try to talk to me, but I would ignore him. Sometimes he would crack jokes, albeit a bit cheesy. I tried my best to stay unaffected and brush him off. Even though I wanted to laugh, there were moments when our boy classmates would ask me something, and he would intercept, answering on my behalf. Kiel had also struck up conversations with some of our classmates. He was funny and friendly, like a playful frog. He even spread rumors that I was his girlfriend in class, but I just let him do his antics.

One day, Kiel didn't show up for our first subject. I waited, thinking he might be running late, but he still didn't arrive until the end of the class. I decided to check my phone, only to realize that I had blocked him on all social media platforms and my phone as well before. I unblocked him on my phone and also on social media.

I wanted to message him and ask what had happened, but I restrained myself. The second subject ended, and a heavy feeling weighed on my chest. It felt like I didn't want to attend my last subject.

A few moments later, I saw him rushing into the last subject. He apologized to our professor for being late, and my heart filled with joy upon seeing him. I looked at him and whispered, asking what happened and why he was absent for the first two subjects.He smiled and asked, "Did you miss me?" blushing as he said it. I playfully lightly tapped his arm, but he just laughed. He explained that he went home to take care of some personal matters that needed attention.After our last subject, I invited him to have ice cream. "Let's have some ice cream," I said as I extended the invitation. He smiled and jokingly remarked, "I should always be absent then, so you'll talk to me first, smile at me, and even treat me to ice cream," he mischievously added while looking at me.I looked at him and smiled back.

He took my hand, and we held hands as we walked into the ice cream parlor together.I couldn't help but smile as he held my hand tightly, just like he used to. Sometimes, he would even give my hand a gentle kiss. They say that loving someone the second time around is even sweeter. And now, Kiel and I have reconciled. I gave him a second chance because he truly deserves it.

Yes ,of course ,I felt sorry for you struggling to ride. I laughed and he replied, 'For you, I can handle that, Yana.' And now, I'm extremely happy because we're okay," he said in a serious tone. I slowly looked up and kissed him on the lips, a simple gesture filled with love. "Thank you," I whispered to him.I love you too, Yana. Thank you for giving me a chance. I love you too, Kiel.

As I entered my room, a smile stretched across my face, still feeling the lingering warmth of Kiel's kiss. He really knows how to make me feel special. A little while later, he messaged me, saying, "I'm home now, my love." I grinned as I read that simple message.

The vacation and Christmas break are nearing, and Kiel invited me to spend Christmas Eve at their newly opened resort in Washington. He mentioned that his family would be celebrating there, and he wanted to introduce me to them. I felt excited and decided not to go home for now. I also asked for permission from my mom, and she understood, knowing that I promised to be with them for New Year's. Kiel also expressed his desire to accompany me, which got my mom excited as well. Love, is everything ready now? I'm bringing it out!" Kiel shouted while I was in my dorm room, getting ready. "Hold on, I'm coming out too," I replied to him. We were going to spend three days at Kiel's private resort, and just the thought of sharing a bed made me prepare everything in advance. Knowing that Kiel is a gentleman, I wasn't sure what the situation would be like, so I brought all my hygiene kits and sexy sleepwear. I chuckled at myself, playfully scolding my own flirtatious thoughts.

We arrived at the resort around 7pm and bumped into Kiel's only sibling, Jessa. "This is my girlfriend, Yana," I introduced myself, extending my hand with a smile. "Nice to meet you, Jessa." Kiel then instructed, "Alright, let's go to our rooms and get ready. We'll have dinner together later. I'm excited!" Jessa eagerly expressed her excitement as well.As I was fixing myself in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but feel nervous. What if Kiel's family doesn't like me? Numerous questions swirled in my mind. I decided to wear a red dipped waist formal dress and apply light makeup. Love, are you ready?" Kiel asked me, and I nodded. Is it okay my dress?" I looked at him and replied, "Yes, love, it's fine. It suits you, and you look even more beautiful." He smiled and held my hand tightly. I'm

Kiel, !" Kiel's mother said with delight. "Ma this is Yana my girlfriend, and Yana l, she's my mother," Kiel introduced us. I extended my hand for a handshake with Kiel's mother, who was beautiful and carried herself with grace. "I heard you're a talented architecture student," Kiel's mother asked in a polite tone, with a smile on her face.

My husband is also a skilled architect, and in fact, we have our own firm. If ever you're interested, you can work with us," she said.

A moment later, she turned around and shouted, "My love, you're here with the new arrival!" I glanced at the newcomer and almost gasped at what I saw. It was my father, who had abandoned us.

Yana," he uttered softly, and we locked eyes. The anger I felt towards him for abandoning us resurfaced. I quickly stood up and left. Everyone present watched us, and I could still hear his shout, "Yana, my child!" He was about to chase after me, but Kiel held him back, as he had been following me.I entered the room and silently cried, and Kiel followed behind me. I could see the concern on his face.

He quickly came to me, embraced me tightly, and I found myself sinking into his chest, sobbing for a long while.

So, all this time I didn't know that Kiel is the child of the woman my dad chose over us. What a coincidence, out of all the men, it had to be Kiel. I couldn't help but ask myself with tear-filled eyes.

I looked at Kiel and asked, with a bitter mix of laughter, "So, you're my stepbrother?"

He looked back at me, hoping that this newfound knowledge wouldn't affect our love. "I love you so much, and I don't want us to be separated again," Kiel said in a somber tone.

After I had composed myself, I looked at Kiel and expressed my desire to go home.

"Tomorrow, let's go home, okay? It's getting late, and it's becoming dangerous at night," he said. I nodded in agreement.

I love you so much, Yana, and that will never change, even though we now know the truth about both of us. I hope you feel the same .Kiel said me with concern.

I know that, and you're not at fault. I'm just hurt because I saw how happy he were with them while my mother and I... I shook my head. He abandoned his own child and took care of another child with another woman, I said, feeling a mix of pain and resentment.