
Final Priesthood

In the world of Starlight Mecha, Lu Yuan stood at the crossroads of ancient martial arts and cutting-edge technology. His attribute board allowed him to switch between occupations seamlessly, providing him with a unique advantage. With the combination of the [Martial Arts Grandmaster] occupation and the powerful [Abyss Nine-Headed Dragon Heart] material, Lu Yuan had the potential to advance further to the formidable [Fallen Dark Dragon Sect]. As he gazed at his hands covered in black scales and felt the power surging within him, Lu Yuan embraced the fusion of human and dragon attributes. His black hair danced in the absence of wind, and his crimson eyes focused on the humanoid mechanical body soaring through the night sky like a meteor. A sinister smile played on his lips as he contemplated his newfound abilities. The collision of ancient martial arts, divine power, and advanced technology had bestowed upon him unparalleled strength. With confidence in his heart, Lu Yuan whispered softly, "Now... I should be able to tear mechas apart by hand." The agile and powerful Starlight Mecha moved with the grace of a dragon under Lu Yuan's control. As murmurs and roars of gods and demons echoed in the abyss, he embarked on a journey where the boundaries between man and machine blurred, and the clash of old and new created a symphony of power. The era of Lu Yuan had begun, marked by the fusion of martial prowess and mechanical might in the grand tapestry of Starlight Mecha.

ieatjutsu · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 23: The Correct Solution and the True Opening

Chapter 23: The Correct Solution and the True Opening

Lù Yuǎn's body shook violently, taking several steps backward after being kicked.

The middle-aged man who kicked him was also pushed back by the counterforce.

Performing a graceful backflip, he landed smoothly on the hood of the van behind him, maintaining perfect balance.

From a higher vantage point, he looked down at Lù Yuǎn with indifferent eyes.

"He can only match me with his legs, probably around level 10 in strength."

"Also, there's no pain in the battle within the consciousness space!"

Lù Yuǎn quickly assessed the middle-aged man's strength during their brief encounter.

Shaking off the arm that blocked the previous kick, he faced the pouring rain, considering his next move.

Suddenly, a mist exploded in front of him. The middle-aged man, standing on the van's hood, lifted his leg, aiming a fierce kick towards Lù Yuǎn's face.

Lù Yuǎn's pupils contracted; the world seemed to slow for a split second. He could clearly see the man's leg motion and the raindrops shattering against the black shoe, heading towards him.


Lù Yuǎn sidestepped, perfectly evading the middle-aged man's direct kick.

The advantage of 10 points in agility showed its merit at this moment.

Before this, Lù Yuǎn's reaction speed wasn't enough for such a precise dodge.

"Get down!"

After dodging the kick, Lù Yuǎn immediately counterattacked with a sweeping kick towards the middle-aged man's lower body.

The latter reacted swiftly, stepping back and jumping onto the back of the van.

Lù Yuǎn stepped on the van's front bumper, using the momentum to jump onto the hood, launching a powerful right punch towards the middle-aged man's face.

Fists and feet clashed as the two engaged in a rapid exchange of moves.

Lù Yuǎn's assault was fierce, quickly forcing the middle-aged man down from the van's roof to the rain-soaked street.

The fight was taking a completely different direction from reality.

With enhanced strength, agility, and four improved basic combat techniques, Lù Yuǎn felt significantly stronger. He believed he could soon defeat the middle-aged man.

However, reality proved otherwise.

As an imaginary opponent constructed by Lù Yuǎn within his consciousness, devoid of emotions and relying solely on combat instinct and technique, the middle-aged man's strength far exceeded Lù Yuǎn's expectations.

After several rapid exchanges, Lù Yuǎn found himself completely trapped in the rhythm of the opponent's attacks.

"Why did he suddenly become so strong?"

"Or was this his true strength all along?"

The middle-aged man's leg techniques were exceptionally skilled and sharp—ruthless and malicious. Each kick seemed to carry a strong scent of blood within the pants, leaving Lù Yuǎn almost breathless.

The kicking speed was incredible, resembling a storm of legs, making it challenging for Lù Yuǎn to catch his breath.

Despite having superior strength, Lù Yuǎn found himself constantly on the defensive, unable to find suitable opportunities to counterattack.

Occasionally, when he attempted to strike back, the opponent slipped away like an eel, creating distance and launching a renewed assault.

So frustrating!

The ambitious confidence before the battle now felt like a joke.

