
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 33 – Meeting God With a Capital G (Extra Chapter)

(10 Years Later)

High above the open sky, a singular being could be seen having the height of 5'6, pale white skin covered in a white lab coat that covers their whole body from the neck down, their short black hair fluttering with the wind as a slight grin was on his face, far from the one he wore years ago when his emotions were erased completely.

Glancing down, he marvels at his own creation that took him a great while to make, a universe that has been split into countless timelines, the holographic screen in his vision showing how each timeline has drastically diverged from one another.

A device that he made that took him around a month tinkering around with time crystals that he now has in abundance to make which made him have flashbacks of what happened in the past decade, where he went from one universe to another and explored many weird alternate versions of the universe he was in.

He did many things like meeting many "gods" of this world, from the Greek Gods, Roman Gods, Egyptian Gods, he met all of them and experimented with them.

He went to the time of dinosaurs to many alternate futures, where humanity died due to AFO, or where humanity prospered under the guidance of AFO, where gods continued their reign and so much more a whole sub-library was made in his mind where he stored all of his findings of this universe.

And now, the device that can split a singular universe into multiple timelines allows him to inspect countless possibilities without having to go to any alternate universes himself, in a sense, he could be considered an omniscient god already with what he was doing.

Sitting in a lotus position, Braun watches the development of countless versions of humanity, or heck, there were even some new dominant species such as the Montolians where the apes diverge from their evolutionary path of becoming Homo Sapiens to instead be a physically stronger form of humans with more hair but due to convergence in evolution, they eventually became more human-like under less pressure and in the arms of safety and order.

Countless timelines presented themselves to him all stemming from the divergence point he started billions of years in the past and soon, he was engrossed into watching the show that enlightened his mind further.

Watching them, he can't help but think more of his past and his epiphanies. Like reigniting his emotions to further his empathetic ability, or how he stopped himself from continuing with the plan of making an Artificial Superintelligence considering how it could fuck him over and such.

But his joy soon became over when he senses the field of space-time around him starting to become unstable due to how it was split into countless amounts, even his space-time stabilizer floating right behind him started to heat up trying to keep the space-time continuum around them safe.

Sighing, Braun presses the button on the black box in the palm of his hands and deactivates the device, deciding to pick the timeline where humanity died, he watches the landscape around him suddenly change from the open sea into a thick forest full of sky-high trees filled with moss, vines, leaves, and more.

Standing up in mid-air, he closes his eyes while inspecting the surrounding area.

'Still no signs of God here even after almost destroying the entire universe. Sigh, I guess this means I would have to finally do the final resort, to meet with God themself at the inception of an entire universe.' Braun thought, multiple screens flash in his peripheral vision and he easily manipulates the complex formula in front of him that will bring him to his desired reality, the algorithm for this universe being so developed he could almost go to any desired reality he wants as long as it is base on the Quirkverse, indeed, he already has gone to a universe where it does infinitely expand and met alien life but all of his attempts at escaping the universe has failed, and the ways Rick knows are either unfeasible or straight-up impossible due to some stuff being literally unobtainable in this universe which was a surprise considering infinite realities and such.

Floating down to the ground, he closes his eyes, and with a tug over his Control Field, the core of the planet got under his control and he maximizes its gravitation pull, slowly, the whole planet Earth got absorbed into the core of the planet, in a matter of minutes, he watches everything around him shake and quake under the pressure it was in until he was floating in front of a 5000-kilometer-long burning hot core.

Controlling it, he alters its structure to form a drastically large spaceship the size of a continent after intense mental strain, glancing at the majestic beauty in front of him, he watches the saucer-shaped spaceship floating in the void of space in front of him, made from the same nigh-indestructible his body is made of, he knows it can tank through a big bang if he reinforces it further with his power.

Teleporting inside the main control room, he prepares himself to enter the literal inception of a universe, the big bang of a universe where time first started, to the literal nanoseconds it started while preparing his time stopper to instantly start once he arrives there.

Soon, a gigantic golden portal appears in front of him, thousands of kilometers long in size, and activates his ship's engine.

'This could go many ways, one of the ideal ones is a Creator God doesn't exist and I can just hastily leave the universe. Or they do exist and I'll have to basically ask them to allow me to destroy the universal barrier which would destroy the universe in the process.' Braun thought, two of his most ideal plans play in his mind and how he would tackle this problem.

Deciding that thinking about it won't change much due to how many possibilities he already played in his mind, he simply starts his ship's engine and without hesitation, flies through the portal, and before his mind could even comprehend it, the time crystal activates and time came to a sudden halt, hastily glancing around, he finds himself to be at the starting points of the universe right inside a blazing hot cosmos billions upon billions of degrees hot.

