
Final Fantasy Frontier

MC gets Transmigrated to the Final Fantasy Metaverse under mysterious circumstances. Though his adventure starts in the world of Final Fantasy 9, it's only the very beginning of a journey spanning multiple worlds.

GloriousRightFoot · Video Games
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103 Chs


After a bit more discussion, Andrew, Yuna, and Lulu returned to Luca to catch the end of the ceremony celebrating the Auroch's inaugural victory. They even received a large crystal trophy, but as the Blitzball season had just started, they would lose it if they failed to reach the finals and win the championship held at the end of the year.

While Lulu went off to 'begrudgingly' congratulate Wakka, Yuna surprised Andrew by grabbing his sleeve and stating, "It's alright, you know...I was a little surprised to learn about your wife, Y'shtola, and the others, but I made up my mind that day in Limsa. Now, I want to defeat Sin, reveal the truth, and help the people of Spira move on and build a brighter future..."

"Then, I have a proposition..." said Andrew, smiling as he took Yuna into his arms and stated, "Once the truth is brought to light, the Yevon faith will crumble. There will be those who oppose it, but for the sake of Spira and its future, a new order must be established to fill the resultant power vacuum. When that time comes, the people of Spira will look to you, the person who liberated them from a thousand years of suffering..."

"What do you want me to do...?" asked Yuna, swallowing nervously as Andrew brought his face and lips closer.

"I want you to become Queen, ruling over this world from a throne in Bevelle," answered Andrew, moving his hands from Yuna's waist to her butt, raising her off the ground as he added, "As it stands, Spira will be divided into three factions in the wake of Sin's defeat, a group that clings to the path and wishes things to remain the same, those who seek fame and fortune through individual power, and those who wish to reintroduce and incorporate machina into Spiran society. What the people 'need' is a beacon, a shepherd to guide them toward a future that respects tradition but isn't afraid to learn and build upon the foundation of history..."

"Can someone like me truly become a Queen...?" asked Yuna, her voice trembling due to nervousness and excitement.

"If you're willing, I'll make it so..." replied Andrew, punctuating his words with a kiss. In truth, he had no idea how to install or support Yuna as a Queen, but with Garnet, Nanamo, and others he could defer to, he was fairly confident things would work out. Yuna simply needed the desire to rule, and he, her uncle, the people of Spira, and everyone linked through his system would support her...

Following a kiss lasting well over a minute, Yuna responded with a faint but firm, "I'll do it...I will become a Queen..." while staring into Andrew's eyes with a fierce resolution. She had never thought about nor wanted to rule over anyone, but as she had also given up and was prepared to die, Yuna now felt that she should live the life Andrew had given her to the fullest. If he wanted her to become Queen, she would give it—him, her all...




After waiting for nearly two hours at the entrance to the Mi'ihen Highroad, the first of two Highroads that would lead them to their next destination, Djose Temple, Auron arrived with Tidus in tow, his eye briefly lingering on Andrew before he turned to Yuna and stated, "I would like to offer you my services..."

"Truly...?" asked Yuna.

"Holy cow...!" exclaimed Wakka.

"Well, that's reassuring..." muttered Lulu.

"Indeed," replied Auron, further elaborating, "I made a promise to Braska."

"You made...a promise to my father...?" parroted Yuna, prompting Auron to nod before grabbing and shoving Tidus forward as he added, "I'd like him to come along as well. This one, I promised Jecht."

"Uh, hi guys..." said Tidus, smiling awkwardly and raising his hand as he was originally supposed to separate from the group following the Blitzball tournament. He even promised to captain the Aurochs to an undefeated season, so he was at a loss when Auron appeared, informing him that his father was Sin and revealing several other concerning truths...

"It would be an honor to have you with us, Sir Auron," responded Yuna, habitually performing the Prayer of Yevon before directing a narrow-eyed smile to Tidus and adding, "You are also welcome, Sir Tidus."

"I'm a little too young to be called a Sir..." replied Tidus, scratching his head.

"You'll get used to it," said Auron, giving Tidus a firm smack between his shoulders before directing his gaze to Andrew.

"Now, mind telling me who you are? I've met many people with tails, but never one with human features..." remarked Auron, recalling how quickly and deftly Andrew moved during the battle at the stadium. He was sure he would win if push came to shove, but it would be a difficult battle as he had witnessed Andrew wielding a wide array of weapons, not just pistols.

"I'm something called a Genome," replied Andrew, smiling as he added, "I won't go into the specifics, as I've explained it several times already, but I came here from another world to help Yuna bring about the Eternal Calm. Is your geriatric ass okay with that...?"

"Hey, watch your mouth!" shouted Wakka. "This is Sir Auron you're talking to! Show some respect...!"

"That isn't necessary," supplanted Auron, his gaze lingering on Andrew for several seconds before he added, "You don't appear to be lying, and I can tell you're 'different' from the people of this world..."

Without waiting for Andrew's or anyone else's response, Auron began to walk ahead, his voice trailing as he stated, "If you have truly come here to help Yuna bring about the Eternal Calm, I have nothing else to say. This is no longer my story..."

Following Auron with his gaze, Andrew waited until he was out of earshot before remarking, "That guy's kind of a badass, huh?"

