
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 39 – End of Vol3

As Braun's body disappeared with a single tap to the ground, he appeared straight in front of Leo which made his heart skip for a beat.

"Hey, it seems like you know something about this Seth guy. You mind giving me some info so you guys don't die?" Braun said while the others look at him with confused eyes including Alex, Chloe, Christine, and Eileen.

"Who is he, Leo?" Chloe asks Leo with a hushed voice.

"I don't know," Leo said while looking at the man straight in the eye.

"His name is Seth. He is a skilled fighter, combatant, tactician, and a genius at nearly anything. He is a vampire and could transform any human into a vampire under his control. He is also a skilled magician who is adept at Elemental Magic," Leo said.

"Thanks, now just scoot back over there while I'll deal with that pesky guy who has been incessantly annoying me for almost a month straight," Braun said, turning his body around while the crimson red sparks returned around his body.

"Who the fuck is he Leo?!" Alex asks while his body got enveloped by a skin-tight silvery gray suit with his physical attributes got enhanced.

"I don't know! He just appeared out of nowhere and now Seth is fucking here!" Leo shouts while red sparks erupt from his body.

As he prepares to rush toward Seth, he suddenly felt something grabbing his clothes and looks back to see Chloe watching Braun walk towards Seth.

"We'll watch their fight first, he would act as cannon fodder while we deal the finishing blow against Seth and finally get out of this world," Chloe said which made Christine bite her lips in guilt.

"You don't need to feel guilty Christine. It's his fault for facing Seth without a second thought," Chloe said with a cold voice, her analytical mind showing through and her determination to achieve their objective and get out of this world alive.

Nodding her head, they refocused their gaze on the man with conflicted eyes.

"So! You're the fucker who has kept sending Nomu against me the past few fucking weeks huh?!" Braun shouts with rage in his voice, his eyes glowing bloody red while the crimson red outline covering the tendrils around his body darkens.

"Indeed! So, you're the legendary Asura, the legendary fighter who traveled around Japan and became an undefeated legend. If I want my rule in this world to stay for long, then I would have to unfortunately kill people like you with untapped potential. It would have been nice to have you under my army, but now, it seems like our conflict is too much to cease," Seth said, his eyes glowing red while bat-like wings erupt from his back through his clothes.

"I'll show you why they fucking call me the Asura!" Braun shouts, crouching down, both beings prepared to fight against one another to the death.

As both beings disappeared with a boom, multiple afterimages appeared all around the area leaving multiple sonic booms everywhere, with each clash of their fists creating sparks in the air.

"Ohoho, to think you are catching up with me, how surprising!" Seth said, his grin widening while swinging his right claw towards Braun's face but in response, Braun simply leans his body to the left and barely dodged Seth's attack, hastily spinning his left toe on the ground and swinging his right fist straight into Seth's chest causing him to puke out blood and shoot straight into the fountain in the middle of the area.

"Hmm? Don't tell me you'll die just like that!" Braun taunts as he watches Seth float on top of the water coated in his blood.

"I must say, your current strength did indeed surprise me. But it's high time I finished you punk and end this charade," Seth shouts, his body floating into the air while a red glow covers his body, the blood around the dome rushing straight into him causing a mist of blood to form around him. And soon enough, his suit rips apart to show his bulging muscles belonging to a Greek god, and the air around him shakes in his mere presence alone.

In response, Braun simply shoots forwards at hypersonic speeds and appears straight in front of Seth, shooting his fist straight through his chest and gouging his heart out through his chest.

"You fool! Do you really think taking my heart out would kill me?!" Seth guffaws, grabbing Braun's arm, and with a single tug, his muscles bulge, and he watches Braun's tendril-covered arm get ripped off to show his flesh and bones while blood drip down his ripped arm.

"Sigh, it seems like it's time for me to finally get serious," Braun suddenly said, his rage-filled voice full of vigor was replaced by one that belonged to a wise old monk or a peaceful lake left undisturbed by nature which made Seth feel a sense of something ominous was about to happen.

As Braun's arm regrows back at a rapid pace, muscles and bones erupt from his stumped arm to form a new arm instantly covered in black tendrils with a crimson outline.

Standing up from his crouching position, a wave of calmness erupts from Braun's body as if the area around him was full of tranquility, the air swayed in soft breezes, the weeds of grass below him moves in undisturbed movements, it simply moves along with the wind and not against it.