And as he expected, a ball of white light suddenly appears in front of him out of nowhere which was pretty strange considering time have come to a halt which in turn light too should have halted.

"Freidrich Braun, how could I help you in this fine time? Yes, I have been watching you almost collapsing that universe by dividing the timeline into countless versions," God said, a weird voice escaping from the ball's mouth that it almost felt like countless languages played at the same time directly in his mind.

'Hello God, could you please, please allow me to destroy the universal barrier of one of your universes?' Braun begs, this is simply the action that he needs to do to achieve his desired goal.

"Hmm, well before we talk about that wish of yours, let us talk about something I need to know about you first," God said in their spherical glory, flying straight in front of Braun.

'But you already know the answer right? Considering you're omniscient and all.' Braun said.

"Nigh omniscient, I know I'm only one of the Creator Gods of what you named Quirkverse and I didn't even know they existed without you entering my own set of universes, yes, it is related to the Many Worlds Theory, we'll get to that later," God said, the light in their body constantly fluctuating to show strange visions to Braun.

'Well, what could I help you with?' Braun asks, trying to appease God as good as he can.

"Okay, so you already know what Many Worlds Theory is right? Each action produces a new universe to accommodate every possible decision made. So this is how I, as a God, work. I am omniscient in every universe that stemmed from this one that we are currently in, so I'm not a God of the multiverse but is a God of the multiverse stemming from this one, so my dominion is over the universes that got produced due to the Many Worlds Theory," God explains.

'So? I've already theorized that about you years ago in perhaps another universe that you weren't the God of.' Braun said.

"Okay, basically, you need to believe me on this, you are a singularity. In other words, there is only one version of you that currently exist in the infinite universes under me," God said.

'You mean like an actual singularity? You mean I don't produce any new universe whenever I need to make a decision? In all the countless universes under you, only this version of me exists?' Braun inquires, a calculating glint appearing in his eyes.

"Yes, you are right. And yes, those what you call cheaters who have transmigrated and such are also singularities. And I'll give this knowledge to you for free, I was not able to even have any of them under my control, and I wasn't able to affect what you call the cheat in any way whatsoever with my nigh-omnipotence. Though I could kill them, having them under my control doesn't seem to work, I'm not able to access their memories and more. It's like they are being protected from certain types of things. Even more strange was when I took a cheater who has absolute control over anything below her and forced her to take control over the other cheater and it absolutely failed," God explains causing Braun's brain to try and make possible theories on why it was so.

'So all of this must stem from the cheat, but what is the cheat anyways in the first place? I have been trying to answer that question for the past decade but to no avail, as I wasn't able to even inspect my cheat in the first place.' Braun added.

"Enough about that, we won't be able to answer this question in eons, so go ask your bet already," God said, causing Braun to go out of his stupor and nod his head.

'Here's the deal. I'll let you try and understand the principles of the portal gun and in return, you'll give me your memories and allow me to Big Crunch a universe to get out of it.' Braun said, his mind racing for countless possibilities.

"You don't need to think so much into it, I already failed. I wasn't able to understand how the portal gun even works after spending billions of years on it, whoever made this is clearly a god and from what I can see, you aren't quite God level yet. So, this must have come from someone else right?" God said while Braun nods.

'Yes, it came from a being called Rick who can kill you a billion times over if he wanted to, he's literally beyond your very understanding and you can't even hope to match him in the mental department. Though he's a very flawed man, he was able to isolate infinite universes where only he is the smartest man.' Braun said, explaining everything without reserve as he knows he is at disadvantage over here.

"Hmm, quite an interesting character if I do say so myself. Well enough with the chit chat, you might just force me to start wanting to explore the infinite multiverse but considering I might die with infinite realities and all that, I'll just stay here in my own bubble, but yeah, have fun trying to browse through my infinite memories, I bet that Rick must be still holding on to his mortal body huh?" God muttered, his spherical body swishing away from existence while Braun was relieved to see a floating ball of light left in front of him that he instinctually knew was God's memories.

Grabbing it, he starts his hard journey of reorganizing infinite memories into another library altogether that would totally eclipse Rick in size but Rick's knowledge is still much more valuable than God's so it probably hurt God's pride a bit if God does have pride considering how God acted.

AN: This is 2066 words, you're welcome.

Imagine talking to an omniscient being, you can't, that's why this is so fucking hard to write as there are unwritten substories where God talks with future Braun, present Braun, and past Braun at the same time while talking about a complicated subject that it almost made me have a migraine.

Also yes, that was a sudden time skip and it was supposed to be a very long arc of him wacking around in different time frames and realities of Quirkverse but I said no and decided to just time skip straight to here because I'm too lazy and just want to get to the next volume already

Writing is hard, so give me powerstones.

(June 1, 2022 – 189th day of writing)