
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 63 – The Start of the Grand Empire Demilaxia (Extra Chapter)

"Everyone! Hold on, we can do this!" a man with tiger-like stripes running along with his body along with a pair of tiger ears on his head shouts, his body bruised and battered with blood as their army looks at the monsters in front of them with despair and fear.

"We'll kill those damn monsters!" the tiger-human hybrid shouts, his eyes dilating as everyone behind him raise their boorish spears and metallic shields against the godly beings in front of them who have eyes glowing crimson red and pinwheels running in a circle, some had pale-white eyes and veins lining on their forehead and a whole assortment of eyes that brought a sense of dread to the army of demihumans.

As the tiger demihuman rushes forward, the others behind him follow along and the aliens watch them with condescending glances. As one of the five raises their white arm to the sky, the demihumans watch a gigantic ball of flames manifest out of nowhere that made the surrounding area rise in temperature, its blazing hot appearance akin to a star that made their heart tremble.

But they kept charging onwards, their hearts wavered but their minds shouted them to keep moving forwards, death was already there so why not face it head-on.

"AHHH!" the demihumans shout, their bodies charging against the gigantic ball of orange flames that shoots towards them, many of them burning to a crisp but miraculously, the tiger demihuman was still alive and he arrives right in front of the five aliens with his charred body.

"TAKE THIS!" the demihuman shouts, his muscles bulging to ridiculous proportion and he threw the wooden spear in his right arm toward the presumed leader of the monsters in front of him, their appearance being that of pure white, wearing clothes akin to robes that have markings on certain parts similar to the pinwheels in their red eyes.

"Pathetic," the leader said, her eyes changing from featureless white to purple with black rings within it, the pressure her body exudes causing the spear that was thrown to halt in place.

Smirking, the leader points her right index finger to the man and they watch a beam of blue energy shoot towards him at drastic speeds, the five already expecting his head to have a hole in the middle.

But without any warning, their eyebrows became raised upon seeing a flash of white light suddenly appear in front of the tiger demihuman that blocked the beam of blue energy.

And as the white light recedes, they felt their heart suddenly trembling under the red miasma being exuded from the smoke that formed around the place the white light appeared, it was as if a wild, ravenous beast has appeared in front of them.

"You," a voice appeared out of nowhere, and as they heard the sound of someone being choked, the other four turned their eyes to see their leader being choked by a young boy that appeared from nowhere, his eyes glowing a deep crimson while the air around him warps from his killing intent.

"Show me your memories," Braun said, his hand phasing through her neck and connecting directly with her mind, the information about the current events hastily entering his mind as Braun lets go of her neck, the four watch in horror as they saw her body dropping to the ground with a thud, and they all knew that she was currently dead.

As Braun raises his head to the sky, Braun rearranges the newly absorbed memories and lets out a sigh from his mouth.

"A thousand-year-long dilation, how unexpected," Braun mutters, his body disappearing and as the tiger demihuman looks at the other four pale white aliens drop to the ground, he lets out a shriek from his mouth when an arm pats him on the shoulder.

As the tiger demihuman felt a weird energy flowing through his brain towards the tip of what he presumes to be fingers placed on his nape, he felt his memories replaying in his mind in crystal clear quality.

"So your name's Zurik and we're currently in Demilaxia. The current apex predators are the Demilaxians which are you guys, having the strength of beasts and intelligence brighter than anything else within this world that allowed you to hastily develop to the age of kingdoms in only thousands of years. There are social hierarchies such as kings and queens and the such, and you're currently the General of the last living kingdom in this world located on the southern continent which was quite lucky for your kingdom. I guess Operation Type 3 Civilization it is," Braun said as Zurik felt his mind being muddled by the onslaught of words Braun muttered.

As he felt the hand grabbing his nape let go, Zurik watches Braun walk toward the corpse of the five monsters and magically made them float which caused his eyes to widen in shock.

"M-monster!" Zurik shouts as he steps back in fear, the trauma of his army dying and being the last survivor left made his mind almost go past the breaking point.

"Shush," Braun said, whipping his index finger at Zurik and Zurik's eyes suddenly roll to the back of his head.

After a long pause, Zurik's eyes return to normal and he watches Braun sitting in front of him in midair with nonchalant eyes, the corpse of the five aliens floating beside him. "What did you do to me? I feel so… strange."

"I just made you a lot smarter, a certifiable genius for your current civilization, smarter than any of your ancestors in fact by a mile, now keep quiet while I take over your kingdom," Braun said, snapping his fingers as both suddenly appeared within the throne room of Dayvalley, right in front of the current queen Van Dayvalley who looks at them in shock.

"Zurik!" Van shouts, standing up in shock as she rushes towards Zurik, preparing to take him into a hug.

"Sorry, but I have some matters to attend to," Braun said, and as Zurik watches Van's head suddenly explode into meat paste, he felt his stomach drop and his heart palpitate in chaotic emotions.

"You'll get used to this once we are conquering planets later," Braun said, walking forward and crouching down to grab the golden crown that rolls to his feet that came from the now-deceased Van Dayvalley.

"YOU! Why did you kill her! She was the last living queen of the last kingdom of Demilaxia!" Zurik shouts, his emotions flaring up and he grabs Braun's shoulders, enraged at his actions.