"Just give up already, you're just wasting my time!" Seth shouts and appears right in front of Braun with a single step leaving a dent on where his right foot stepped on to propel Seth forwards.

Sending his right fist to Braun's head, he simply sways his head and dodges it by a few millimeters, his fist not even grazing his cheek.

Stomping his left foot to the ground, he uses his right fist's momentum and spins on the heel of his left foot, swinging his right leg towards Braun's chest who, in response, just swings his right leg forward straight into Seth's head at rapid, unexpected speeds that don't match anything he did before.

As Seth was kicked high into the air, his body suddenly disappears out of Braun's vision who uses his pure instinct to simply crouch down and dodge the oncoming spinning kick from Seth who teleported behind him.

"It seems you're nothing but a man who uses raw power over technique, how disappointing," Braun muttered as he does a spinning low kick to trip Seth's body forwards who teleported away instantly to appear above him.

But just like last time, his body moves on its own and dodges Seth's fist and he watches his arm get stuck on the ground. Grappling his right arm with his whole body, Braun's back was now facing the ground and his legs were facing Seth, and with a strong kick, Seth's body was launched forward while his right arm was ripped off under Braun's tight grip.

Then with a boom, he launches forward at high speeds toward Seth who was in the air with his eyes rolled to the back of his head due to the concussion he received.

Grabbing his left leg, he uses his upward force to spin his body and throws Seth to the ground, and using Fa Jin, he reaches Seth's body in a split second with his fist hitting… nothing.

"I must say! You did shock me with your sudden power up! But now, it's my time to show you true despair! If anyone were to attack me, they would simply die!" Seth shouts who suddenly appeared high in the air, his body now back to peak condition as if he didn't just get brutally beaten up a few moments ago.

"Yes! I do have New Order in my hands! Now with this power, you can't hope to ever defeat me if you can't attack me in the first place-" Seth shouts with a maniacal grin as if he got the win in the bag, but unfortunately for him, Braun suddenly appeared straight in front of him and grabs him by the throat.

"Oh, what do you plan to do? You can't even attack me foo- W-what is happening?!" Seth shouts with wide eyes as he suddenly felt his connection with his body from the neck down disappearing and he finally saw what Braun did.

The arm that was grabbing him by the neck wasn't from Braun but was instead from Shigaraki's unconscious body, and slowly, he felt his body disintegrating and his consciousness going away.

"N-no no no! My journey shouldn't have ended here! W-who the fuck are you! You're not part of the-" Seth shouts, but his mouth suddenly zips shut upon reaching the end of his sentence which intrigued Braun's curiosity, but unfortunately, his questions would be left unanswered as the last part of Seth's body got disintegrated away into nothingness.

"What the fuck?" Alex muttered in disbelief as they watched the crimson red entity floating high in the air kill Seth just like that, the rogue member who was supposed to be a very powerful vampire capable of destroying multiple cities all by himself.

But suddenly, the being floating in the air in front of them twists their neck and looks at them straight in the eye causing their legs to suddenly falter and shake in fear.

"Tell me, from what organization are you 5 from?" The being said, slowly floating down in front of them as their breaths became ragged and distressed.

"W-w-we are from, from!" Eileen said as her eyes well up in tears, her left hand that grabs her wooden staff shaking in fear.

"We can't answer you! We literally can't answer you!" Chloe shouts as she bites her tongue to regain her clarity from the unnatural fear she felt from the man, it was as if the grim reaper itself was tugging her soul to the afterlife from his mere presence alone.

"Oho? And why is that?" Braun said, sitting in the air in a lotus position as his eyes became squinted, the feeling of primal fear further exaggerating for the 5.

"I-it's because we are in a magical contract that doesn't allow us to reveal any info about the organization we are under!" Chloe shouts as she grits her teeth.

"Hmm, magic you say? Well, what if I just mind control you all and make you guys reveal all of your little secrets?" Braun said, letting out a laugh from his mouth.

"I'm not joking! It's true!" Chloe shouts.

"Y-yeah! W-we are under a multiversal force that is beyond your comprehension motherfucker!" Alex shouts as blood drips from his lips.

"Hmm, multiversal you say? So… it must be something like a Multiversal God Space isn't it?" Braun said, his jagged smile appearing once more while all of their hearts skip a beat upon hearing the name Braun said.

