
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 37 – Asura

Under the luminescent moonlight coming from the celestial body high above the sky, the silhouette of a humanoid figure stands on top of the sandy shores of Takoba Beach, wearing nothing but a white shirt and baggy dark blue pants, the figure takes deep breaths as their chest rises up and down.

With a silent crackle, crimson electric sparks suddenly erupt from the whole body while red, vein-like light seeps through his skin, opening his brown eyes that glow a tinge of bloody crimson, the figure takes a stance reminiscent of traditional martial arts and regulates his breaths.

As he punches the air in front of him while in a horse stance, the waving sea in front of the man sways from the air pressure his mere fist produces, an absurd physical strength that could only come from something supernatural indicated by the crimson sparks around him.

Jumping up, he spins midair and directed his spinning kick to the ground, leaving a large crater on the ground while countless grains of sand flow around the area, a miniature vortex covering his whole body from the wind pressure of his spin.

Closing his eyes, he gathered the absorbed kinetic energy, and with a tug, his body flings forward at rapid speeds while rapidly spinning, and just like he expected, his forward spin made a vortex-like area around him that produces a large amount of air pressure, a very powerful offensive, and defensive move.

Stopping his movement, the vortex of air around him disperses leaving him flying on top of the open sea, his reflection showing on the clear blue water below him right below the full moon above him, looking up to the sky, he grins and lands his two feet on the water surface below him, feeling the bottom of his expose feet making contact with the cold water, he closes his eyes once more and takes very deep breaths.

Soon, the crimson red electric sparks around him slowly enter his body, the glowing vein-like structures showing through his skin glow brighter, grinning, he opens his eyes with the red glow shining brighter than before by a few degrees.

'This is literally just body cultivation in all those novels I read, hahaha! How ironic, to think my hubris of not wanting to do cultivation would now lead me to doing one of the more popular forms of cultivation, body cultivation where I gather energy to strengthen OFA's energy reserves which in turn enhances my body, sigh, the multiverse is truly absurd.' Braun thought while the crimson sparks return back to illuminate the air around him, its crimson glow bringing a sense of foreboding to anyone who looks at him, it was as if he was a villain draped in an air of maliciousness and blood.

Entering his martial art stance, he kicks the air in front of him in rapid succession, the air pressure leaving the sea surface in front of him chaotic, while multiple explosions erupt from the sea due to the air digging in below the seawater.

After a while, he was left standing on the open water coated in water, his body then lifts off the ground, and with a tug, his body flies forwards at rapid speeds back to the sandy shores of Takoba Beach while multiple thoughts raced in his mind, a particular one taking most of his attention.

'The underground fighting arena in Hamamatsu City located in Shizuoka Prefecture. A place where people who want to fight join. Be it for fame, training, glory, or money, anyone who wants to join can join. It's not even illegal really as the people who joined did it of their own accord and the people of the arena make sure nobody is being forced to join.' Braun thought while landing on the sandy shores of Takoba Beach, taking out his phone from the pocket of his baggy pants, he glances at the time and decides to visit there and see how strong he is using Martial Arts alone.

After a while, he finds himself in Hamamatsu city and with casual steps, he went towards a certain spot where a dark alley resides, walking towards it, he finds a door in the distance where 2 men in black suits stand, their bodies big and muscular acting as the guard to the entrance of the fighting arena.

Glancing at his new outfit consisting of a simple white shirt and black pants, he walks up to the duo without even hiding his face, his thought process being too complex for the human mind to comprehend on most of his whys that would leave anyone perplex at his every decision.

Showing them his phone, the two inspects it with squinted eyes, nodding their heads, they opened the door to show a flash of light to him, quickly adjusting his eyes, he sees a set of stairs leading downwards and nods his head.

Entering the door, one of the guards closes the door once more leaving Braun alone to walk down the stairs, continuing his walk down the long flight of stairs, the sound of faint cheering continues to get louder and louder the nearer he gets to the fighting dome or whatever the people here like to call it.

Glancing at the open arch, he finally lands on the last step of the long-winded set of stairs to finally see the grand fighting arena, consisting of a large dome-like structure, multiple fighting rings were spread all around so multiple contestants could fight at the same time, bars where people could buy drinks, food stalls, betting stands, nearly anything that was needed for this place was here, showing how professional the people running this place were.

Chuckling, he walks towards the bar like a snake, slipping through the people around him as if he was intangible, and in mere moments, he finds himself sitting on a chair right in front of the counter.

"What could I get for you sir?" the bartender asks, his appearance being that of what a typical bartender would look like, rosy white skin, brown short hair, a brown mustache over his mouth, an amicable smile that complements his bartender suit, he nods his head and states his order.

"Just water, add in some ice cubes, gotta freshen myself before entering a fight like the other fools in here," Braun said, an amicable smile plastered on his face that instantly made the bartender feel at ease.

"Oh, so you're planning to pick a fight here? Is it for training, or is it for the money?" the bartender asks, taking a glass from the table behind him and filling it with ice-cold water and small ice cubes.

