
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 35 – HORNY *Bonk*

Passing through the portal with closed eyes, the first thing Braun noticed was how fresh the air was, compared to the suffocating spaceship of his, it felt so free and open, and the smell of the sea entering his nostrils was a pleasant experience.

Opening his eyes, he was greeted by the beautiful open sea of a very familiar place called Takoba Beach, looking around with curious eyes, he takes notes of his surrounding area while multiple plans formed in his mind like getting One for All to himself or transplanting mutated limbs from quirk holders, or perhaps even relying on good old technology and maybe making something close to an Artificial Superintelligence under his control.

Looking up, he calculated the current time by calculating the distance of the sun along with the sky and marks down that it is 5:43 am, nodding his head, he decides to first leave the beach and get shelter for himself, the current date of the world is currently unknown so he would need to gather info first before making any more actions.

Turning around, his movement suddenly comes to a halt when in the far distance just to the west of him, he was greeted by a peculiar sight that causes his mind to become fairly intrigued.

In the far distance, he looks at All Might talking to a boy with a tall build, having pale ivory skin tethered with vigorous muscles, wearing nothing but a pair of black track pants having a white line by the side, a wide grin was plastered on his face while his muscles throb.

"Leo, after a long time, you are finally reading to inherit my quirk," All Might said with a solemn tone, his smile ever-present on his face while the glow of the morning sun covers their body, the strand of hair on All Might's hand swaying with the wind coming from the sea behind them.

"T-thank you Sensei!" Leo shouts, his crimson red eyes shining in excitement, from a single glance alone, Braun was able to deduce many theories for what may have led to this decision, but that doesn't matter, what does matter is how convenient it was for All Might to be right here, an easy quirk for the picking was left open for him.

"A-All Might!" Braun shouts, stuttering his words while his body shakes in nervousness, appearing like a very awkward fan who suddenly sees their idol in public out of nowhere, slowly walking towards them while slight beads of sweat form on his forehead.

"O-oh! Hello there, dear citizen!" All Might said, quickly turning his body around to face him while tucking his strand of hair to his back while Leo watches him with a slight glare, another variable added to his already complex mind, quickly calculating some probable theories on who Leo is.

'Hmm, they are clearly not pure of heart from that slight glare alone, and it seems like they are after the quirk more than the help they could bring with it compared to Izuku or the other OFA holders in alternate universes. From how his breath and chest heaved, I could deduce that it is excitement coming from the power he would receive from OFA, you naughty little boy.' Braun deduces in just a split instance, instantly knowing what Leo's goals are and his general personality.

"What can I help you with today on this fine morning?" All Might asks, his smile letting out a glint due to the sun right beside them.

"C-can I-I please take a picture with you!" Braun shouts, bowing his body down at a perfect 90 degrees angle while All Might laughs out loud.

"Of course!" All Might said, pointing his hand out towards him with a thumbs up.

"T-thank you!" Braun said, rotating his body back to normal while his mind calculates the perfect chance where he can hypnotize them.

'The sound of the sea waves and the caws of birds would disorient them enough with a singular loud clap, I just need to be near enough to them to shock their brains enough.' Braun thought, his knowledge in regards to the human body and brain surpassing even those who have quirks considering he virtually had countless quirks under his disposal before, though using quirk crystals without his field would be quite harder than before but it's still an open path for him.

Walking towards them, an amicable smile presents on his face while his charisma rises through the roof, using his masterful deduction skills, he could feel the both of them calm down, with minute movements, his hands move around in the air that took their attention.

Standing right in front of them, he moves his hands to his chest as both of their eyes was directed towards his chest, and with a singular loud, resounding clap, their mind was successfully disoriented enough to shock it enough that he gained control over them though it's quite weak.

Walking towards All Might's back, his mind still activates to its maximum capabilities while he grabs the strand of golden hair in All Might's hands, watching their immobile bodies, he smirks and plucks out the strand of hair with a pinch from his right arm.

Without hesitation, he swallows the strands of hair and suddenly appears in a dark void while a white cement-like floor was below him, a series of shadowy figures looking at him with disdainful eyes.

But without even waiting for them to speak and reveal how Braun won't receive OFA, he simply taps his right foot to the ground and with an explosion, the whole black void around him disperses into a white void instead while the previous wills of the OFA users in front of him disappear.

Raising his head up to the sky in this mental landscape, glowing vein-like structures erupts all around his body while crimson electric sparks glow from his whole body, the excess energy of OFA showing through his body due to it being an emitter type quirk.

As all the quirks of previous OFA holders assimilate into him, he browses through what the quirks could be in this universe, he hopes its something like reality manipulation just like in that one reality where Izuku became overpowered and took over the world, that was a fun reality to observe where Izuku became a villain.

'Float, Smokescreen, Blackwhip, Danger Sense, Fa Jin, and finally Energy Transfer, a pretty good lineup of quirks filled with versatility and practical abilities. Especially Fa Jin and Energy Transfer, I could absorb the kinetic energy of opposing attacks and add it to Fa Jin or Blackwhip, Danger Sense and Float are good for dodging, and perhaps I could also concentrate Smokescreen to act as something akin to smoke manipulation or smoke cannon.' Braun thought, producing many ways on how to take advantage of his assortment of quirks while glancing at his pathetic 1% of OFA that he could exert.

