
Final Priesthood

In the world of Starlight Mecha, Lu Yuan stood at the crossroads of ancient martial arts and cutting-edge technology. His attribute board allowed him to switch between occupations seamlessly, providing him with a unique advantage. With the combination of the [Martial Arts Grandmaster] occupation and the powerful [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart] material, Lu Yuan had the potential to advance further to the formidable [Fallen Dark Dragon Sect]. As he gazed at his hands covered in black scales and felt the power surging within him, Lu Yuan embraced the fusion of human and dragon attributes. His black hair danced in the absence of wind, and his crimson eyes focused on the humanoid mechanical body soaring through the night sky like a meteor. A sinister smile played on his lips as he contemplated his newfound abilities. The collision of ancient martial arts, divine power, and advanced technology had bestowed upon him unparalleled strength. With confidence in his heart, Lu Yuan whispered softly, "Now... I should be able to tear mechas apart by hand." The agile and powerful Starlight Mecha moved with the grace of a dragon under Lu Yuan's control. As murmurs and roars of gods and demons echoed in the abyss, he embarked on a journey where the boundaries between man and machine blurred, and the clash of old and new created a symphony of power. The era of Lu Yuan had begun, marked by the fusion of martial prowess and mechanical might in the grand tapestry of Starlight Mecha.

ieatjutsu · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 28: Chunhua Noodle House

Chapter 28: Chunhua Noodle House

Ten minutes later.

As Lin Zhiqin observed Lu Yuan practicing fundamental martial arts – basic punches, kicks, and steps – his approving gaze intensified.

"Not bad, not bad. I should say, very good."

Lin Zhiqin, full of admiration, spared no praise for Lu Yuan's achievements.

"Few in the advanced class can master these three fundamental skills to your level."

"In a month, you've brought what I taught you to this level. It proves your natural talent for martial arts, truly exceptional."

Though somewhat reminiscent of a motivational speaker, Lin Zhiqin's words served Lu Yuan's purpose.

Yes, I am a genius.

You, Lin Zhiqin, look down on us beginners, always telling us to practice freely.

Today, I'll show you that even with free practice, I can reach the level of an official disciple in the martial arts school!

Is this a subtle slap in Lin Zhiqin's face?

"Now, about signing."

Lu Yuan glanced at the application form casually placed on the coffee table by Lin Zhiqin.

"Oh, right, I almost forgot."

Lin Zhiqin laughed heartily, a stark contrast to his previous demeanor.

"I'll sign it for you now."

He took a pen from the desk's holder, sat in front of the coffee table, and was ready to write his name in the coach's approval section.

Lu Yuan, watching Lin Zhiqin sign, also glanced at the electronic clock on the wall.

It was now 11:08 AM, past the closing time of the martial arts school.

Having taken this much time, Lu Yuan wondered if he could still submit the application form after going back.

Just as he contemplated this, he noticed that Lin Zhiqin, in the middle of signing, suddenly stopped.

Looking at the wall clock, he unexpectedly said to Lu Yuan, "It's time for lunch. How about we grab a meal?"


Lu Yuan looked bewildered, unsure of Lin Zhiqin's intentions.

Did signing take so long that it interfered with your lunch?

Can't you eat after signing?

"Coach Lin."

Lu Yuan wore a puzzled expression. "The person downstairs is still waiting for my form."

"No worries, I'll handle it for you later."

Lin Zhiqin waved casually, stood up, and gestured for Lu Yuan to follow him outside.

"Let's have lunch. I know a good restaurant near the martial arts school. We'll go now."

Reluctantly, Lu Yuan was led out by Lin Zhiqin, helplessly watching the application form lying alone on the office coffee table. As the door closed, it vanished from his sight.

"What ridiculous rule is this, requiring the coach's signature for assessment applications!"

"What kind of coach is this, not teaching properly most of the time, and deliberately withholding approval for students at crucial moments?"

On the way to the restaurant Lin Zhiqin mentioned, Lu Yuan mentally criticized the martial arts school's procedures and Lin Zhiqin.

