
Finding a new Equilibrium

Marinette is exhausted and overworked left alone by her so called partner only for a new and grater threat to appear leading to changes never before seen in the world as hawkmoth starts to change much more than ever thought possible. This fic will contain many Toxic relationships and a lot of bashing on pretty much everyone in the original cast along with many other darker scenes like attempted rape and sexual assault.

manga_king_kuger · TV
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3 Chs


When Marinette woke up the next day she was exhausted and still tired (facts, it be hitting like that) staying up late weeks on end with little to no sleep. Marinette had to wake up and drag herself to school. Marinette was tired and decided that she didn't want to deal with anyone today and just decided to quit dealing with people so she decided she was going to skip school today. After getting dressed and leaving Marinette transformed into ladybug and went on an early patrol.

Ladybug was running on a rooftop and saw a weird looking dog or wolf it looked to have wings she was about to call it in, after looking into its eyes she forgot what she was going to do and went on with patroll

Marinette after patrolling the city decided that there was no better time to practice magic than now tiki had told Marinette that people being able to innately use magic exist and that magic was like a radio using different amounts of creation and destruction

Tiki had told Marinette that her body has a lot of creation energy and is being counteracted by nature making around her extremely unlucky tiki was explaining that magic is just using different amounts of creation and destruction

Marinette was soaking everything up like a sponge but asked a question that stumped her "how come everyone has a different affinity certain magics" tiki only replied with "because it's their natural frequency just like how when you turn on a radio it starts at a certain frequency before you adjust it."(the only metaphor I could think of to explain it)

Marinette was practicing making tiny metal balls using creation and destroying the balls with destruction after being able to balance her energies ,Marinette realized that now she can do magic out of the suit at first Marinette was only able to use magic in suit due to it automatically balancing itself.

Marinette was extremely excited because tiki said that with enough magic she can create anything but would be extremely taxing on her magic after getting creation magic down Marinette was trying to learn destruction magic but was turned down by tiki because plagg wasn't here to limit her destruction like she was doing with her creation

Marinette has started working with mullo in order to make copies of her self so that she can look for hawkmoth and be at school. Marinette is only able to make herself into 3 without the miraculous and 15 with the mouse miraculous

At the end of the school day she went home a bit early to avoid people seeing her after getting into her room she started to contemplate what she was going to tell chat noir because she is tired and exhausted every day having to take care of everything herself so to know what she feels like Marinette decided that she isn't going to show up at the next akuma until he beats it just to purify the akuma

——————————————————-Shadowmoth pov————————————

Gabriel is getting extremely bored because although their forces will start to grow soon he is getting impatient although he has two akumas running around he's bored and that's when the realization hit he already has two akumas running around meaning that he's not limited to one at a time and he gets an idea he has a butterfly fly into his hand an turns the beautiful white butterfly into an akuma after shooing it of he falls to the ground tired and happy that he finally got over this hurdle and is one step closer to getting the miraculous

——————————————— Akuma ——————————-

The akuma flies to a random boy who was angry at his friend for stealing the girl he liked and enters the boys phone and was granted the power to control whoever he touches as he left his room touches his parents and ordered them to go drag people to him to touch


After going out on patrol solo, again saw two people run and start grabbing and drag others. After stealthily following the two adults inside and sending an sos to chat noir saw a boy around her age with black hair ,neon purple tips and shining purple eyes wearing a dark purple tank top and blue sweat pants

After looking over the boy and checking if chat noir replied only saw a single object on him being his phone in his pocket and after thinking of a plan . Ladybug called for her lucky charm and got a lighter and after looking around the room spotted a sprinkler system and a stack of printer paper and then looked at the lighter in her hands before rushing off.

Ladybug stealthily grabbed the paper lit it on fire and blew on the sheets letting it catch on fire before throwing it up and letting the sprinklers go off short circuiting the phone .

After catching and purifying the akuma threw up the lucky charm calling miraculous ladybug before letting her magic spread throughout the building fixing everything damaged

Ladybug checked her yo-yo phone to see if chat noir replied and was furious because although she took care of the akuma relatively quickly was expecting a reply or call just something and even waited 5 more minutes for a reply or response but again nothing came.

After waisting so much time waiting just decided to wrap up patrol for tonight and went home after reaching her balcony and de transforming leaves Marinette in ladybugs place went inside her room to have a long overdue conversation with tiki and the other kwami about chat noir

——————————————-Marinette's room———————————

-Ok guys this is getting way too out of control I'm basically doing everything by myself, we're supposed to be a team- said Marinette

Tiki replied with -but what if he's extremely busy or can't get away from his civilian duties-

Marinette said -than we replace him because this is bigger than him and I ! and if he isn't willing to sacrifice something's for the good of everyone than he doesn't deserve to hold the cat miraculous!-

Tiki attempted to rebuttal saying- bu- only to be cut of by Marinette saying with her eyes watering -tiki look at everything I've given, I've given up my friends, my good grades, my time with my family, my love life , my career and finally my health -

Marinette continued shouting with tears leaking saying -tiki this isn't healthy in the last week alone I've had less than 12 hours of sleep and on top of that I spend all the free time I do have I spend trying to salvage my grades or training that isn't healthy-Marinette was full on crying at that point with the kwami trying to comfort her

Marinette continued by saying-the whole point in having a partner is to have each other's back to make each other's load lighter I have to do everything myself from dealing with the akuma to comforting the victims, Dealing with the evermore pushy press to find shadowmoth with no help from the police or the mayor it's just so hard -Marinette says crying for the first time in a long time

The kwami are trying hard to comfort Marinette and perfect her from being akumatized while having a few on lookout for akumas but none ever came

The kwami unanimously decided to find a better more suitable chat noir

—————————————-Adrian pov—————————-

-uggg why can't my dad chill out right plagg- Adrian said Plagg replied with -we should have left the fight the akuma when you had the chance - Adrian brushed of what plagg said and replied with -she'll be fine she ladybug she's perfect she can take it I know she can I just can wait until we meet up tomorrow I must be growing on her because she never asked to meet outside of patrols or after akuma attacks she might even ask me out -

Adrian soon went to sleep after gushing about how she must love him to the ire and disappointment of plagg