"He really is," replied Yuna, covering her mouth to stifle a laugh. Then, using the same hand, she grabbed Andrew's, pulling him along as she said, "Let's go," before playing off of Auron's words, musing, "Our story isn't going to write itself..."




With Yuna making her resolution clear earlier that day, Andrew didn't beat around the bush when they retired to his penthouse that evening. Well, to be more accurate, Yuna didn't permit him to. The moment they teleported over, she outright told him she wanted to have sex, eventually resulting in a situation where he had the impassioned, incredibly determined brunette bouncing and moving atop him with an alluring smile on her face.

"It's true what they say," said Andrew, wearing a smile of his own as he smacked Yuna's springy ass, musing, "The quiet ones really are the most enthusiastic in the bedroom..."

"You've spent the last four days teasing me incessantly," contended Yuna, surprising Andrew by revealing, "It got so bad that when I went to use the restroom earlier...I touched myself..."

"That, I have to see," replied Andrew, punctuating his words by bucking his hips, prompting Yuna to resume her efforts to get him to cum. He had already made her cum a dozen times over, eventually releasing a sizeable load deep inside her pussy, but she insisted on returning the favor at least once before they cleaned up and returned to Spira.

Closing her eyes, leaning back her head, and biting her lower lip, Yuna placed her hands atop Andrew's remarkably firm, well-defined abs and intensified her movements. It made her feel guilty being the only one to orgasm repeatedly, so she did her best to suppress the growing pleasure that seemed to melt her brain, desperate to get Andrew to cum a second time. Fortunately, thanks to her arduous training as a Summoner, she had more than enough stamina...

Though he could have held out nigh-indefinitely if he wanted to, Andrew eventually rewarded Yuna's efforts by grabbing her waist and sinking his cock as deep as it could go before releasing his second load, causing her body to tremble violently before collapsing against him, gaze unfocused and breathing heavily.

Wrapping his arms around Yuna's body, Andrew planted a kiss atop her head before using his tail to caress the cleft between her milky white ass cheeks. Blowing his load twice barely qualified as a warmup thanks to his 'training' with Garnet and Y'shtola, so if she were willing, he could provide Yuna an additional eight shots without needing to rest.

Feeling Andrew's tail rub against her ass, his bristly fur tickling her pussy, Yuna, with an unfocused look, adopted a wry smile and remarked, "Now I understand what Y'shtola meant when she said no one woman can handle you..."

"It's more like I have to be this way to keep so many good women at my side," mused Andrew. Then, with his hands gripping Yuna's ass, he began a slow, steady, grinding piston, causing whimpering moans to emanate from her throat as he made a mental note to bring 'backup' the next time she and Andrew had sex. She would feel most comfortable with someone like Lulu, but unless she pleaded, Yuna couldn't see her childhood friend getting entangled with Andrew deliberately. Y'shtola would probably be willing, but while she was prepared to befriend the feline scholar, Yuna would prefer someone from her world as it would make it easier to vie for Andrew's limited time and affection...




When Yuna exited her room and headed down for breakfast at the Al Bhedian rest station everyone was staying at, the others might not have noticed, but Lulu 'immediately' discerned the difference in her presence and how she was walking.

"You..." growled Lulu, directing a fiery glare at Andrew before grabbing Yuna's hand and dragging her back to her room for a private, girl's only conversation.

"What was that about...?" asked Tidus, standing lackadaisically with his hands behind his head.

Shrugging as if the matter didn't concern him, Andrew replied, "I guess I'm just not popular with emo women. How about you?"

"You're asking if I have any luck with women?" asked Tidus, lowering his hands and adopting a smile as he thumped his chest and claimed, "Back in Zanarkand, I had girls crawling all over me, screaming my name every game night. Heck, this one time, there was even a girl—"

Interrupting Tidus's soliloquy, Auron plainly remarked, "He's lying. Sure, he was popular, but in the ten years I spent watching over him, this brat could barely talk to women, much less secure a date with one..."

"Damnit, Auron!" exclaimed Tidus. "Why do you have to go around saying things like that!? Are you trying to ruin my reputation?"

"What reputation?" asked Auron, staring at Tidus with his left brow raised.

"Well, I did just help the Aurochs secure the inaugural championship," said Tidus, rubbing the underside of his nose with a proud look.

"It takes more than two matches to secure your fame," countered Auron, pushing up his sunglasses as he added, "Also, as a former pro, you should know how fickle so-called fans can be. Unless you continue to perform and meet their expectations, they won't even remember your name a few weeks from now, much less in a few years..."

Clicking his tongue, Tidus kicked the floor before exiting the shop to get some fresh air and wait for their departure. In his wake, Auron turned to Andrew, his expression and tone serious as he said, "Don't hurt her. Yuna, I mean..."

Nodding in affirmation, Andrew replied, "Things are a little complicated on my end, but I can assure you this much. So long as I draw breath, I won't allow any harm to befall her..."


Seemingly through with the conversation, Auron abruptly turned to leave without further remark. Since Wakka and Kimahri were already outside, this left him as the only person remaining in the shop, sans the duo of Al Bhedian clerks. This ended up being a good thing as, a few minutes later, Lulu emerged, dragging him into the room where she had been lecturing Yuna so she could lecture them both...


