
Final Fantasy Frontier

MC gets Transmigrated to the Final Fantasy Metaverse under mysterious circumstances. Though his adventure starts in the world of Final Fantasy 9, it's only the very beginning of a journey spanning multiple worlds.

GloriousRightFoot · Video Games
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103 Chs


Though he didn't end up having sex with Alisaie, Andrew was nice and gave her the same permissions as everyone else. She did at least try to suck him off, and when everyone took a bath together, she sat in his lap, experimentally caressing and cleaning his dick as it poked up through her thighs, nestled against her pussy.

"So sex isn't strictly necessary to become a proxy..." remarked Alisaie, her expression serious as she thoughtfully caressed her chin.

"I said as much before," contended Andrew, noting, "But you should know this was a kind of a one-off. Unless we frequently have orgies like today, it would be difficult to maintain your permissions by simply being present. In that regard, the main reason your permissions got updated is because I'm looking forward to our future together."

"I'll keep that in mind..." replied Alisaie, narrowing her eyes in suspicion. She didn't believe Andrew was lying, but she had the distinct impression there was something 'off' about his words.

"Then we shall be on our way," said Minfilia, holding her hand up to her chest and smiling as she appended, "I pray our next engagement is just as fulfilling as today. Take care, Prince Andrew."

"Just make sure to turn around before you go," mused Andrew. "That butt window of yours is a sight to behold..."

Covering her mouth to stifle a faint laugh, Minfilia turned to give Andrew the view he requested before disappearing rather abruptly a few seconds later. In her wake, Lyse, currently without her mask and turban, raised her left brow and asked, "Is there a trait of mine Your Highness is particularly fond of...?"

"Yeah, but you might not be too happy to hear what it is..." replied Andrew, preempting Lyse's response by gesturing to her crotch and attesting, "You have puffy vulvae, and it shows, especially in those shorts..."

Furrowing her brows, Lyse gazed down at herself anxiously. Her shorts left little to the imagination by design, making it easier for her to distract her predominately male opponents, but hearing Andrew's words made her feel like she wasn't wearing anything at all...

"Hey, it's not a bad thing..." said Andrew, taking a knee and gesturing for Lyse to come closer. When she did, he caused her to blush up to her ears as he grabbed her hips and kissed her rather prominent camel toe. Then, after rubbing his nose against it, he looked up at her with a smile and said, "It's cute. Just don't let anyone outside our group touch it."

"If you're trying to make me happy, calling my vulva cute isn't the way to go about it..." muttered Lyse. Andrew, however, didn't take her words to heart, burying his face into her crotch for several seconds before giving her ass a playful squeeze and rising to his feet, wrapping his arms around the blushing woman and smiling as he said, "See you around, Lyse..."

"You're hopeless..." muttered Lise, punctuating her remark by planting a fleeting kiss on Andrew's lips, disappearing the moment he attempted to reciprocate.

"And then there were two~" hummed Andrew, turning to meet the gazes of Alisaie and Y'shtola.

"What, are you planning to crudely remark on one of my features as well?" challenged Alisaie.

"Isn't that why you're still here...?" asked Andrew, reminding the pointy-eared prodigy that she could have left at any point.

"Well, let's hear it then..." said Alisaie, ostensibly disregarding Andrew's previous remark.

Instead of responding to Alisaie's words, Andrew approached, towering over her as she stared up at him with shaky-eyed defiance. Then, just as he had Lyse, he wrapped his arms around her, cupping her small but pert butt and pressing his hardening bulge against her crotch as he whispered, "I love how spirited and imprudent you are..."

Partway through his words, Andrew snaked his tail between his legs and invaded the interior of Alisaie's skirt, rubbing against pussy and between her ass cheeks. She did her best to remain defiant, but when he abruptly lifted her, she panicked until he bypassed her lips and buried his face into her modest bosom, holding her ribs as he continued caressing her pussy with his tail. Then, she disappeared.

"And then there was one..." muttered Andrew, turning to face the stoic Miqo'te staring at him with crossed arms.

"You owe me a pair of leggings..." remarked Y'shtola, narrowing her eyes even further than they already were.

"You know you loved every last moment of it," countered Andrew, making his way over and towering over the comparably diminutive cat girl. To his surprise, Y'shtola rolled her eyes slightly and replied, "I'll concede, it was rather...stimulating..." in a faint tone.

"As for what I like about you..." said Andrew, reaching up to brush the left side of Y'sthola's face, pausing for several seconds before adding, "You're the whole package," with a cheeky smile.

"Again with the flowery—" started Y'shtola, but Andrew silenced her with a kiss. She initially tried pulling away from him, but Andrew borrowed a page from her playbook, preventing her escape by coiling his tail around Y'shtola's body and drawing her to him.

Though she could easily turn her head away to break free from Andrew's kiss, Y'shtola rolled her eyes a second time before shutting them and just going with the flow. She felt like Andrew was continually getting ahead of himself, but perhaps as a result of her 33 years of misguided celibacy, her body yearned for the touch of the man that had made her a woman...

Since Y'shtola had stopped resisting and was actively kissing him in turn, Andrew did the usual, slipping his dexterous tail between her thighs and rubbing and pressing against the fabric covering her crotch, caressing her pussy.

Separating from Andrew's lips, Y'shtola frowned and said, "Even oxygen can be fatal in you inhale too much of it..."

