
Finally An Incarnation Where I Can Ascend

Ascención is a complicated topic, enlightenment is thought by some to be the highest form of spiritual Ascención, while others know that there’s always something past the end of the horizon. The endless, the unknown. Lucian lives to find the truth, the reason all of existence was created and for that he has to go beyond time beyond eternity, and beyond Ascención. Join Lucian as he travels the endless universe in search for the truth of its existence.

Immortal_Vagabond · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Dark Owl

"So does that mean we will be students or something?" Althea asked with a slightly dumbfounded expression.

"In a sense, the only difference is you two will be under direct tutelage of our light family elders." Adela said which gave some understanding to Lucian and Althea.

"But isn't that kind of suspicious? How do people not know the light family controls the adventurers guild?" Lucian asked wondering how such a large family controlled an even larger organization under the noses of all of its members.

"That is the great thing about it, many of the members that have advanced high enough in the ranks of the adventurers guild know that we are in control of the adventurers guild and after having our backing for so long and gaining so much power in the organization many if not all of them have grown to support our goals." Adela responded to lucians question to which he nodded in approval.

"Also in the wider world our light family is known as the Star family." Adela waved her hand as she said this and the hologram of the adventurers guild headquarters disappeared, it was replaced by food being lain out on the table.

There were many bite sized sandwiches stacked neatly in a pyramid, along side the sandwiches a pitcher of what looked to be water appeared alongside 2 glasses.

"My chefs prepared this for you two, they are made with a special beast meat called the dark owl, it is a rank 0 beast known for its wisdom and omniscience. Eating its flesh can help one's soul foundation grow so they may think more clearly…" Adela said with a brief moment of thought before continuing.

"It is best eaten while still a youth, but it can also be dangerous to eat for people not of a certain strength that is why they made it in bite sized sandwiches. The water is from an ancient spiritual lake said to be the spiritual sea of one of our ancient ancestors… still even I haven't confirmed that one but its effects are undeniable, it ought to help you both consume and adapt to the changes the dark owl sandwiches will cause." She finished.

Hearing and seeing this Lucian and Althea exchanged glances, before they both grabbed a small sandwich from the plate and took their first bite.

Immediately their mouths were filled with the perfect balance of juicy, chewy, sweet, and savory.

The dark owl meat had the taste of a medium rare steak and the vegetables used had slight hints of sweet while the bread was the balance right between sweet and savory making the sandwich hit every single possible taste desire.

One bite was enough to finish each small sandwich and after they chewed and swallowed they could feel the food breaking down at an unimaginable way.

As the food broke down it felt as though it had become pure energy sinking into their stomachs at first making their stomachs ache like a large ice cold rock was trying to be digested.

Adela had already poured both of their glasses of the water, "Now drink.." Adela spoke directing her hand towards the two cups.

Althea and Lucian quickly reached for the cups, as they gulped down hoping to ease the knotting in their stomach. The water was cool, but felt the perfect temperature coffee of hot chocolate going down.

Just as immediately as the pain had set in it was washed away as th energy began to break down and digest through their entire body.

It felt like their bodies were becoming lighter, as though everything they saw was becoming clearer. The world around them began to slow down as a sort of dizziness had set in.

Seeing this Adela chuckled, "ahhh yes the water also has the effects of wine so you may want to drink a bit more slowly."

Hearing this Lucian and Althea looked at her incredulously as they chewed their second unresistable bite sized sandwiches.

The flavor alone was worth the pain, but the fact they felt clear minded and drunk while also feeling their body strengthening, they could care less about anything.

They continued their process of eating a bite then drinking q bit of water as they raced to not let the other get the advance in strength on one another by having consumed more.

Quickly they reached the bottom of the pyramid, and shortly after there was only one sandwich left, they looked at each other then back to the plate and the last one was gone.

Aioleus could be seen chewing, "Those dark owls used to be a favorite of mine, they only seem to get tastier as time passes." He said with a satisfied look on his face.

Lucian and Althea had protested and contested, only they did so in thought and not in reality, the water had induced such a clear state of mind and such a feeling of intoxication it was as though they had entered into a trance as they both quickly fell asleep full and satisfied.