"Sigh, as expected, just making you smarter won't replace experience. Now now, you're smart right? I made you smart, so just listen. I'm from a place very far away from your world, distances so vast your mind won't be able to comprehend, now I'm being magnanimous and I'll lead your whole race as a sort of adviser for a full one thousand years until the Demilaxians reach Type 3 Civilization," Braun explained, but due to the lack of knowledge, Zurik was still confused and didn't understand what Braun was saying.


"Just follow me," Braun said, not bothering to mind fuck Zurik. Walking forward towards the door leading to the throne room, Zurik follows Braun from the back but his mind was still wary.

Within seconds, Braun and Zurik found themselves standing on the balcony of the castle that faces the whole kingdom where the villages run amok, distressed at the news they received all around the world.

Standing in front of the distressed people of Dayvalley, Braun looks at them with cold eyes and raises his hand to the sky.


A resounding snap reverberated throughout the whole kingdom, and with the booming sound of the snap entering the ears of the Demilaxians within the kingdom of Dayvalley, they all halted their movements and look at Braun with blank stares.

"What did you do to them?" Zurik asked, worried at his fellow kin's current state.

"Just calming their minds down," Braun said, snapping his fingers once more as the glow returned to their eyes. And as Zurik watch them not riot or return to fear, he lets out a sigh of relief and waits in anticipation for what Braun is about to do.

"People of Dayvalley! I have news to bear for all of you!" Catching their attention, Braun's body started to float towards the sky as their eyes widen in shock like they have just seen a witch.

"You, the current residents of Dayvalley, are the last living Demilaxians of the whole world! Every other kingdom, every other empire was razed to the ground by the otherworldly beings called Otsutsukis! They planned to grow a God Tree and were planning to use your world as a sacrifice! After a fierce battle against them, I have managed to defeat them after a long hard fight, but not without repercussions," Braun adds, raising his white shirt to show them a hole in the middle of his chest.

"With this, I sadly won't be able to defend you all from any future threats," Braun said as everyone widens their eyes in fear, including Zurik as he remembered the god-like powers of the Otsutsutsukis.

"But you don't need to worry, for I have come from a civilization that can be considered divine! With the knowledge I have gathered from them, I'll be able to help you, Demilaxians, develop enough strength to defend yourself against any threats in the world!" Braun shouts, a floating screen manifesting beside him and the Demilaxians look at the screen with palpitating hearts. From gigantic chunks of metal obliterating planets, stars being harnessed as an energy source, to strange humanoid entities piloting giant mechs the size of planets, the people of Demilaxia felt revelry at the being floating in front of them.

"I-is that a Type 3 Civilization?" Zurik muttered in shock, his mind unable to process those godly feats the race Braun was presumably from.

"I hailed from a race who can explode planets on a whim, harness the power of stars for playthings, travel through space and time like walking! I was born with a spoon so valuable none of you would be able to even comprehend its value! But being born in such a powerful race has shielded me from true development, development of one's own self!" Braun shouts, his countenance seemingly turning into a being of pure kindness and power.

"Upon arriving in this world, I have seen how pitiful Demilaxians are! And I plan to change that! I'll be your God, follow me and you'll reach heaven, ignore me and you'll continue to live in this pitiful state! So which one will you choose! Accept my guidance and reach for the stars, or stay ignorant and live a life of mediocrity! You are now in the era where we'll explore the grand galaxy, not in the era of living poor and suffering an indignant life!" Braun shouts as everyone's eyes shone in pure devotion to Braun, as in their eyes, he has fully become their God.

"W-we'll follow your teachings!"

"Please, don't leave us!"

"Y-yes! Lord Freidrich!"

Hearing the chants of his name from the crowd, Braun grins as he nods his head.

"Good, it seems like everyone here could be enlightened by my light! For now, I'll have to recuperate and heal, but fear not, I have blessed Zurik with my gift!" Braun said as everyone turned their eyes to Zurik who suddenly have a crown over his head.

"I have given him the blessing of wisdom, under his rule and my guidance, the now reborn kingdom of Demilaxia will reach for the stars!" Braun said as his body erupts into a rainbow of light.

"And for my final gift, is the protection of my divine angels! In times of desperate need, my angels would descend from heaven and bring my blessing!" As thousands of angels appear behind him, the Demilaxians fell down to their knees and kowtowed to Braun, fully accepting him as a true divine being who is kind and magnanimous, their Messiah who brings his blessing in these trying times.

With the last remaining population of Demilaxia now under his rule, they all watch Braun ascend to the sky and a white cube suddenly appears, encompassing the sky above them but no shadow formed below the cube, it was as if it was transparent that light can pass through it but it was clearly opaque, showing Braun's magical abilities while the angels followed Braun inside the cube, disappearing from the people as a new era has been paved for the Demilaxians.

AN: This is 2112 words, you're welcome.

Expect the rest of the volume to be like records, you'll understand what I'm saying next chapter.

And the majority of you guys are definitely going to hate me for the next major plot twist, it's a big fucking twist alright, it even bends the laws of reality, like snapping it into two.

Also, the name Demilaxian came out of nowhere but it has that ring to it, so I decided to keep that name instead of Demihuman. Like, Demilaxians don't even know human exists much less name themselves something below puny humans.

Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 22, 2022 – 210th day of writing)