
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 46 – Supernatural Charisma

Walking out of a black building in the middle of a crowded city, Braun takes a last glance at his SED identity card and pockets it inside his pants, tucking both of his hands in both pockets and just like that, his body disappears with a flicker and appears back in Zenith Academy's entrance where a familiar figure stands all alone.

Watching her golden hair swaying with the wind, her eyes dotted with the color of sun rays, her milky white skin with no blemishes encapsulated by the orange glow of the sun, a scene of pure beauty for the eyes to feast upon as if a phoenix has taken on a human form for mortals to appreciate, but those eyes belonging to a goddess looks towards Braun with pure glee.

"Braun! You're finally back!" Amber shouts, far from her previous cold demeanor, and rushes towards Braun, taking him into a tight hug as a wide smile was plastered on her face, her pearly white teeth, and luscious pink lips seemingly taking the attention of the other students around them, especially the male students who look at Braun with baleful eyes of envy.

"Amber, you don't need to call me by my last name, you can just call me Freidrich," Braun said, patting Amber on the back as she let go of the tight hug to look at Braun in the eyes, her irises gleaming with the color of orange that shows the youthful vigor teenagers hold, even though they were literal god amongst men in this world, they were still humans who have emotions, chaotic, useless emotions, emotions that can be exploited by a certain psychopathic entity that looks at Amber with the most gleeful of smile a human can have, literally.

"But calling you Freidrich feels weird, I don't know why, but you sound better as Braun," Amber said with a teasing smile, her hair continuing to sway with the soft breeze of the afternoon wind, and due to the open fields of Zenith Academy, it's no problem for fresh winds to come and go inside the campus which makes the students want to come out and play, to exert their fleshy bodies in physical activities and reinforce their muscles to allow for better growth.

"Okay, I guess everybody does kinda call me Braun instead of Freidrich so I'm used to it. So, you wanna go home already? Or do you want to buy a snack first?" Braun said with a smile, taking out some cash from his pocket.

"My treat," Braun adds.

"Why not, I would love to eat a sweet snack right now, why not some ice cream?" Amber said, turning her body around and both start to walk out of Zenith Academy and onto the wider city.

"Sure, I know a place where we can buy some ice cream, but do you want the one in cones or like in a big container we can eat with spoons?" Braun asks as Amber scratches her chin.

"The one with ice cream cones," Amber said, a grin showing on her face as she turns around to face Braun while many civilians walk past them on the concrete roadside, many cars passing by them while the setting sun was seen in the far horizon.

After a while, the duo arrives inside an ice cream shop and Braun went to order for the both of them.

"What flavor do you want?" Braun asks while Amber glances at the variety of flavors she can choose from by looking at the screen above the counter.

"Strawberry, and coffee," Amber said as Braun nods his head and went to order their orders.

In just a few seconds, the lady over the counter turns around holding two ice cream cones, one consisting of strawberry and coffee-flavored ice cream while another has pure strawberry flavored ice cream, giving Amber her cone, Braun grabs his own while rummaging through his pocket.

"Just wait outside for me while I get my change," Braun said, a slight shift suddenly appeared in his voice that went unnoticed by either Amber or the lady over the counter.

"Sure," Amber said, following Braun's suggestion even though she could have just waited inside, it's not like they prohibit for people to stay inside the store.

Going out, she absentmindedly stands beside the entrance of the ice cream shop where a dark alley was right beside it suspiciously enough, and just like a typical trope in fictional media, Amber finds herself being forced into a dark alley by a ragtag group of horny losers and thugs.

"Hehehe, boss, it seems like we found a high-quality fish in this night sea!" a thug with spiky green hair said while saliva dripped from his mouth. Soon, the others went to chuckle menacingly while Amber looks at them with a cold gaze.

Glaring at them, an orange glow envelops her whole body but her eyes widen in shock when she saw the ice cream in her hand start to melt.

'No! Braun bought this for me! I don't want it to go to waste! We were supposed to walk home with each other while eating ice cream!' Amber shouts in her mind, the orange glow around her disappearing in just a few seconds as her mind became irrational due to the sudden feeling appearing directly on her chest, it was as if she would become hollow when the ice cream in her left hand melts.

Watching them, she didn't know what to do in response, should she fight? But that would make the ice cream melt. Should she run? But that would ruin the ice cream and leave Braun all alone. Should she fight bare-handed? She could defeat them all alone but the ice cream would get ruined along with her clothes.

As countless thoughts flash in her mind, her mind finally halted from the emotional and mental stress, her legs seemingly stuck to the ground even though she wanted to move them, her arms didn't move a single bit as the thugs approaches her closer and closer.

It was as if somebody cut off the strings on her body, leaving her as a puppet with nobody controlling it as if her mind went into a forest of dark fog that left her paralyzed from fear, but somehow it was much worst and her mind eventually turned into a chaotic mess.

But like a light at the end of a tunnel, or a hero appearing at the darkest of hours, her knight in shining armor appeared in the distance.

"Hey!" a voice shouts catching the thugs' attention, and as the one at the furthest from her turns his head around, he was greeted by the fist of Braun that directly hits his face, and the sound of flesh and bones cracking was heard as blood and teeth were flung to the other thugs.

Without mercy, Amber watches Braun obliterate the thugs around her, defeating each of them with a singular punch to either the gut, face, a chop to the neck, or a kick to the thigh, the crimson golden glow enveloping Braun made him look like a demon, but in her eyes, he transformed into a cruel angel who brings no mercy to those who hurts her, it was as if Braun became her guardian angel in mortal flesh.

