
Final Waltz

When Tracy's little sister - the last of her family - is killed, she joins the Rebellion, seeking revenge, and in doing so, betrays her mother's people - the Fey.

Hyacintho14 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


It was raining fire.

The sky was torn at the seams. Tattered blood red burst forth and gushed from a crimson void - the heavens writhed and roiled, crumpled in on itself and flowed freely from a gaping wound.

Tracey gagged, the taste of ash bitter in her mouth. The air was too thick with smoke - she could see nothing but the broken bodies of once-tall skyscrapers. Tears coursed down a thin, grimy face, and she clawed at the wall of rock, blood trickling down her hands. Her fingernails had been torn off in her desperation.


It was like hide and seek when they were younger - only this time her little sister wasn't hiding in a cupboard or under a bed. Letty was trapped in between two fallen buildings, on the brink of death, and Tracy couldn't do anything to help her.

She choked out a prayer, but she knew it was no use. Her sister was dead, and the Lord themselves had turned their back in shame.

The brittle, blackened bones finally snapped in a jagged line and the sky collapsed onto the burning city.