
Final Fantasy Frontier

MC gets Transmigrated to the Final Fantasy Metaverse under mysterious circumstances. Though his adventure starts in the world of Final Fantasy 9, it's only the very beginning of a journey spanning multiple worlds.

GloriousRightFoot · Video Games
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103 Chs


As it had been a few days since Garnet had become Queen, Andrew was washing her in the castle's spacious, open-air bath when he asked, "Have you changed your mind about visiting the Outer Continent and eliminating the guardian of the Iifa Tree...?"

Shaking her head, Garnet leaned back against Andrew's chest, staring up at him as she answered, "I haven't. It's just not my highest priority at the moment. Much of the technology on the Mist Continent depends on Mist to function, so I concluded it would be best until Uncle Cid has regained his form and completed his research on the steam engine before we send Zidane and the others to eliminate the guardian..."

"In other words...you and I are staying here?" asked Andrew, not minding but also feeling it would be better to deal with certain matters before they become serious issues.

Adopting a smile, Garnet asserted, "I will not stop you if you wish to go. I will even permit you to travel to other worlds, particularly those that may possess technology beneficial to our current situation. But, before you run off to another Continent or spirit away to a different world, you know what you must do..."

"I'm definitely trying..." said Andrew.

"Yes, I am well aware..." replied Garnet, stepping away from Andrew and using the ledge of the artificial waterfall providing water to the bath for support as she bent over, staring back at him as she said, "But until I'm with child, we should spare no effort..."

Though his smile contained a hint of incredulity, Andrew made his way over, grabbing Garnet's hip with his right hand and jamming his cock into her pussy in a single motion as he said, "You won't hear me complaining..."

"What I want is to hear the sound of your hips smacking against mine," mused Garnet, narrowing her eyes before facing forward, biting her lip, and tensing the muscles of her abdomen and pussy as hard as she could. She was secretly worried that Andrew was wearing her out, but the reality was that her pussy had adapted to his shape, providing extreme pleasure and a growing sense of familiarity...




[February 19th, 1800 ME]

"There, there..." whispered Andrew, sitting next to Garnet and caressing her back as she cradled a large vase, periodically vomiting. This was a sure sign that she was pregnant, but while that was undoubtedly good news, the side effects of pregnancy didn't care if one was a Queen or a commoner.

"I thought I had prepared myself..." muttered Garnet, waiting for Andrew to wipe her mouth with a handkerchief before groaning, "But it appears I overestimated my resiliency..."

"I've heard that ginger tea is good for treating nau—"

Before Andrew could finish speaking, Garnet motioned as if she were going to throw up, but her stomach was already empty, causing her to choke for a bit before spitting. Fortunately, she had Andrew to hold her hair and caress her back, providing some comfort until an exceptionally experienced midwife, one that had aided two generations of Alexandrian royalty, soon to be three, showed up to offer her wisdom and guidance...




[February 21st, 1800 ME]

While Garnet rested in their room, Andrew stood out on the balcony that served as the podium and viewing area for royalty during plays and other noteworthy events.

Though he had expected the news of his imminent fatherhood to scare or excite him, Andrew felt what he could best describe as 'calm.' He couldn't remember much about his previous life other than the 'knowledge' he had accumulated, but he didn't mind. He had just about everything he needed in Alexandria, and though he still looked forward to journeying to different worlds, Andrew no longer felt compelled to explore. Rather, as Garnet had advised, he was presently thinking about which worlds it would be best to forge a positive diplomatic relationship with...

'Twelve might be a decent choice...' thought Andrew, recalling that the technology wasn't far removed from the world of Final Fantasy 9, but they had some fantastical airships and city-wide shields known as Palings that could prove exceptionally useful against battleships like the Invincible, a looming threat in the back of his mind.

Another thing that made Final Fantasy 12 a viable option was that one of its central characters, Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, was a widowed Queen trying to liberate her Kingdom and restore its former glory. It was a fairly predatory train of thought, but Andrew knew she was in desperate need of allies and support. If he capitalized on that, her Kingdom of Dalmasca and Garnet's Kingdom of Alexandria could become stalwart allies. Andrew was fonder of a character named Penelo, primarily due to her outfit and personality, but a deposed Queen was better than a thousand orphans. At least politically...

'But, then again, I'd rather not spend weeks or months exploring deserts and underground ruins...' thought Andrew. Much of Final Fantasy 12's plot transpired in extremely arid deserts and other harsh environments. Things were a bit better in the Empire, but unless he had a ship or a small army to flex his power and authority, there weren't many short-term benefits to be found in Ivalice, the world of FFXII.

'What I need is individual power, advanced technology, and allies who could potentially take on entire armies...' concluded Andrew, his thoughts wandering to which worlds had the most ridiculous power scaling. MMOs like Final Fantasy XI and XIV were definitely near the top of the list, but it was probably best to save those for later. Thirteen had Sarah, who could glimpse the future, and Lightning, who Andrew was fairly certain become a god in the sequel series, but he didn't feel like waiting around 500 years for her to do so. That left FFXV, which had fairly modern technology, FFX, which had a decent balance between technology and magic, and FFVII, one of the worlds Andrew 'had' to visit at least once, if for no other reason than to avert the deaths of Avalanche's members and the killing of Aerith by the main antagonist, Sephiroth...

