
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 30 – Transcendence and Rebirth

Floating in front of Braun, a series of multicolored crystals presented themselves to him, a wide grin plastered on his face as a malignant aura emanated from him and the crystals as if the villain has won and the hero has lost.

'So many powerful quirks to be understood and used. All of these godlike powers… All for myself!' Braun thought, the crystals around his body moving around to make space for the new set of crystals, powerful quirk crystals belonging to gods amongst men.

With a grunt, his armor glows a multicolored rainbow while his eyes roll to the back of his head, a singular floating crystal was left in front of him was left that was the greatest treasure he currently has.

As the colorless crystal in front of him floats in front of him, his helmet opened to see his face covered in colorful veins popping out, grunting, his forehead opens on itself to reveal his throbbing raw brain, and with a flicker, the crystal shoots straight to the middle of his brain, fracturing into countless crystalline shards holding an unknown power, ingraining themselves to his brain.

Letting out a loud grunt, he grits his teeth at the process of his brain evolving, this wasn't just him borrowing the power of quirks through the crystals, he was ingraining that crystal into his very biological body, a series of quirks he personally chose to make the singular crystal that will bring unrivaled value to him, even compared towards something like New Order.

Floating into the air, the field around him becomes chaotic, the gravity bends, the electromagnetic field became a spiral, the nuclear forces around him spike up and down in intensity, from bent light to sparks to even motes of nuclear light, and the area around him shakes from the process while his head glows in an iridescent rainbow of lights.

But soon, the chaos stops while he drops down to the ground on both of his feet, the glow in his body receding while his forehead and opened skull closed off.

Opening his eyes, a gleam appears in both of his jet-black eyes, a calculating glint shooting off for a split second, his mind having drastically changed in just a few seconds.

Glancing at his hand, the atomic structure of his whole right arm was revealed to him, taking a deep breath, he felt his mind firing countless electrical signals each second, his processing power transcending past human boundaries that with just a single glance at the coffee cup in the distance lying on top of the table, he knew that with just a single action, he could make it fall to the ground with a single snap.

And he did just that, snapping his finger, the air particles move just in the exact way he wanted and needed that made the coffee inside the mug swish, swish enough that it vibrated and with a thud, the mug fell to the ground but not without getting envelop in blue electrical light to halt its fall.

'This power, this mind, it's so… Numbing, my emotions are reduced to the littlest of bits, now what is left is a purely sociopathic but also empathetic monster.' Braun process, concentrating his focus on his head where he senses his brain that is far from the normal human brain, with a drastically different neural pathway and the sheer speed electrical signals would have left anyone unable to comprehend how fast it was.

Closing his eyes, his whole body was stripped into nothing but flesh, muscles, skin, bones, and veins in his mental vision, stripping everything into their barest of forms, appreciating the beauty of the complex body humans has, he starts to do something he was unable to do for centuries even as a godlike being back in Eldia.

'With this supernatural brain of mine, I can finally exponentially progress mentally speaking. Along with the quirk crystals, it could be said I am using cheat codes to make my progress go blazingly fast.' Braun thought, his whole body being decomposed into nothing but cells, and what was left was a floating brain in the middle of the air.

'Even if my brain were to be destroyed, it would be a futile attempt to kill me. My biological body has already been stored and could be rebuilt again and again whenever I want, essentially, I'm already immortal in a multitude of ways, from reincarnation, rebirth, and cloning, I have achieved a level beyond the normal man.' Braun thought, his decomposed body slowly rearranging itself, his experience gained from building titan bodies in the paths helping him to rebuild this new body of his.

From a body made of nameless elements fused together to form near unbreakable molecules, he slowly combines a series of elements Rick knows to form his new body, though it was unfortunate that Rick didn't bother to analyze species and their biological body which left him only a few to base on.

Using his upgraded mind, he slowly made a sub-processor in his brain that essentially eases his control over the fundamental forces.

Slowly but surely, his new body got rebuilt, from the ground up, he uses Rick's knowledge as a basis and enhanced them to a ridiculous degree. Strength capable of lifting mountains with one arm, defense that is nigh-invulnerable, speeds faster than sound, and more, even though it was pretty strong, it was simply what his base body would look like.

It can evolve and adapt to nearly any conditions he would face, which means he is technically a perfect biological being as of now without relying on supernatural abilities such as telekinesis.

With the final neural pathways being connected, his new body which was surprisingly human in appearance with jet-black hair, black eyes, and pale white skin, it looks like he was simply a young boy or girl in their teens. Though the changes were soon revealed when his nether regions were revealed to show no mating organ, leaving only a barren curve.

Manifesting a set of clothes on his body, his 5'6 body floats in the air while he slowly makes another sub-brain for his mind, an undetectable field soon was made around him with a singular function

A field that in essence, creates a field that wouldn't allow him to die.

Everything in that field would be processed by his sub-brain to instinctually move his body or use any of his abilities to keep him alive, death isn't even a bother to him anymore at this point with how overkill he was on the preparation.

'This power, it's just so exhilarating in a sense, though I don't feel it, it would probably be what I am feeling right now. But it's high time to finish my business here and get that bootleg time crystal.' Braun thought, his whole mind being in absolute tranquility all the time has made him see all of reality in a strange way, not even Rick did this due to his useless emotions getting in the way, but now that he fully snuff them out, it made him be more of a monster than before, though he doesn't mind having fun once in a while to make his mind grow faster by reducing stress and get more enlightenment.

