
Final Fantasy Frontier

MC gets Transmigrated to the Final Fantasy Metaverse under mysterious circumstances. Though his adventure starts in the world of Final Fantasy 9, it's only the very beginning of a journey spanning multiple worlds.

GloriousRightFoot · Video Games
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103 Chs


Following Pipin into a large office, cooled and illuminated by shimmering blue crystals, Andrew waited for the ashen-haired Lalafell to ascend his booster seat before materializing a gold, red-cushioned chair and making himself comfortable.

Seeing Andrew produce an expensive-looking chair out of thin air, Pipin's eyes widened as he asked, "How'd you do that? You don't appear to have a crystal storage bracer or an item bag."

"I understand that you have many questions," replied Andrew. "However, as lofty as the status of Vice-Marshall is, my secrets are reserved for the ears of the Sultana and her closest advisors. That might include you, but not at this moment."

Furrowing his brows, Pipin asserted, "Well, if you can't prove you are who you claim to be, there's no way you're meeting with the Sultana. Though, as Lady Nanamo is a very kind person, she may come and visit you behind bars."

"Then, go ahead and arrest me," said Andrew, extending his hands as if he were waiting to be cuffed, stating, "Then, when she and I do, invariably, meet, I'm curious to see what excuses you'll give if my treatment is less than accommodating."

Frowning even deeper, Pipin began to tap his desk with his index finger, annoyed by how calm and composed Andrew was. If the latter truly was a Prince Consort and the Envoy of a foreign Kingdom, he couldn't just arrest and teach him a lesson in humility...

Exhaling a sigh, Pipin ceased tapping and reached up to his right ear, a tiny magic circle appearing between his fingers and the pink pearl nestled in his ear, embellishing a gold, Bluetooth-like earpiece.

Though Andrew couldn't hear what was being said on the other side, he had a decent idea of who Pipin was talking to as he said, "Yes, father? I am presently sitting with an individual who claims to be an Envoy from a Kingdom called Alexandria. I have—yes, understood. I will bring him over immediately..."

Looking at Andrew, Pipin's expression became notably more respectful as he lowered his hand and stated, "My father, General Aldynn, has asked that I escort you to the Royal Promenade. Before that, please allow me to apologize if my words and actions have offended you..."

"You were simply doing your job," assured Andrew, smiling despite his confusion. It hadn't been that long since his arrival in Hydaelyn, so it was strange that the Sultana and General Raubahn appeared to be expecting him. The only thing he could think of was that the Mothercrystal version of Hydaelyn had used the 'Echo' to communicate with Minfilia or someone else to inform them of his presence...




As Andrew had yet to attune to Ul'dah's Aetheryte Network, which used massive shards of crystallized 'aetheric mist' to teleport people from one aetheryte crystal to another, Pipin had little choice but to lead the way to the Royal Promenade on foot. Andrew used this time by having Pipin act as an impromptu tour guide, asking the surly Lalafell questions about the desert metropolis, his views on the other city-states, and the situation of Eorzea as a whole. At the same time, he used the Correspondence Menu to send word to Garnet, apprising her of what had transpired and asking if she was willing to make an appearance, circumstances allowing.

"Here we are, the Royal Promenade..." said Pipin, looking and sounding exasperated as he gestured to a set of carpeted stone steps leading to a large corridor and a pair of magically reinforced stone doors at the far end of the hall. They had passed several armed, heavily armored guardsmen on their way to the stairs, but the corridor itself was notably unattended, giving it a strange, intimidating aura.

Noticing Andrew's confusion, Pipin adopted a somewhat cheeky smile as he revealed, "Powerful observation and defensive enchantments line this hall. If someone who was not invited attempts to force their way in, being escorted away would be a blessing."

"Interesting," replied Andrew, proceeding up the steps the moment Pipin finished speaking. He had never heard anything about such enchantments when he played the game, but he wasn't too surprised as the developers wouldn't include every single minute detail about the worlds they created.

Seeing Andrew proceed undaunted, Pipin exhaled a sigh before hobbling his way up the stone stops. Soon after, he and Andrew arrived before the stone doors at the opposite end of the hall, causing a fiery blue pattern to ignite on its surface before they parted on their own, revealing a spacious chamber interspaced with tall stone pillars. A red carpet flowed from the entrance to the chamber to its back, leading up a flight of stairs. There, seated atop a backless throne, could be seen the leader of the city-state of Ul'dah, Nanamo Ul Namo.

'Oh, wow. She's a lot cuter in person...' thought Andrew, raising his brows slightly as he met the gaze of the petite, doll-like woman seated atop the throne. Most Lalafells had fairly dark skin due to exposure, but Nanamo's was as fair as porcelain, her bright green eyes resembling gemstones, and her glossy pink hair, fashioned into large pigtails, with bangs that framed her face, giving the impression she had been lovingly crafted by a skilled dollmaker. It probably didn't help that, in the game, she was commonly seen riding around on the shoulder and forearm of the man standing near the base of the throne...

Contrasting Nanamo's delicate, doll-like appearance, the man standing at the base of her throne was one of the most intimidating people Andrew had ever seen. He had brown skin, dark hair fashioned into braids, a full but neatly trimmed beard that flowed into his sideburns, thick brows, a broad nose that gave the impression he was more lion than man, and a remarkably muscular body adorned with fierce-looking black armor, the most notable element being a bull-themed pauldron covering his left arm and shoulder. That, combined with the two massive swords on his hips and the circular shield on his back, made it clear to Andrew that he wasn't dealing with a man but a veritable 'beast' in human form.