"If this continues, I might get kicked to death!"

"This guy's leg techniques seem basic but have reached a high level—maybe level 6 or 7? The technique gap is too significant, and his practical experience far exceeds mine."

"How do I handle this fight?"

Being defeated in a consciousness battle by an imagined opponent, while physically unharmed, was humiliating for Lù Yuǎn.

He was determined to win this battle at any cost.

In his contemplation, his left arm took another heavy blow.

The impact from the strong kick resonated throughout his body.

Even though there was no pain in the consciousness battle, the continuous passive beating left Lù Yuǎn breathless.

After this kick, he couldn't bear it any longer and suddenly became ruthless.

With blood rushing, as the middle-aged man prepared for another kick, Lù Yuǎn confronted him head-on.


The impact was intense, causing both to step back.

Lù Yuǎn felt his right leg dull. The direct collision of their legs resulted in a fracture in his shinbone.

The injury's simulation perfectly reflected in the consciousness space.

"Damn it!"

Lù Yuǎn regretted his impulsive reaction. The leg injury would undoubtedly affect his dodging ability, worsening an already difficult situation.


The next kick from the middle-aged man tore through the rain curtain.

Lù Yuǎn, with only one foot, awkwardly evaded.

Usually, the opponent would follow up with a swift second and third kick, but surprisingly, the middle-aged man's second kick was delayed.

Moreover, the kick was directed in the same trajectory as the previous one.


Lù Yuǎn raised his hand, blocking the attack with difficulty. His gaze focused on the middle-aged man.

Seeing the unnatural approach, a lightning bolt of insight struck Lù Yuǎn's mind.

In the pouring rain, the young man shielded his head with his hands, blocking successive side kicks from his opponent.

Rain and sweat sprayed around as his hair hid his eyes. Underneath the black eyes, a glimmer gradually emerged.

"It seems like I've figured out a solution."


A long exhale.

Lù Yuǎn opened his eyes, breaking free from the mental battle.

The dry clothes he had put on after a shower were slightly damp from sweat.

The initial experience with the "imaginary opponent" concluded.

In the end, Lù Yuǎn emerged victorious.

However, the victory was far more challenging than reality—

He disabled the middle-aged man's legs through self-inflicted injuries, relying on the advantage in strength to crush him in the rain-soaked ground.

A less than honorable triumph.

"If it weren't for the fact that they viewed me as just a high school student, inexperienced in combat, and trapped by their group, maintaining a condescending and mocking attitude..."

"Plus, my on-the-spot power boost, suddenly surging in strength. In reality, quickly dealing with them would be nearly impossible."

Recalling the fierceness displayed by the middle-aged man in the mental battle, Lù Yuǎn found it unbelievable that he was now sitting comfortably in his bedroom with only minor external injuries.

This battle was filled with too much luck. If given another chance, the outcome might be entirely different.

"Regardless, I had the last laugh."

This incident served as a stern warning for Lù Yuǎn—never underestimate any opponent. He didn't want to end up like the middle-aged man called "Black Brother."

Despite possessing a formidable and sharp leg technique, he ultimately fell victim to a martial arts novice wielding a baseball bat after just a month of training.

The man probably lay in a police station by now.

"The effectiveness of the 'imaginary opponent' is more powerful than I expected!"

Lù Yuǎn didn't anticipate that the opponent he constructed from memory would perfectly replicate their real-world strength

in the mental battle.

It wasn't based on his shallow understanding of the opponent.

Reflecting on the mental battle, Lù Yuǎn's expression became complex.

The middle-aged man's formidable and dominating leg techniques aroused his envy.

Although the basic leg movements were nothing special, their execution in each kick resembled a razor-sharp blade.

The fierceness and brutality seemed to have been honed through countless confrontations.

"If I could have a leg technique nearly as proficient as his, combined with my strength advantage, this battle wouldn't have been so difficult."

"Wait a minute! What am I envying? I can learn from him!"

"And what better than an opponent to serve as a real combat instructor?"

Thinking this, Lù Yuǎn's eyes brightened, finding his idea feasible.

He even believed that this might be the true and correct way to approach the "imaginary opponent."

"Unlimited opportunities for real combat lessons. I don't believe I can't grasp the essence of his leg technique!"

Lù Yuǎn's excitement grew, prompting him to immediately close his eyes again.

"Activate the skill, 'imaginary opponent'!"

(End of Chapter)