'Not to mention, some people in that world can also cut through literal skyscrapers...' recalled Andrew. Sephiroth was chief among these, but the main character, Cloud, was no slouch with his oversized buster sword. If Andrew could learn how to perform similar feats, he could potentially take on Eidolons and other summoned beasts in single combat...

Opening his Menu and looking at his stats, which hadn't changed much in the past month and a half, Andrew knew he needed to do 'something' to increase his strength. In that regard, FFX was among the better options, as the main cast knew exactly what they were doing from the start of the game. There were plenty of twists and turns along the way, but they had a strong sense of purpose and willfully sought out trials to overcome.

'The problem is Tidus...' thought Andrew, the image of a blonde-haired youth, not all that dissimilar from himself, appearing in his mind. He liked Tidus as a character, even if he was sometimes annoying. The key issue was that Tidus wasn't real, leading to one of the saddest endings in Final Fantasy when he and Yuna, the main heroine, were forced to part ways at the end of their long, tumultuous journey.

As weird as it sounded, Andrew reasoned that the best thing he could do for Yuna and Tidus was to make the former fall in love with him instead of the latter. He absolutely had ulterior motives, as Yuna was near the top of Andrew's list of Final Fantasy heroines, but that was beside the point. He wouldn't be able to just stand idle as the duo walked toward an inevitable, heart-breakingly tragic separation...

'I might have been a bad guy in my previous life...' thought Andrew, even as a smile developed across his face. He was pretty sure he was a good person, but since Garnet had given him free rein to pursue other women, so long as they would benefit Alexandria's development, his mind had a penchant for wandering. This wasn't the case a few months ago, but with Garnet milking him several times a day for weeks on end, Andrew felt 'off' if he didn't have sex. It didn't help that nearly all Alexandria's troops were female, walking around in form-fitting green leotards that left little to the imagination...

'Now that I think about it, fourteen might be the best if I'm looking to get my rocks off and make allies. I wouldn't mind spending an evening with a Miqo'te dance, and if I can prove to the leaders of the Grand Companies that I'm from another world, they could become powerful allies...' Andrew reasoned. His main apprehension was that FFXIV had 'a lot' going on, as it was the world of an MMO, but so long as he wasn't thrown into the role of the Warrior of Light, he could do his own thing. That included evacuating people and taking in refugees from places like Ala Mhigo...

Helping him realize just how far he had 'fallen' due to Garnet's carnivorous tendencies, Andrew's dick began to stir as he imagined meeting Y'shtola, the white-haired Miqo'te scholar that often stood at the top of his list of Final Fantasy heroines. Everything from her appearance to her personality was top-notch, and because of her seemingly insatiable curiosity, Andrew was confident he could catch her interest. If not, he could always pop by Ul'dah, famous for its scantily clad Miqo'te dancers and legal prostitution.

Thinking of the many incredible women in Final Fantasy XIV, Andrew's pupils contracted as a famous pair of ass cheeks abruptly materialized in his memories. One of the central characters, a woman named Minfilia, had a literal 'ass window' built into her outfit. She was also, canonically, one of the 'thickest' women in the entire game and, most notably, fated to perish after a certain event, later reviving as an entity known as the 'Word of the Mother.'

Though it was probably a little too ambitious, Andrew imagined that if he saved Minfilia and prevented the destruction of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, chances weren't zero that she would 'reward' him. If nothing else, he could find out who designed her outfit, purchase an identical copy, and gift it to Garnet. She had taken to wearing dresses after becoming Queen, but since she had no trouble walking around in a jumpsuit, he didn't think she would mind wearing Minfilia's outfit, so famous within the game that Andrew vaguely recalled you could purchase it to give your female avatar massive tits and a perfectly sculpted ass...

Moving FFXIV near the top of the list of worlds he ought to Link and visit, Andrew narrowed down his options to three. The best for personal growth was probably FFX, followed closely by FFVII, but if he wanted to have fun and forge powerful alliances, FFXIV was possibly the most 'optimal' world to Link and visit.

'I could just Link all three and let fate take its course...' thought Andrew, seriously considering the possibility as he had proof matters would take their course if he just left them alone. In the world of Final Fantasy VIII, the protagonist, Squall, and his misfit party of orphans, saved their world in just twenty-eight days. It was genuinely jarring how quickly events had transpired, but Andrew wasn't too surprised as they had the means to get around much faster than in the world of FFIX.

Dismissing his wayward thought, at least in regards to Final Fantasies VII and X, Andrew turned around and began his return trip to his and Garnet's bedchamber. His eyes periodically wandered to the exposed asses of the many Alexandrian Knights walking around, but he never once considered making a move on any of them. Garnet had shown him considerable favor by allowing him to seek companionship in other worlds, so as far as Final Fantasy 9 was concerned, she was the only woman he would dare to lay a hand on. That, and much more...