"If you want me to stop, I will..." whispered Andrew, slipping his hands beneath Y'shtola's tunic and slowly raising it while caressing her sides. Since she didn't say anything or try to stop, he continued hiking the fabric up to her breasts, exposing her semi-transparent black lace brassiere and healthy brown tits.

Exhaling an exasperated sigh, Y'shtola raised her hands so Andrew could remove her top completely. It frustrated her, and she would never admit it openly, but from the moment everyone else left, leaving her and Andrew alone in the penthouse, Y'shtola had secretly hoped things would turn out as they were. Andrew had only done her once during the orgy, so she still had a ways to go before she was satisfied. As the person responsible for her current state and 'affliction,' Andrew had a duty to see things through to the end...




[March 15th, 1800]

As the events in Final Fantasy IX started on Garnet's birthday, January 15th, and wrapped up in less than two months, Andrew was beginning to consider the possibility that Kuja had, quite literally, died off-screen. The man had a built-in expiration date that coincided with the story's final act, so with the date surpassing the point in canon, it wasn't completely out of the question...

'It is what it is...' concluded Andrew, chalking up Kuja's potential demise to fate and bad luck. It wasn't like he wanted the flamboyant villain to attack them and attempt to destroy reality out of sheer pettiness, so if Kuja truly was gone, that was a net positive, especially with the influx of Ala Mhigan refugees to a territory just outside Alexandria's Capital.

With him and Y'shtola having sex nearly every day, sometimes upwards of ten times, Andrew felt compelled to keep the promise he had made to her during their initial encounter in Ul'dah. One of her conditions for becoming a proxy was that they accept refugees from the nations conquered by the Garlean Empire, so Andrew had personally transported over six-thousand people in the span of a few weeks. They were also providing the refugees with weapons, armor, and other supplies to aid in the future campaign to reclaim their motherland, so Andrew had been pretty busy, even if he was just a liaison...

"You have that look in your eyes..." remarked Garnet, borrowing Andrew's chest after they made love.

"What look...?" asked Andrew, raising his brows.

"The look that says you're thinking about running off or doing something," replied Garnet, adopting a narrow-eyed smile as she teased, "Something other than me..."

"I'm just worried about my strength," expressed Andrew. "I don't feel like I'm wasting time, but my growth has stagnated considerably compared to when I first appeared in this world. I thought of acquiring a Job in Eorzea, but it wasn't as straightforward as I expected it to be..."

Before Garnet could ask him for the specifics of what he meant, Andrew gazed up at the canopy of their bed, adding, "I'm considering traveling to Spira or the other Gaia, not as an Envoy, but to see if I can grow alongside the Heroes that appear in my visions."

"Can you not do that in Eorzea?" asked Garnet, appending, "I'm certain they could use your help against the Empire."

"Yeah, but it might complicate matters if I get too involved," said Andrew. He had been given a chance to meet the Warrior of Light, Ardbert, and he was pretty sure the man didn't need his help. With the Echo, a power that allowed him to see and experience the memories of others, the man could learn and master Jobs by simply interacting with high-ranking individuals that had dedicated their life to their pursuits. Even with his various cheats, Andrew felt that Ardbert's mimicry was complete bullshit...

'Well, better to have him with than against me...' thought Andrew, having wasted no time in adding Ardbert to his list of contacts. The man's Echo didn't work outside of Hydaelyn's influence, but by the end of Endbringer, he was effectively 'multiversal' in terms of power scaling. Zidane could be said to be just as powerful due to his feat of defeating Necron, an entity capable of destroying the universe, but until he experienced such a battle for himself, Andrew didn't have a reference point for what it would take to defeat such a foe.

"Just make sure to return frequently and keep in contact," said Garnet, maintaining her narrow-eyed smile as she added, "If you're gone for too long, that kitten of yours might run away. You know how temperamental cats can be..."

"I mean...I could always take her with me..." contended Andrew, earning himself a slight deadpan from his loving wife. She knew he was joking, but after learning more about Y'shtola over dinner and several conversations, Garnet also knew the chances weren't completely nil that she would say yes...

"You're cute when you're jealous..." whispered Andrew, compelling Garnet to bite his nipple, hard. She had come to understand just how durable he was via personal experience, so she didn't hold back. Unfortunately, while he could survive falling from nearly any height and tank explosions point-blank, Andrew's nipples were still very sensitive...




"You speak as though you're going to be gone for an extended period and that I won't be able to contact you," said Y'shtola, speaking casually even though she was presently bent over, Andrew's hips smacking against her ass as they showered under a cool stream of water.

"Well, unless it's an emergency, we probably won't see each other for two to three weeks..." explained Andrew, referring to how the events of Final Fantasy X unfolded just as quickly as Final Fantasy VIII.

"I highly doubt that..." disputed Y'shtola, looking back and gazing up at Andrew as she added, "Even if you're busy, we can still find time to meet in the early morning or late evening..."

"You're not wrong..." conceded Andrew, grinning as he picked up the pace and used his dick to grind the folds along the ass-side of Y'shtola's pussy, just the way she liked. He was starting to think she had a problem, but so long as he was the only one who got to scratch her itch, he wouldn't mind even if she became a nympho. Garnet was definitely his number one, but Y'shtola and her perfectly acclimated pussy, which had conformed to the shape of his cock, were the outlets for Andrew's desires...