Of course, he had to maintain the appearance of being pleasantly surprised by the coach's invitation, obediently following Lin Zhiqin.

Lin Zhiqin seemed to be in a good mood, walking with a smile.

"We're here."

Just a short walk from the martial arts school, Lin Zhiqin brought Lu Yuan to the mentioned restaurant.

"Chunhua Noodle House."

It was a small, inconspicuous eatery tucked in an alley next to the martial arts school.

A sign with red background and white letters, a storefront stained with cooking fumes.

Externally, the noodle house appeared ordinary.

Following Lin Zhiqin through the sliding glass door at the entrance, a refreshing breeze immediately greeted them.

"The air conditioning here is quite strong."

Lu Yuan silently commented in his mind.

The place was compact, with seven small rectangular tables in the main hall.

A few people were already seated, enjoying their noodles.

Seeing a menu posted on the adjacent wall, Lu Yuan noted that besides noodles, they could order some home-cooked dishes at reasonable prices.

"Coach Lin is here again!"

Shortly after entering, a middle-aged woman in an apron, similar in age to Lin Zhiqin, emerged from the kitchen.

Spotting Lin Zhiqin, she greeted him warmly, clearly familiar.

"Coach Lin brought another student for a meal?"


Lin Zhiqin didn't even glance at the menu on the wall, directly stating, "Pork kidney, spare ribs, chicken. Is the fish today fresh?"

"It just arrived this morning, still lively."

"Then give us a whole fish. Is the private room upstairs available?"

"No one's there. You can go up."

Lin Zhiqin efficiently ordered four or five dishes, then led Lu Yuan to ascend a narrow staircase, about half a meter wide, to the second floor.

The second floor, similar to the first, had a few small rectangular tables and an additional door.

Opening the door, they entered a room of about seven to eight square meters.

"The restroom is next door; you can see it when you leave."

Lin Zhiqin reminded Lu Yuan as he took a seat at the small table in the private room.

Lu Yuan acknowledged with a nod.

After sitting for a short while, the middle-aged woman they encountered earlier brought a teapot and a small plate of melon seeds.

"Have some water first; the dishes will be ready soon."

After providing each with a set of utensils, the woman left.

Lin Zhiqin habitually took out a cigarette box from his pocket, opened it, looked at Lu Yuan, and then put it away.

Instead, he grabbed a handful of melon seeds.

With nothing else to do, Lu Yuan picked up the teapot and washed their bowls and chopsticks, then poured two glasses of water, one for Lin Zhiqin and one for himself.

"Don't be reserved; it's just a casual meal."

Lin Zhiqin pushed the plate of melon seeds toward Lu Yuan, who courteously took a handful.

"Tell me about your parents."

Suddenly, Lin Zhiqin inquired.

Lu Yuan paused for a moment, thought, and replied calmly, "My family runs a small grocery store. My dad also does deliveries."

"Are you the only child at home?"

"I have an older sister who just graduated from university this year."

"You should be in the second year of high school, right? I have a nephew around your age."

Lin Zhiqin continued to ask about Lu Yuan's family and personal situation, occasionally inserting details about himself.

Until now, Lu Yuan was unclear why Lin Zhiqin had suddenly invited him to dinner.

He figured it out after sitting down.

Lin Zhiqin deliberately delayed signing his approval, likely with a purpose in mind.

Now, he just had to wait for Lin Zhiqin to reveal it.

"Why did you enroll in the martial arts school's combat class?"

As their conversation flowed, Lin Zhiqin shifted the topic towards the martial arts school.

Lu Yuan knew the main event was about to start.

"For the college entrance exam."

Lu Yuan calmly responded, "Physical education requires a specialty, so I chose combat, which has the lowest scoring requirements."

Lin Zhiqin nodded thoughtfully.

Following up, he asked, "Why do

you want to become an official disciple of the martial arts school?"

Lu Yuan glanced at Lin Zhiqin.


"For money."

He said earnestly to Lin Zhiqin, "I want to earn back the tuition my dad paid for me."

(End of Chapter)