With a simple command, gravity warps around him and he finds himself right inside a white palace high in the air, standing on top of a red carpet in front of a shocked boy with black hair and brown eyes staring at him while sitting on his throne made of gold, a kingly black cloak along with a set of black comfortable clothes covers his whole body.

"YOU!" the boy stands up in anger when he regained his clarity, standing up while pointing his golden staff at him in boundless anger.

But Braun didn't care about the meaningless banter between them, opening his eyes, the boy suddenly halts in movement upon making eye contact with Braun, using his newfound mental prowess, he did a simple mental manipulation using his full understanding over the human mind.

Walking towards him with his feet making resounding taps on the floor, the sound of his footsteps making the boy go into a trance as if he was being hypnotized further, the ability Braun gained didn't just mean a greater mind, it meant more than that.

In many facets of civilization, the saying the pen is mightier than the sword or knowledge is power exists, but for him, that is more than true to a great unnatural degree.

From charisma, intelligence, talent, processing speed, reflexes, and senses, everything related to his brain was enhanced to the levels beyond mortals.

You could say he was a higher being at this point already, enlightened beyond a point a human mind would hope to understand his whims and actions, but because your dear author is big brain, your dear author is able to bullshit their way through nearly anything in the story with enough wits and brains.

Nearing the boy with constant steps, he stands right in front of him while the boy glances at him with a blank stare, nodding his head at his experiment's success in regards to mental manipulation, he puts the palm of his right hand on the forehead of the boy, starting the process of mentally manipulating him into his pawn.

But unexpectedly, without indicating his shock, his mind stayed blank but it was different in his mind.

'Oho, why did that fail?' Braun thought of the unexpected failure of his altering over the boy's mind, his brain was already altered so that the boy will be his pawn but after taking him away from the hypnotized state, the boy continues to glare at him even though his life was under the palm of his hands.

Deciding to continue, he decides to try and get the boy's memories first but that also failed, even when he gained access to the boy's memory bank, it was as if a strange force was blocking him to interfere with the boy's mind.

"Tell me, boy, what is your special ability?" Braun asks, his androgynous voice escaping his mouth that put the boy in another trance.

"My ability allows me to revive the dead and have them still retain their previous abilities at their prime while under my absolute control," the boy said, the glow in his eyes disappearing.

'It seems like something like this is still possible, but why can't I directly control his mind? Hmm, I used my charisma here and no special ability to gain info from him, so this is perhaps related to his special ability. He has full control over his undead pawns which means he must have resistance to mental manipulation, but his infatuation and emotions are still there which is his weakness that I can exploit. Though it seems like his power goes beyond simple abilities but even going as far as defying the biological change that happened for his brain.' Braun thought, continuing his experiments over the boy and finally deducing what it could be in only a few trials due to his higher brainpower.

"Did you reincarnate, transmigrated, or come from another reality altogether?" Braun asks, a flirtatious smile was plastered on his face to continue his control over the boy.

"Yes, I died on Earth while being killed by a truck and appeared here more than a year ago in this new body with my cheat," the boy said, the final nail in the coffin finally revealing itself to Braun.

"So, you're a reincarnator. Tell me, what was your life like before? Did you gain any sudden urge after entering this world?" Braun asks a multitude of questions, and as the boy continues to answer them one by one, a dangerous gleam slowly appears in his eyes from what he found out from the boy.

'An unfortunate life in their first life. Get reincarnated with a special ability which we both coincidentally named a cheat. Resistance to most forms of mind manipulation though there are some weak points that could be exploited like emotions such as lust. Then after a while, have the urge to become stronger. Although this could have been from pure coincidence, I'll need more test subjects in the future to try and understand what is going on. But for now, my mind is under my full control and if my whole destiny is indeed under someone else's control, then I wouldn't be able to change it even if I want to. To control your every move, thought, everything, even if I am a puppet, I'm fine with that. It just means nothing really if you were to think about it hard enough, you just need to accept what is happening and try to get out of it, or adapt to it.' Braun thought, snapping the boy's neck and watching an invisible force getting ahold of the boy's soul, the same force that made him go through reincarnation back in Eldia.

As the boy's soul is now officially gone from this world, he appears back in his lab while multiple floating screens appear in front of him, and a folder was shown in front of him named [Operation Universal Escape].

AN: This is 2213 words, you're welcome.

To see how smart and big brain he is, go search Supernatural Mind on Superpower Wiki but heavily nerf some of the capabilities and we get Transcended Braun, why not Enhanced Mind? Because it's too weak for like potentially billions of mind quirks concentrated into one.

If you think the jump was a wee bit much in power level, it's not, you know what Braun could have done if I didn't nerf him? He could have made his body into an AI and just grow for thousands of years and become God with a capital G. I'm not joking, somewhere in Rick's mind there's probably a way to make Artificial Superintelligence considering how smart he is.

And fun fact, Freidrich Braun's character is actually based off one of my favorite novels Soul of Negary's main character, our lord and savior, Negary!.

(May 31, 2022 – 188th day of writing)