"I just think it's pretty fun to fight, you know, this is pretty much one of the only legal ways we could fight using our quirks that have no real rules. Boxing? It has rules. Soccer? It has rules. Nearly every physical sport has rules that restrict our quirk usage, now I only want to know what it feels like if I go all out in a fair battle," Braun said while taking the glass of water from the bartender's outstretched left hand, nodding his head to indicate his thanks.

"Hmm, quite the peculiar fellow you are. So, you confident on winning your first fight?" the bartender inquires, grabbing his own chair and sitting down in front of him right behind the counter.

"Pretty much, the notion of losing isn't even in my dictionary," Braun said with a confident smirk causing the bartender to chuckle.

"Ohoho, quite confident, aren't you? Well, it seems like that ring is going to be over already, why don't you show me why you are so confident," the bartender said with an intrigued smile, thinking that what Braun said was a simple joke.

"Why not!" Braun said, standing up with a smirk and walking toward the ring which surprise the bartender for a bit, but he quickly regains his clarity and watches the confident silhouette of the man walk towards the now vacant ring.

"Anyone else wants to test their luck in today's night in Ring 6!" the announcer shouts through the mic, and before anyone else could respond, Braun jumps out of the ground and lands directly in the middle of the ring causing everyone to go into an uproar.

"Oho, may our new contestant show us their name!" the announcer shouts.

"Ants like you don't need to know my name! Each and every one of you here are just mere grains of sand in my eyes! If you want to see how weak you truly are, just go up to the ring and I'll show you what a true god is like!" Braun shouts with a malicious grin on his face causing everyone around him to riot in anger.

And soon enough, a person fell to his bait and a person named the Butcher walks up the stage, his big muscular body rippled with muscles showing through his white bloody apron while his eyes were filled with rage.

"You really are arrogant for a newbie! I'll show you what despair truly tastes like, in hell!" the Butcher shouts while both of his arms transform into two gigantic butcher knives multiple meters in length.

"Well well well! We finally have our 2 contestants for Ring 6! First is our unnamed challenger and the Butcher himself! Are the contestants ready!" the announcer shouts while the crowd around them cheered for Butcher.

As Butcher nods his head, Braun simply smirks and takes a sip of his water which further infuriates Butcher.

"Go!" the announcer shouts, and without further ado, Butcher rushes towards Braun while both of his arms were pointed towards Braun, their metallic body gleaming under the lights above them while Braun simply tosses his glass cup into the air which unconsciously made Butcher direct his eyes towards it.

And with Braun's god-like mind, he simply slams his fist forward to the rushing Butcher's neck whose attention was directed to the glass cup in the air, which cause him his downfall when his neck made direct contact with Braun's knuckles and he let out a choked sound from his mouth, his eyes rolling to the back of his head and falling to the ground unconscious.

With a confident smile, Braun simply rolls his eyes and catches the falling glass cup without even looking at it one bit.

"Pathetic! Any more ants in the crowd willing to fight and see how weak they truly are!" Braun shouts, leaning his back to the metallic ball behind him while many outraged cries erupt from the crowd, their anger rising through the roof.

"in fact! I'll even allow each and every one of you maggots here to attack me at the same time! A God fighting against mere ants, isn't that poetic!" Braun shouts, dropping the last straw over the crowd and in mere moments, tens of them rush to the ring while Braun's eyes glow red along with crimson red sparks erupting from his body, and that's when the tale of an Asura was born in this very fighting club.

A being of crimson red and blood, his mere presence alone brought fear to the hearts of many, each of his fists could kill a single man with a single blow, and his kicks could make a man fly into the air hundreds of meters high, he was nigh-invulnerable and immortal, capable of fighting 100 days and 100 nights, his lust for battle always growing and traveling all over the world to satiate his ever-growing hunger for the thrill of battle.

And that legend might not be so false after all, standing on top of a pile of hundreds of men, a bloody figure coated in the blood of many resides with heaving breaths, crimson red sparks erupting everywhere around him that blend with the blood covering his body, a maniacal grin was plastered on his face as if reveling the hundreds that lie below him unconscious, his pearly white teeth seemingly jagged and crook as if it belongs to a beast more than a man, metaphorical red horns seems to sprout from his head while devilish wings appear in the vision of the remaining viewers who fortunately didn't suffer the wrath of the Asura.

Smirking, the Asura glances at multiple people causing their hearts to skip a bit and land on the ground, their legs quivering in fear as if Braun has truly transformed into a devil.

Chuckling, he walks towards the bartender who looks at him with calm eyes, nodding his head, he gives him back his glass cup.

"Thanks for the free water, hope your business grows like a tree piercing through the very skies," Braun said, taking out a wad of cash from his pockets covered in blood and dropping it on the wooden table, turning around, he walks out of the arena leaving behind a tale that will be remembered for hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions to come in the future.

AN: This is 2177 words, you're welcome.

Man, singing Daddy Daddy Do with my grill voice is super fucking hard, I was out of breath, my throat is strained and shit, but it's pretty decent considering it was my first take.

Writing is hard, so send me some powerstones.

(June 3, 2022 – 191st day of writing)