
chapter 3

I laid down on my bed facing the ceiling, wondering on what to do next, probably I should just let things cool down for now,I know dad would come around and forget about everything, besides am his favourite he can't be mad at me for that long.I can't believe have been in this bed for the past 8hours,I didn't bother to go downstairs for lunch,it's not as if they care if am hungry anyway.my stomach it's growling and so hungry right now,I quickly went to the kitchen and took some food to sneak it into my room when I heard mom's voice,young lady where do you think you are going,don't you know where the dining table is?she asked!I quietly went and sat at the dining to eat,mom's torn of voice had never been this way,she was to furious with me.Since it was a weekend everyone was home,dad was in the study room reading his magazine while mom was preparing what to cook for dinner,I opted to help her but she resisted and instead told to me she was ok doing it alone.I wondered since I always helped her to prepare dinner,but I understood the reason behind that cold treatment.i just went to my room and sat quietly to myself thinking,maybe I should just apologize,that's the best thing to do,I'll do it at the dinner table later when everyone is there.I wonder how Lola is, haven't spoken to her since last night,I bet she tried calling me up but found me on voice mail.lola never sits her ass down, probably she's with that big headed boyfriend of hers,I wonder what she sees in that man,everytime I ask her,shed say i should shut up,I don't know what true love is.lol maybe it's true but who would date such a big headed boy like that in her true sences, I guess she's just blinded by love,I love her anyway she is my best friend.