Cracking his neck, he opens his eyes and walks towards All Might, plucking a strand of his own hair, he snaps his fingers once he was in front of All Might and watches his mouth open involuntarily.

Putting his strand of hair inside All Might's mouth, All Might went to gulp it down himself and he successfully gave OFA back to All Might, it was pretty simple really considering his mastery over OFA he gathered over the years.

"Regain back your clarity in 10 seconds, ignore the time discrepancy and I never existed in your memories," Braun said while poking at a certain part of their neck for unknown purposes, looking at their slowly reinvigorating bodies, he activates one of his OFA's assimilated quirks and slowly floats into the air.

Wobbling around, he easily regains his balance through his higher brainpower, and with a swoosh, his body flies off at relatively fast speeds comparable to the average car driving down the road in a city, leaving the duo alone who regained their consciousness and continued like nothing happened.

"I know you must be probably thinking this is unfair, or I am quirkless, I don't deserve this, but you do deserve this, I can see it inside you, the soul of a hero," All Might said, thrusting his hand out that holds a golden strand of hair while tears pile up over Leo's eyes.

"Now, eat this!" All Might said, leaving Leo shocked while looking at the golden strand of hair.

(A Few Minutes Later)

'Whew! Months of hard work finally paid off!' Leo shouts, stretching his back around while slightly activating a small percentage of One for All, glowing red veins appearing through his skin and feeling the power boosts it brings.

'Hehe, now those fuckers will know they can't mess with me. Once we finally capture that motherfucker, our business in this world would finally be over. But All Might is still a pretty good guy, I'll miss working out with him early in the morning even though I manipulated him. I'll follow through with your dreams sensei and become a hero and join UA!' Leo shouts in his mind, a ding suddenly playing in his mind while a blue translucent screen appears in his vision, floating in the middle of the air akin to a typical system in fiction.

[Side Objective: Gain One For All (Completed)]

- Gain One For All from All Might

[Rewards: 1000 points]

"Nice!" Leo smirks as more screens flash in his vision, and what appears to be a shop appears in his vision holding an assortment of items ranging from a water bottle to food, to books, and even weapons like a lightsaber.

"Hehe, 1000 points all for me to use, could this day get any better?" Leo mutters, a goofy grin appearing on his face.

(Back to Braun)

Inside an alleyway in Musutafu, a figure emerges out of the alley without anyone noticing and quickly blending in with the crowd, smirking, Braun went to grab multiple wallets and swiftly grabbed a handful amount of cash while putting it back in their owner's pockets, and soon, multiple victims fell under his sticky fingers that went undetected.

Getting out of the crowd, Braun's calculating mind soon creates multiple ways he could further multiply his money, deciding to do it in a legal way by buying crypto or stocks, he walks towards the mall to buy himself a laptop along with a phone, along with some spare parts he could use to modify it later once he gets himself a love hotel room.

Giving a handful amount of cash that is pretty suspicious, he charisma his way to success, from tricking the cashier to allowing him to buy the stuff without signing anything, he walks out of the mall a few tens of thousands of yen poorer but now having a bag on his back holding an assortment of materials he could use for later.

'Hmm, perhaps I'll just do drugs later for physical growth.' Braun thought while walking into a love hotel near the mall, walking towards the counter, he takes a wad of cash out of his pocket and slams it down on the table.

"Sir, I would need you to show you- I-I mean, c-can you please sign over here," the lady over the counter said, her words coming to a sudden halt while her pretty face soon became red like a tomato, it was pretty easy by minor mental manipulation and maximizing his charisma as much as he can.

Nodding his head, he signs on a suspicious piece of paper and took a picture with her and without his consent, he could feel her arms touching his private parts but he just let it be, even though its sexual harassment, he doesn't mind it and he even tricked her by making his mating organ go hard, and soon, her groping became more frivolous than before.

In response, Braun simply puts his hand over her thighs, and in just mere seconds, he could feel his hand that was touching her pants becoming covered by a certain liquid, smirking, he nears his face to hers and with a peck to her lips, he takes his hands away from her and turns his body around, grabs his keys and walks away, leaving the girl all flustered and embarrassed at her sudden actions from before.

'OH MY GOD! WHY DID I DO THAT! W-WHAT IF HE CALLS THE POLICE TO ME?! B-but… it felt so good though.' The lady thought, licking her lips while groping her own chest, the previous scene constantly replaying in her mind in crystal clear clarity while Braun's face continues to become much more appealing as time went on as if she was entrapped into a magical spell of love.

AN: This is 2130 words, you're welcome.

First lemon of the novel, to be honest, I hate smut in novels but I know a lot of you like it and you know me, I'm a scummy piece of shit who does stuff to reach success, whether it be hook or crook, so yeah, expect some minor smut in the future.

(June 2, 2022 – 190th day of writing)