With a deep, raspy, and strangely gentlemanly voice, the fierce-looking man, instantaneously recognizable as General Raubahn Aldynn, placed his hand over his chest and said, "Welcome, Envoy of the Crystals. I hope my son was not too careless in his handling of you."

Though he was tempted to ask what the hell an Envoy of the Crystals was, Andrew adopted a smile and said, "You must be General Aldynn, the Flame General and former champion of the Coliseum. Then, by process of elimination, that makes this adorable young lady the Sultana..."

Adopting a faint smile of her own, Nanamo replied, "Your words honor me, Sir Envoy. But please, call me Nanamo. I wear the title of Sultana proudly, but it is too formal for a private meeting such as this."

"Then you, Lady Nanamo, may call me Andrew," said Andrew, nodding his head politely before raising it to append, "Though my full name and title are Andrew Ashford Alexandros the First, Prince Consort to Her Majesty, Queen Garnet, and Envoy of the Kingdom of Alexandria."

Before Nanamo could respond, Raubahn said, "Thank you for guiding our guest to us, Vice-Marshall Pipin. You may now take your leave."

Responding with a proper 'flame salute,' bringing his right hand to his chest and placing his left hand behind his back with vigor, Pipin replied, "Understood, Sir!" before bowing toward Nanamo and adding, "By your leave, my Lady."

"You may go," replied Nanamo, appending a polite "And be well" as Pipin turned to waddle out of the chamber, prompting the magical stone doors to close behind him.

Following Pipin's departure, Raubahn wasted no time, stating, "We have been led to believe that you have come to us from another world, one far removed from the Garlean Empire's influence. Further, our informant tells us you have received the blessing and grace of the Mothercrystal, similar to the fabled Warriors of Light."

"Indeed, I am not of this world," confirmed Andrew, surprising the duo further by adding, "If you are willing to trust me, I can prove it by taking you over to said world or transporting my wife, Queen Garnet, here. She is eager to form friendly diplomatic relations with Ul'dah and the other city-states."

Before Raubahn could refuse or agree to let Andrew bring over Garnet, Nanamo beat him to the punch, hopping from her throne in her pink, long-sleeved, bell-shaped dress and excitedly replying, "Then let us be away at once!"

"Your Grace...!" exclaimed Raubahn, taking a knee and bowing his head as he added, "Would it not be better to—"

"That's quite enough, General," hummed Nanamo, making her way over to Andrew and staring up at him with a smile as she said, "I like to think I am a fair judge of character. And if we are to form friendly diplomatic relations with another world, it is only natural we demonstrate our capacity to trust our would-be allies."

Extending her left hand, Nanamo added, "It would be a great honor to be the first to meet your Queen and experience your world as Eorzea's proxy, Prince Ashford."

"And it would be mine to escort you," replied Andrew, taking a knee and accepting Nanamo's tiny, delicate hand as he extended a friend invite to her through his Correspondence Menu. She was a little surprised when a transparent window suddenly appeared before her, but when she noticed that it read, 'Andrew Ashford Alexandros would like to be your friend. Do you accept?' she smiled and said, "I do."

Though he could have 'abducted' Nanamo on the spot, Andrew looked to Raubahn and asked, "Will you be accompanying us, General?"

"Where Her Grace goes, I shall follow," replied Raubahn, his expression and tone resolute. Then, after shaking hands with Andrew, surprised by the latter's grip strength, the three of them vanished into thin air, leaving the sealed-off Sultana's Chamber empty...




Similar to when Garnet entered the world of Final Fantasy 8, Nanamo and Raubahn were initially stunned and then mystified by the subtle changes in their appearances and the vibrancy of the world around them, standing out from the comparably muted tones of their world.

Drawing the duo's gazes, Garnet, standing in front of her throne with her hands covering her lap, wearing a beautiful white gown tinged with pastel greens and gold trim, stated, "Friends from a distant land, welcome to the Kingdom of Alexandria. We are Queen Garnet Til Alexandros the 17th. May I ask for the two of yours?"

Gazing open Garnet, Nanamo's green eyes widened as she covered her mouth with her hand, faintly exclaiming, "Oh, my...!" in genuine shock. She hadn't exactly expected Garnet to be ugly, especially with a Consort like Andrew, but Nanamo was surprised by just how stunning her prospective ally was.

She had never told anyone about it, but Nanamo habitually graded people and their appearances between 0-100. Andrew was deemed exceptionally handsome at an 87, but Garnet was at least a 95...maybe even a perfect 100. Nanamo couldn't describe it well, but there was a certain 'air' about Garnet she felt she could learn a lot from...




Once Nanamo recovered from her shock, she and Raubahn introduced themselves. Shortly after that, Nanamo and Garnet began discussing the potential for trade between their two nations while Andrew and Raubahn observed them silently. Half an hour later, Beatrix arrived to inform them that a banquet had been prepared, causing Raubahn's body to tense, his hand gravitating to his sword as he could tell, even before learning she was the Kingdom's General, that the one-eyed swordswoman before him was as powerful as she was beautiful...


