
Final Priesthood

In the world of Starlight Mecha, Lu Yuan stood at the crossroads of ancient martial arts and cutting-edge technology. His attribute board allowed him to switch between occupations seamlessly, providing him with a unique advantage. With the combination of the [Martial Arts Grandmaster] occupation and the powerful [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart] material, Lu Yuan had the potential to advance further to the formidable [Fallen Dark Dragon Sect]. As he gazed at his hands covered in black scales and felt the power surging within him, Lu Yuan embraced the fusion of human and dragon attributes. His black hair danced in the absence of wind, and his crimson eyes focused on the humanoid mechanical body soaring through the night sky like a meteor. A sinister smile played on his lips as he contemplated his newfound abilities. The collision of ancient martial arts, divine power, and advanced technology had bestowed upon him unparalleled strength. With confidence in his heart, Lu Yuan whispered softly, "Now... I should be able to tear mechas apart by hand." The agile and powerful Starlight Mecha moved with the grace of a dragon under Lu Yuan's control. As murmurs and roars of gods and demons echoed in the abyss, he embarked on a journey where the boundaries between man and machine blurred, and the clash of old and new created a symphony of power. The era of Lu Yuan had begun, marked by the fusion of martial prowess and mechanical might in the grand tapestry of Starlight Mecha.

ieatjutsu · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 3: Absolute Focus

Chapter 3: Absolute Focus

In the bustling halls of Clearwater High School, Lu Yuan, a diligent high school student, navigated through the corridors filled with the hum of academic activity. As a junior in high school, he immersed himself in the pursuit of knowledge, facing the challenges of eight major subjects that formed the foundation of his academic profession.

Lu Yuan attended classes with dedication, engaged in self-study, and tackled problems with focused determination. Every ten minutes of concentrated learning added a valuable point to his "Student" professional experience. However, it was the exams—be they major, weekly, or monthly—that propelled him from an average student to one of the top three in his class and the top twenty in his grade.

Two months into this academic journey, Lu Yuan's commitment yielded not only academic success but also two promotions in his professional levels. The initial "Student" at Level 1 ascended to Level 3, rewarding him with attribute and skill points.

These promotions boosted Lu Yuan's intelligence, exceeding that of the average high school student by 10 points. Furthermore, the skill points addressed his weakness in physics and unveiled a core skill on his professional interface— "Absolute Focus."

"Absolute Focus" (active), effect: momentarily enables the learner to concentrate intensely, slightly enhances mental capacity, and allows wholehearted immersion in learning.

Lu Yuan, aware of the significance of this skill, felt a slight headache fade away as he massaged his fingers and wrists. He contemplated his physical condition and decided to incorporate exercise into his routine to extend the duration of "Absolute Focus" and enhance his learning efficiency.

"I'll download some exercise videos tonight and start running tomorrow," Lu Yuan resolved.

However, he couldn't ignore the neglect his body had suffered under the previous occupant's sedentary lifestyle. As he prepared to leave for the hospital in the afternoon, he pondered the idea of enrolling in a physical education class.

Before departing, Lu Yuan retrieved a stack of light green banknotes from a thick dictionary on the shelf. This was the reward from the school for his academic improvements—500 yuan and 800 yuan, totaling 1,300 yuan. With a sense of responsibility to contribute to his family during challenging times, he planned to withdraw the money from his phone and give it to his father on his way to the hospital.

As Lu Yuan changed his shoes, the front door swung open, revealing a middle-aged man in his fifties—Lu Xinghua, his father. The weariness on his face hinted at the struggles he faced.

"Dad? How did you come back?" Lu Yuan asked, surprised.

"Hmm," Lu Xinghua nodded wearily, dragging himself into the house.

Lu Yuan hesitated, debating whether to hand over the money immediately. However, Lu Xinghua's phone interrupted the silence.

As Lu Xinghua engaged in a phone call on the balcony, Lu Yuan overheard a conversation that hinted at financial difficulties and an outstanding debt. Concerned, he retreated into his parents' bedroom, reemerging moments later with a composed expression, sans the money.

Lu Xinghua, still on the balcony, extinguished his cigarette in a flowerpot. Sensing Lu Yuan's presence, he called out, "Xiaoyuan, come here!"

Approaching, Lu Yuan observed his father's bloodshot eyes and the toll that recent events had taken on him. Lu Xinghua handed him a receipt, revealing a payment of 9,988 yuan for a martial arts class.

"When I was in the hospital, Xiaopeng called me. I happened to pass by this gym on the way back, so I helped you pay the fee," Lu Xinghua explained. "Focus on your studies and improve your physical condition. Your main task now is to balance work and rest. Your mom mentioned your poor physical condition—time to change that."

With a sense of responsibility and gratitude, Lu Yuan accepted the receipt, realizing that his journey involved not only academic pursuits but also family responsibilities.

(End of Chapter 3)