"Kukuku, I'm just messing with you all! I'm also part of the Multiversal God Space! Well, I'm now a part of it," Braun said while a translucent blue screen suddenly appears in their vision which caused their eyes to widen in disbelief.

[Welcome, Freidrich Braun, to the Multiversal God Space!]

"W-what?!" the 5 shout in disbelief.

"Yeah, I just wanted to ask you guys what I need to expect for my tutorial world and a quick summary of how it would work," Braun said with a chuckle escaping from his mouth.

"Sigh, okay, I'll explain it to you then," Chloe said while rolling her eyes, and as the minutes passed, she finally explained all of it and Braun watches them disappear in his vision with a flash of white light.

'There are 3 stats, Body, Mind, and Spirit. Body and Mind are pretty straight forward and Spirit is just for the supernatural kind of abilities such as quirks or magic. The average human has 10 in all 3 stats and 20 is their peak. You could train Body through physical work, Mind through reading and learning, and Spirit through meditation and such.' Braun thought while glancing at his screen.

[Name: Freidrich Braun] [Title: Asura]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Fighter]

[Body: 50]

[Mind: 25]

[Spirit: 50}

[Abilities: OFA(100%)]

'Class, Title, and Race determine how strong a singular stat point is. For example, if a human fighter and a human mage were to have 10 in their Body stat, the fighter would be stronger physically compared to the mage. Abilities only show supernatural powers of skill bought from the shop and would quantify their effects. And skills are special due to them being allowed to level up to become more powerful and effective. And the last special function is the shop, where you can buy nearly anything you want with enough points which can be gathered by either killing certain entities that meet the prerequisite to produce points upon death or completing the objectives the MGS gives upon entering a new world.' Braun thought, a grin appearing on his face as he decides he would follow through with this charade and perhaps make a system of his own later and even make his own Multiversal God Space.

[Congratulations on joining the Multiversal God Space! After seeing your current abilities and skills, we have determined that you are powerful enough that your first world would be a C rank world. A C-rank world could be considered to have people who are of the supernatural nature, where the supernatural is only far and few, but this world is special. Due to the otherworldly crystalline entities that landed on this world that could grant psychic powers to people, due to that, the world is now slowly transitioning from a C-rank one to a B-rank world. Your task is to gather all the crystalline entities and combine their power to make that world something like this world, a world where superpowers are normal.]

As he reads the text, Braun chuckles at the absurdity of the task for a newcomer such as him but he shrugs his shoulders in response. He's more than qualified enough for that, but he does find it funny that his mind is only a mere 25 considering what his real mental prowess is.

"Hey system, are there any side objectives over there? And what are the rewards anyways?" Braun asks.

[Main Objective: Improving a World (Incomplete)]

- You are tasked to transition the world from a budding C-rank to a fully grown B-rank world where the supernatural runs rampant and the maximum potential of its residents can skyrocket

[Rewards: 10,000 Points, Random Ability, Random Equipment]

[Side Objective: Gain psychic abilities (Incomplete)]

- Gain psychic abilities

[Rewards: 1000 Points, New Class]

[More side objectives to be produced upon entering the world and gathering more information]

"Huh, quite stingy on gaining psychic abilities you know? Oh well, why bother with something you can't change. Hmm, okay, game plan, hack the government and see what they have found out about psychic abilities, gain one for myself, then start my rampage around the world to gather all crystalline entities and become the Messiah of that world by bringing superpowers to the populace," Braun mutters while cracking his neck.

"Welp, no time like the present! Accept!" Braun shouts, and with a flash of white light, his adventure in Quirkverse got railroaded by a new multiversal force that appeared from nowhere, and now onto the wider multiverse he shall visit to see what the Multiversal God Space has in store for him along with the new world he will enter, all in the name of reaching the zenith of the multiverse and uncovering its secrets.

AN: This is 2613 words, you're welcome.

What?! Multiversal God Space?! A system?! Oh how shocking this plot twist is!

Fun fact, I thought Lord God Space were named Main God Space and now my notes are filled with the wrong name but luckily, with a stroke of genius, it became Multiversal God Space.

Also, Volume 3 would have been a bit longer but I was already getting bored and close to dropping but I must persevere to reach the holy Volume 6! It would be a very slow-paced volume that would focus more on Braun's character and just him goofing around, a vacation of sorts in a world that is once again, influenced by IR.

Writing one chapter takes me more than an hour, so send me some powerstones.

(June 6, 2022 – 194th day of writing)