

Lina and Alex are a team again. The detectives are officially back. Their case is quite strange. "Find the crown,before the music stops!" What is the most secure place to hide something in a town? A restaurant? A home? A hospital ? A COFFIN? A bank? GO FIND OUT !

mayssa_benletaifa · Urban
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-Faster !

The dancers started to laugh.

The more the music was going the more they laughed.


-Sir! This dance is very funny, how did you come up with such movements?

-I just stole it.

-Wait, what?

-I killed the choreographer after stealing this dance.

-That is illegal

-I am joking, man!

I can't believe you fell for that!

-But you sounded serious, and I –

-I said Faster!

Angeline, out!

The show is next week and you are still making the mistakes over and over again.


A dancer collapsed!

-I said out!


-Sir, the designer said the costumes will be ready by Thursday.

-Ok, nice.

Fire the one who is in charge of the lights.

-Sir, the show is next week .we can't afford to change everything!

-And also, fire the assistant!

-I am the assistant, you can't fire me!

One of the staff: Sir, it is horrible!

The crown! It is missing!

-No way, move!

All three when to the backstage where the decorations were kept.

The dancers were taking a little break before practicing again for the third time that day.

It was already 5pm but no one was ready to go home.


Meanwhile, Alex was at Lina's.

In the kitchen, he was searching for tea leafs.

Alex: Lina, where do you keep the tea leafs?

Lina (shouting from the bathroom):

I don't know, Alex!

I am in the middle of the shower.

Ask Toto!

Alex didn't have much choice but to do what Lina said.

He started calling Toto:

Toto! Toto, come here!

A few minutes later, Toto came.

He was short, had nice hair and apparently he was taking a nap.

He was still asleep.

Alex to Toto:

I can't believe I am doing this…

Where do you keep the tea leafs?

Toto: woof! Woof! Woof!

Alex: I see…

Lina started laughing at this scene:

Alex, a grow ass man, a popular detective asking Toto, the home dog about leafs!

Alex: I am desperate, where are the leafs?

Lina: I think we ran out of it, didn't Toto tell you? Laugh*

Alex: Very funny, detective Lina!


Naziha: Hello, what's the matter?

??? : I stole the crown and I want to confess this crime

Naziha:you stole a crown? From the museum? Strange we didn't get informed about a stolen item yet…What is your name?

???: The hell you are doing? Are you trying to get us thrown in jail? No wait! This is going too far, Conrad!

Naziha:Conrad? What is going on? Sir? Madam? Where are you?

???:OH no, the phone !the call!she heard us!

"Ding, ding, ding"

Naziha: Hello?

"Ding, ding, ding"

Naziha: Someone,go get that call! Hello?

Sir? Do you hear me?


"Ding, ding, ding"


Chef: so basically; someone called to confess about stealing a crown, and a person named Conrad tried to stop her/him

"Ding, ding, ding"

Naziha: yes…a moment please!

"Ding, ding, ding"

Naziha proceeds to answer her colleague's phone.

Naziha: Hello!

???: Is that Claire? I kept calling for about an hour now but you did not answer

Naziha: you got the wrong number, madam.

This is the police station!

???:Oh ,my bad! Have a nice day!

Naziha: you too, thank you.

"Ding, ding, ding"


???: I know!

Naziha: oh, well… how can I help you?

Are going to report a stolen crown?

???: YES!

The show is next week and we have no crown. It got stolen! Send help! You must find it! The crown!

Naziha: Sir,you need to calm down! I will send a team to inspect!

Do not touch the crime scene!

"Ding, ding, ding"


I am in a middle of a call, how can it ring?

Chef: It is my phone, my bad.

Naziha: …

Chef: I will ask team A to go, where did the item got stolen?

Naziha: It is a crown! It is in the theatre.

Team A? is it back?

Chef: yes!

Naziha: Finally, the powerful duo is back!

???: No crown, no show!

-That sounded good, sir!

-You think so? Didn't I fire you?
