
Final System: Level Up or Die.

(Read below for current promotion goal!) “A system for one, a system for all, a system for those in need of a call!” In a world where children are blessed with a single system from the Elder Tree when they reach the Age of Wisdom, humanity has become dependent on these gifts to go about their daily lives. Everything from cooking to combat - there seemed to be no end to the capability the systems offered them. That is until one day the Elder Tree withered up and stopped giving out systems. This gave way to an incurable plague due to the lack of a system and now children were dying in mass numbers before they even reached 15 years old. Zero was one of these kids. As he lay alone on his deathbed, he heard a voice call out to him - a voice that offered one last chance to make a difference and stop all of the madness. All he had to do was win a high stakes game known as ‘Final System’ in a completely different world! The only catch? He would have to fight his way through a score of strong opponents who also wanted the same limitless power for their own means. A deadly survival game of systems and bloodshed - can Zero make it to the end and claim the ultimate system to save humanity? Or will he be hunted down and torn apart instead? Let the games begin! ============ June 2024 Golden Ticket Promotion! For every golden ticket that is submitted, your name will be entered into a draw. 1 ticket = 1 entry, so 5 tickets = 5 entries! At the end of the month, I will randomly draw a name to be declared the winner. I will reach out to that person via discord as well as create an announcement for it so you are aware; then we will work together to create a player of your liking that will appear in the story as either a temporary ally or enemy!! Looking forward to this contest! :D This is my WSA entry! If you're enjoying this series, please upvote with your golden tickets and powerstones to help it get to the top of the rankings :D

Kenji_Tezuka · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

The First Challenge, Part 1

Kai turned his surprised face toward Zero after reading the first skill on the Debuff tree that he had unlocked:

[Ability: Stunning Meal

Create any meal with a low paralyzing effect that is ineffective against high level players. Effect can last anywhere between 30-90 seconds.]

It was the only unlocked skill at the time since it was free.

"Listen..." Zero started realizing his little scheme had been uncovered.

"You're telling me you could've used this with ANY type of food?" Kai finally asked.

Zero blinked. "Um, I suppose so?"

Kai looked as if he was in thought for a moment. "Then why not just make a nut or something super small? A muffin just seems a bit much for trying to surprise poison your opponent right?"

Zero knew his mouth was slightly agape. I-I guess I didn't think of that. But thank the Gods that he's a bit dense-

"Wait a second!" Kai suddenly interjected as his face turned serious again as it clicked for him(again). "This says it only lasts up to 90 seconds and then it wears off....you..." Kai's intense stare bore right through Zero. "....are a convincing liar."

"You're not mad?" Zero asked bluntly.

"How can I be?" said Kai. "You saw an opportunity and took it. If you wanted to kill me you could've just choked me to death or smashed my head in with a nearby branch during that window of time. So this doesn't affect the low level of trust we currently have in each other."

How...eerily logical, thought Zero.

"I see." Zero responded. He took this chance to look over Kai's skill tree which was labeled 'Energy Construct System'. He could immediately tell it was structured the same way as his - two separate trees with multiple descending branches where each skill was. Zero's paths were 'Buff' and 'Debuff'.

Kai's first tree was named 'Full Offense' and the second 'Support'. 

There was only one unlocked skill under 'Support' called [Energy Vision]. Zero clicked on the information button:

[Ability: Energy Vision

Allows the user only to see trails of lingering energy in the air. At the current level you cannot filter out any sources and the trail will fade out within several minutes.]

"So that's how you were able to follow me." Zero said in a low tone.

"A very capable skill." Kai replied.

Zero looked over to the 'Full Offense' tree where there were two skills unlocked:

[Ability: Energy Blade

Allows the user to manifest their energy into the form of a katana. Additional energy can be added to strengthen, but will cause it to deplete faster. Requires invocation ]

[Ability: Crescent Strike

By swinging the blade in any direction, it will create an energy attack in the form of a wave. Additional energy can be added to strengthen, but will cause it to deplete faster.]

He also noted the Exp bar showed 75 / 500 with L3 in front of it.

"You've already made it to level 3? That fast?" Zero asked.

Kai raised an eyebrow. "Do you really not know? About player entries?"

"No, how do you?"

"You learn a bit once you actually start exploring around more." Kai said matter of factly to Zero's slight annoyance. "But player arrivals are staggered until the max number of players are reached. Which is 150 as of your batch of arrivals seeing as it filled in the last blanks on the leaderboard."

Zero let the first part of that sink in. "So you're saying...almost every other player got here before me? Like how early?!"

"No clue." Kai said shaking his head. "I've been here for about 2 weeks now. So...who knows really when they accepted the first person."

This changed things for Zero - he didn't realize that the game was so unbalanced towards new players. Those kids at the beginning hunting new players knew full well how to exploit it. Yet another reason that he's glad he decided to make the offer with Kai.

"Don't worry, we'll get you there too. The stronger you are the stronger WE'LL be, after all." Kai said as he stood up. "We should get moving though. Suns up."

Zero looked around and didn't even realize that it had transitioned to morning while they sat around the fire. He's clearly some kind of leader type, Zero thought as he watched Kai put out the fire. Wonder what his old life was like?

They soon made their way out of the forest and back onto the North trail. 

Kai had explained to Zero that the North had more cities where they would be able to trade with non-playable characters to get supplies and equipment, while the South had more open area and hidden dungeons. 

The Midlands were nothing but a death trap. Players gather there to do open battle as well as ambush lost players. So it was recommended that new players avoid the Midlands until they get more experienced.

So, Kai was currently leading them to the closest and one of the biggest cities, Capital City. They walked in an awkward silence as neither was sure what to really talk about that they didn't cover in the first hour of knowing each other. 

A weird looking squirrel ran past the path in front of Zero - it looked just like the ones he was familiar with but just with a few more tails. 

"Were you a gymnast in your old life or something?" Kai asked, breaking the silence. "The way you dodged and moved when I chased you isn't normal without some kind of training."

"No. I just..." Zero paused as his eyes glazed over, unwanted thoughts flooding into his brain. "It was just important that I be light on my feet. That's all."

"I see." Kai responded. He decided not to pursue it any further for now. "Well, it'll come in handy pretty soon."

"Pretty soon?" Zero said with a raised eyebrow.

Kai looked over at him and Zero just realized that there was a red glowing ring around his pupils. He had activated his Energy Vision.

"There are two trails coming up ahead." The clearer the trail got the closer the source was. "These feel like other players."

Looks like their teamwork will be put to work earlier than expected...

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