
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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52 Chs


"Ahh you have arrived little Lucian, let us head out first we will take you to register at the main guild hall, then as new guild members you will be assigned a guide to show you the facilities and aide you two on your first mission, you will have to complete missions before each of our individual training sessions so don't slack off." Xander spoke before he sliced the air in front of him like butter.

"Alina, these are the two new recruits, take them downstairs and get the registered." Xander spoke immediately to the woman sitting behind the seat with her feet on it sitting back as she scrolled on a device that looked like a phone.

"Y-yes sir!" Alina said as she fumbled the device she was holding being caught off guard by Xander trying to hurry and remove her feet from the table.

Seeing this Xander only laughed before he and Prometheus disappeared from the sight of the three remaining.

Alina look as if she was in her twenties she had brown skin with beautiful black hair that was loosely curled. Her eyes were crimson red giving her delicate face a sharp feeling. As her petite body betrayed the maturity in her face.

"Well let's get going, things are fast around here we don't like to waste too much time." Alina said causing Lucian and Althea to exchange glances.

"Sure does look like it.." Lucian said causing Althea to laugh lightly.

Alina stopped and gave the two a sharp look sending a shiver down both of their spines. "Since I know who you two are I will overlook it, but be prepared the other members of this guild are quick to fight even teammates most people won't kill or cripple anyone but say the right thing to anyone and be prepared to fight for your life." Alina said as they walked through a dimly lit hallway.

The design of the hallway was gothic like the interior of the home Lucian hade woke inside of.

The floor was blood red tiles while the walls seemed to be made of a stone like material cut into bricks.

Along the walls were different statues and armpits as if displaying the might of the entire guild with the powerful aura each item eminated.

As they walked forward they quickly arrived at a winding stairwell that was like by flame formations on each side of the wall.

They walked down the winding stairwell for a couple of minutes listening to Alina explain the place they were walking through.

"This is the west spire of the main guild hall, the guild hall takes up most of the interior of the castle you see from outside while the rest is more residiental for adventurers families and commercial trade."

"From the west spire you can get to the training hall which is at the underground level, above that is the primary lobby where you will find missions for ranks E through A. The level above the main lobby is reserved for rank S and above so it is usually less crowded."

"The teleported that can take you to your mission sites and any other adventurer guild hall is located in the main lobby and you have to use your guild badge to access it, each badge has its own level of permissions based on your adventurer rank and you badge can also work like a mission selector and portable teleported teleporting you back to the main guild hall." Alina said while waving the device she was scrolling through in front of Lucian and Althea.

"Most missions require a group of at least two adventurers, other guild halls have different requirements but the talent level here pushed people to grow so two is the minimum unless the mission specifically stated otherwise, and if you want to go out solo you will be required to be able to fight multiple opponents above your level in a test of ability."

"The floors above the s rank missions are still confidential to me, so there's not much I can tell you about them aside from the top floor where I am an intern receptionist for the guild master while his primary receptionist takes on missions." Alina said as the noise began to flow into their ears as they traveled down the stairwell.

"This is the main lobby where you will register, go to the moon shaped desk near the teleported and tell them you have been recruited by prime, they will know what to do."

As they finally made it to the ground level floor the sight of many people entered their sight. There were even people that didn't look human, beast people, elves, dwarves, fairies this was something the two youths hadn't expected as the looked on in shock.

"Go on now, I have to get back to the receptionist desk and make sure the Prime stays on task with his schedule, he likes to dump task on me if I let him forget." Alina said annoyed that the kids were standing there looking wide eyes at the scene in front of them.

Hearing this Lucian and Althea again exchanged glances as they began to walk out of the stairwell.