
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Forest Rumble

Lucian closed his eyes as fifteen minutes flew by and the family heads voice boomed loudly.

"The first round will last 12 hours if there is no winner the remaining contestants will be ranked based on eliminations." She stated before a loud whining beeping began a countouwn.




Lucian felt his body released from what held him in place. He first moved his body around a bit shaking off the stiffness from standing in place while he looked around for the slightest movement.

Once he had confirmed the area was clear he hooked his bladed while go his wasteband and climbed into a tree.

'There slightly more than 50,000 participants so some will surely come out of this with 0 eliminations, but if there's no stand alone winner then I will need to find some people.' Lucian thought.

'But that sounds like a lot… hmm maybe' Lucian thought as a devious smile began to spread across his face.

He jumped from the branch he was on to another traversing for branch to branch as he surveyed the land ahead for movement.

As he traveled the sound of battle entered his ears as he could hear the clashing of weapons and the huffs of an arduous battle.

"Damn it, it's so early why'd I have to run into you!" The youth that was obviously more tired out said between labored breath.

"Ahh come on it's no hard feelings you know I love you, the dark skin male said back while smiling showing his brilliant whit teeth before he threw a punch expecting to land his first elimination.

Just before the boys punch landed, Lucian dropped down from the tree his foot landing flush against the labored youths face causing his body to disappear as he was sent back to his resting area.

Instead Lucian ended up taking the darker youths punch to which he attempted to parry stopping the punch from landing flushly with his face.

Still the punch landed on his forearm with force he wasn't expecting any youth from this world to have.

He spun violently before tumbling across the wooded floor.

"Aww come on why'd you do that?" The dark skinned youth asked in a childish manner as if candy had been taken from him.

Lucian regained his bearings noticing he wasn't too badly injured just a few cuts and bruises.

Lucian didn't say anything, he only observed his surroundings while slowly backing away from the other youth.

"The silent type huh?" The dark skinned youth said as he pushed for a moment before he rushed towards Lucian with immense speed.

Every step he too seemed to light a path and leave the trail of the path he took as he moved again faster than lucain had expected from any of the youths participating.

He quickly jumped and flipped onto a tree branch with all of his strength he pushed of going from branch to branch as fast as possible while I bolstering his chain whip.

Unsurprisingly the dark skinned youth was hot on his train as he followed on the ground effortlessly navigating the forest terrain.

"Come on let's make this quick I'd rather not wait the entire 12 hours I like my sleep." The dark haired youth said as he chased Lucian slowly gaining ground.

Lucian began spinning the bladed end of his chain blade before he threw it into the trunk of a nearby tree causing him to slingshot around as his knee landed flush with the youths arms blocking his attack but not without consequence.

The force of the knee at that speed had caused the faintest cracking sound.

"Good god kid what branch of the family are you from?" The dark hair youth asked while his hand flowed with a bright light as he held it to his arm.

"What happened to make this quick?" Lucian asked as he stood atop a tree branch observing his opponent.

"You may be more trouble that what you're worth at this stage… the round just began." The dark skinned youth stated.

"But I was just starting to have fun." Lucian said his devious smile once again spread across his face.

Lucian dropped from the tree branch seemingly disappearing in to the shadows a few seconds later the youth flipped backwards narrowly dodging Lucian's foot coming directly towards his face at incredible speed.

"And they say I'm annoying wait until Snow White gets a load of you." The other youth said as he began to roll his shoulders and hop up and down seemingly preparing.

The youth exploded forward only to meet a chain blade being thrown directly at his face he narrowly dodged to the side stabilizing himself on the trunk of a tree for only a moment before launching himself towards Lucian.

Just before the youths reached Lucian he drew a dagger from his waistband thrusting it through Lucian's torso only for his body to disappear almost like the other youths had.

"Dang… I guess you weren't as strong as I'd…" the dark skinned youth began before a knee came crashing towards his face at incredible speeds.

He quickly tried to use his hands to defend his face but he was just too late causing his fingers to brace the impact on his face saving his nose from being broken.

"You're strong, but you're not the smartest in the family huh?" Lucian teased as he sat atop a tree branch teasing his opponent.

"Little brat.. It's time big cousins shows you the ropes." The other youth stated

As his power began to glow and a small light began to illuminate his figure from behind completely obscuring him from sight.