
Final Climb

A century ago monsters know as Sin manifested on Earth wreaking havoc throughout the human civilization. Slowly, like a stain that grew over time, the Sins began to take over the human continents. Humans threatened with extinction, evolved to gain supernatural powers, but the Sins were overwhelmingly strong and only seemed to get stronger over time. They badly needed a hero to save them all from imminent extinction. This was when Sicarius Venia, a man who had been revived through thousands of worlds is reborn on Earth. But this time not as a savior, his mission was the complete opposite; the extinction of every lifeform in the planet. Watch as Sicarius enters Earth in its time of need. Growing strong in the guidance of those that he will eventually massacre. Will he obey his God and destroy the world to achieve his goals, or will fate stray him away from his plans? DISCLAIMER: I do not own the image used as the cover of my story.

Enthra · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Place Your Bets!

In a well-lit room, Omni sat on the end of a long table with a smile on his face as he looked at the screen at the front of the room. The screen displayed potential candidates for the upcoming Annual Tournament of Powered Youths. On the screen were the portraits of multiple teenagers along with a short description of their abilities and their status levels. There was Princess, Venus, Crock, Prince, Emilia, and Layla but the focus seemed to be on the other two particular people who were both of status 3

On the top left was a seemingly harsh and yet good-looking teen with short and tidy hair looking at the camera with stone-cold violet eyes. On top of his portrait was the name, Carius Gray or better known as Sicarius.

Sicarius is 15 years of age with a physique capable of outstanding feats of all physical attributes. Be it strength, dexterity, or endurance. It has also been determined that Sicarius has extreme mental faculties capable of thinking and keeping a cool head in high-pressure situations. Currently powerless but is at status 3 despite this.

Ardor Withers, a boy with white long hair and striking red fiery eyes with a lean physique, was smiling in his portrait revealing pearly white teeth. A status 3 student with two powers and with complete applications of his powers ever since awakening. Accompanying his strength is his extreme knowledge of multiple topics and is adaptable in any situation. He simultaneously acts as a fire manipulator and a priest. Unlimited potential and most likely to ascend towards high-status levels.

"We have quite a handful of elites this time." A shriveled bald old man, Echo, uttered,

"With some, having significantly less potential than others," Reynold said as he glared at Sicarius's portrait with a scowl,

"And what exactly do you mean by that?" Agatha asked with the air around her seemingly getting colder,

"Reynold isn't wrong you know?" Synthia muttered, "Sicarius doesn't have powers, so he can only get so far. We'll have no other choice than to give Ardor what would have been his share."

Agatha was pissed, not just because everyone is calling his son Sicarius, but also due to the fact that she couldn't deny their reasonings. Sicarius with no powers was bound to experience hardships fighting among those that can topple the city with their powers. However, Sicarius chose this, and she would do nothing but support her son.

The topic of the meeting was regarding how the resources for training were to be allocated. All those displayed on the screen were representatives of the school, and therefore the school was trying to figure out which ones to give more and which ones to give less. All those status 2 will be given level 1 enlightenment potions that could stimulate their brain activity for an hour. To those of status 3, the resources were level 2 elixirs that could stimulate their brain activity for a day. Through this, a person could gain a deeper understanding of their ability and how to use them which could even lead to breakthroughs in status levels. Both Sicarius and Ardor were status 3, however, with Sicarius being powerless, the obvious choice would be to give all the resources to Ardor.

"Give Ardor Sicarius's share but send Sicarius to Vision," Agatha said,

"That's ludicrous!" Reynold uttered, to which other members of the staff nodded.

"Sicarius is powerless! Sending him would be nothing but a waste!" A middle aged woman with red hair and dark skin, Dusk, reasoned,

"Sending Sicarius might awaken his dormant powers!" Agatha reasoned,"

"But that's an unwise risk to take," Bogart said,

The meeting room was getting rowdy. Agatha didn't want to surrender all the benefits to Ardor, even if it would seem to be the logical thing to do. All of the staff was against her, and despite that, she was rather stubborn.

"Founder Omni what's your opinion on this?" Synthia asked, "I do think the both of them are outstanding youths of today, however, wouldn't it be smarter to send Ardor since we don't even know if Sicarius really will awaken his powers."

Omni could only sigh. Sicarius was an amazing lad, being powerless like that and yet he could rival status 3 powereds. Omni had never seen a lad like him all his life, and that's saying something considering with his age and powers, he was qualified to say that he had in fact seen everything. Ardor too was a special case, with powers of fire and divine power, he was qualified to be a commander in the war against the Sins. Ardor even awakened with complete applications of his powers, his potential was seemingly limitless. In fact, both of them could be said to have limitless potential. Ardor had two powers and awakened completely so it's a given that he would be strong. Sicarius on the other hand shouldn't even be a status 3 this young with no powers. It wasn't unheard of for a powerless to reach status 3, but often those people would be old aged and would have devoted their life constantly training in order to just be status 3. Sicarius had only used 15 years to get to this level! Sicarius was the true meaning of breaking the limits of human potential. Omni couldn't help but have a rather high opinion of him.

Still, he had to be unbiased in this decision, therefore he came to the simplest conclusion, "Let them spar it out."

Synthia smiled, as if this was the outcome she was hoping for.

"I agree with the founder. The opportunity will be given to the one that deserves it." she said, "This way no one can argue with the outcome."

"Fine by me!" Agatha agreed, and yet she couldn't help but feel worried for her boy.

"Let's do it now!" Reynold yelled, he couldn't wait to see Sicarius get beat up. Especially after being beaten by him himself. In fact, he was so embarrassed by this fact that he threatened all the witnesses to shut their mouths or else.

"It would be best to set a date," Omni said, "We could turn it into some kind of spectacle for everyone to watch. It would be best for the other students to see what their peers are capable of. The youth are stimulated by competition after all."

Reynold seemed to be in thought for a second before nodding vigorously, "The founder is indeed wise! I agree that every living soul in the tower should witness this fight!"

Aside from the fact that this will mean the whole tower would see Sicarius get beat down, Reynold could even make a quick buck from this. He turned to his side and nudged Bogart before whispering,

"Wanna bet on who wins?"

"Why even whisper that in front of me, you fool!" Omni yelled, with his eyes narrowing into a glare. "How dare you exclude me from the festivities!"

As Omni said that the screen in front of the room updated. With Sicarius's portrait on the left, and Ardor's on the right. Below their portraits seemed to be a ratio, and on the top center of their portraits the sentence 'Place your bets!' formed.

"I don't hate gambling people! So place your bets!" Omni announced as he howled in laughter.