"B-Braun," Amber mutters, her face flushing into a color of red like a ripe tomato, but her soft voice caught Braun's attention who finished knocking out the last thug.

"Are you okay?" Braun hurriedly says, the ice cream cone in his right arm already melted and destroyed from the stress it went to. Watching him crouch down in front of her, she felt his warm hands grabbing her cheeks to check if she was okay, his soft but deep breaths hitting her face directly as if she was in the middle of an open field of flowers while the soft spring breeze cools her body down.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Amber said, her face entering a deeper shade of red while her heart thump from the unknown emotions she felt.

"You're not hurt anywhere?" Braun said, inspecting her from head to toe to see if she was really okay.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay, I'm really okay," Amber said, glancing down to avoid making eye contact with Braun from unknown causes of embarrassment.

"Whew, the nightlife around this area isn't really great huh? Well I guess lesson learned, lesson earned, let's just get out of here before things get much worse," Braun mutters, and as he grabs her by the shoulders using both arms, she suddenly felt her body moving from one place to another and both finds themselves directly in an unfamiliar room to Amber.

"Welcome to my humble abode! Make yourself feel at home while I change clothes," Braun said, standing up while Amber glances at the minimalistic living room, consisting of only a wooden table in the middle while a brown couch was behind it, and a holographic TV was on the other side plastered on the wall, and besides those 3 things, there were only trinkets and miscellaneous objects around that only made the room feel more barren.

As Braun leaves her all alone in the room to go back to his bedroom down the hallway in the distance, and as the sound of the door closing with a thump, Amber takes a deep breath.

'So… this is Braun's living room? How… barren.' Amber thought, standing up warily while furtively glancing around the room, taking it all in and ingraining it into her mind.

'And… this is his couch…' Amber thought, her face flushing red as she creeps her hand slowly to the brown couch, putting both of her hands down on it.

Slowly, she nears her head, specifically her nose, down to the couch while a small amount of saliva builds up inside her mouth.

Gulping, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, the residual sweaty, musty smell of Braun entering her nose causing her face to further go into a deeper shade of red.

'You shouldn't do this Amber! It's indecent!' the logical side of her brain shouts.

'Oh god! Braun smells so good!' the illogical side of her brain shouts, and like a broken dam, she implanted her face down to the brown couch and started sniffing profusely like a mindless beast or somebody addicted to a drug and can't stop taking it.

"Amber! What do you want for dinner?" Braun shouts as she heard the metallic sliding door of Braun's bedroom slowly opening and she hastily takes her face off the couch and fixes her messy hair, the blush on her face slowly going away.

"Y-yes!" Amber shouts, her back becoming straight as a stick.

"Hmm, is something wrong?" Braun asks as he enters the living room wearing a casual set of clothes consisting of a white shirt and black pants.

"I-it's nothing!" Amber shouts while avoiding eye contact with Braun.

"If you say so, but what do you want for dinner anyway? I don't mind cooking dinner for you?" Braun asks.

(A Few Hours Later)

Sitting on Braun's couch, Amber snuggles on Braun's chest while the both of them watch the holographic TV in front of them, and Amber felt like her body was melting like butter from Braun's bodily heat.

"Hey Amber," Braun said, his voice seemingly hypnotic that soothes her ears and calming her mind into a trance.

"Hmm?" Amber responds, turning her face from the TV to Braun's face above her.

"Could I ask you for a small favor?" Braun said, a small smile appearing on her face.

"Ask away," Amber responds, her eyes making direct eye contact with Braun's that appears like shining stars that swallow her mind whole.

"Can you lend me 100 thousand dollars?" Braun said, a grin appearing on his face while he puts his right hand on Amber's hair, patting it as you do with a cute cat or dog.

"Sure, just give me your bank account and I'll transfer it to you," Amber absentmindedly responds as Braun's smile widens.

"I love you," Braun said out of nowhere, dealing the final blow of the day as Amber's eyes widen in shock at the unexpected, sudden proposal from Braun.

'H-huh?! He loves me?!' Amber shouts in her mind in disbelief, but she quickly regained her clarity and took the bait like a mindless fish.

"I-I love you too," Amber finally said after a long pause, and without reserve, Braun's grin widens and takes her into a deep, passionate kiss of YOUTH.

"Braun," Amber moaned while kissing Braun, their tongues interlocking in a passionate sloppy hug of saliva riddled flesh.

"Amber," Braun said, his voice causing Amber to be more aroused than before as if her mind was being puppeteered by Braun's tongue and voice, his touch sending shocks into her body and mind that made her face flush like a tomato, a deeper shade of red than it has ever been before.

And just like that, in a mere few hours, Braun has the young mistress of the Phoenix Family under his grasp, and that's one more step to becoming a force in the shadows and controlling the strings of this whole world, for his charisma has now grown to a level some may consider… supernatural.

AN: This is 2226 words, you're welcome.

I don't fucking care anymore, I'm going to make Braun have supernatural charisma, I have been nerfing this aspect of him long enough, now that I have written enough lovey-dovey scenes, it's appropriate that he has overpowered charisma. Just check Supernatural Charisma at Superpower Wiki to see how bullshit it is.

Future Author here, I'm already at Vol5 and it's pretty good, it even has the essence of the previous Braun Legion of just exploiting everything to reach Godhood.

Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 9, 2022 – 197th day of writing)