
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 27 – A Year Long Journey

Right in the middle of the void of space littered with nothing but the cold black void of nothingness, a singular celestial body the shape of a sphere and colored white was floating in orbit right beside a much larger planet with the colors blue and green being the prominent features of that certain world.

Right inside the white celestial body, a large hollow part was seen, filled with metallic hallways, rooms of large sizes that are used to accommodate more than thousands of people, living quarters, cafeterias, farms, gardens, and malls, it was as if human civilization has already lived here for a very long time.

But weirdly enough, nothing seems to be living inside the moon base, not even a single whiff of human life resides in the large base.

Though the creepy silence was broken as right inside a large hollow lab the size of a few buildings in length and width, a singular person with short black hair, brown sharp sword-like yes, rosy white skin full of vitality, rippled with muscles underneath his simple white shirt and black pants.

Standing in front of a translucent glass-like sphere, multiple floating swarms of metallic flies surrounds the area around him, each forming arm-like constructs that hold the sphere in the middle in place.

'The power of a sun, in the palm of my hands.' Braun mutters, a gleam appearing in his eyes as the tubes underneath the sphere shoots special isotopes of helium and hygrogen that hold extra neutrons so that the process of nuclear fusion can start.

Closing both of his eyes, his vision changes to a drastically different one that doesn't work through his eyes but through his special ability.

Connecting his mind to a certain space that resides within the sphere, he puts his palms on the spherical barrier to strengthen his concentration.

Taking deep breaths, veins pop out in his forehead as strange motes of lights start to appear right inside the translucent glass-like sphere, the holographic screen right beside him showing the temperature inside the sphere rising to drastically dangerous temperatures, from thousands to hundreds of thousands, millions, until it became a full sphere of red-yellow light that illuminates the whole room in light that could make anyone light that opens their eyes within the room.

But weirdly enough, even though the sphere is millions of Celsius hot, the room still stays the same temperature, and soon enough, a barrier covers the newly made miniature start to block off the light as Braun opens his eyes, the veins in his body receding with his brain calming down.

Letting out a sigh of relief from his mouth, Braun clutches his chest and felt his rapidly beating heart that struggled with providing enough oxygen to his brain, shaking his head and manifesting a sphere of cold water right in front of him, the water enters straight to his mouth that revitalizes his mind and body.

'Finally, after days of preparation, I finally have a miniature star for myself. With this, most of my energy problems would be solved. The next step would be to go to space and see what this universe has in store. The necromancer would be for later, bigger fishes are in store for me.' Braun thought, taking his portal gun from his waist and shooting a gigantic golden portal right beside him, his space van that was now modified to travel at near light speed appeared right beside him, faster than light speed travel is near but for now, this will do for him considering his immortal life span.

Grabbing the metallic ball that contains a whole miniature star, he grabs it and put it inside his van right in the van, putting it on the floor where a hollow hemisphere part was seen, plopping it right inside the fitting container and blue lines erupt all around the van, indicating that it is successfully being provided by power.

Nodding his head, nanobots swarm around him to form a metallic black armor on his body, the batteries on it being instantly charged to full from the ray of electricity being shot towards him from the sphere, his vision is filled with holographic screens that provide a multitude of data for him.

'This would take me about a few years to reach space life but considering my ability, I should be able to slightly bend space-time in a few months and accelerate my speed to be faster than light so my estimates should be much shorter than expected.' Braun thought, walking towards the driver seat and connecting his mind to the whole base, flying his van through the golden portal in front of them to appear right inside a gigantic empty room.

Opening the hatch in front of him, a blue barrier covers the wall in front of him that opened to show the black void of space, grabbing the handle of his van, he slowly controls the engine to go on full throttle.

Activating the barrier of the van, the van floats higher in the air and as it slowly nears the vastness of space, the van releases a large boom, and the vision in front of him warps drastically.

After seeing that everything seems to be going fine, he stands up from his seat while a screen flashes in his view.

'Goals, train my fundamental forces control, learn more of Rick's knowledge, along with training my body to adapt to the death precog without relying on the AI chip.' Braun thought, some long-term goals forming in his mind as this adventure will potentially take him years to finish before he returns to Earth.

Deciding to start early now that he was alone and in peace, he closes his eyes and appears right inside his mental landscape, where all of his memories are held in secure containment, along with multiple barriers to protect his mind from most things, though there are some definite weaknesses here and there.

Controlling his mind, he appears right in front of a gigantic pillar in the distance that pierces through the sky of clouds, as if the pillar never ends due to how much knowledge Rick has.

Walking towards it, a floating book shoots out of the ground beside him which he grabs instinctually without looking at it and opens it nonchalantly, flipping straight towards a certain page that shows a strange alien language as the knowledge of handling a whole star and how to maintain it, how to take care of it, practical applications and more as he enters through the library's door.

Turning his head away from the book, he walks towards the middle of the floor he was on and takes a deep breath, glancing up towards the ceiling and what he saw was something mind-boggling for the human mind.

A never-ending series of floors, shelves holding stacks upon stacks of books, flying books wandering around as if he appeared straight inside the Akashic Library, the library that holds the knowledge of everything and anything, though Rick wasn't omniscient, his knowledge could even well be beyond those of gods.

'I'm already almost done with clearing a singular floor, but with just this singular floor I might as well be a certified mad scientist in fiction, creating stars and creating world-ending bombs. But understanding all of this might as well take me a few million years at my pace, though this would change in the future with my theoretical solutions.' Braun thought, a certain strange feeling always there in his mind whenever he goes here.

With his sense of time, a bit messed up due to his immortal life span and now that he was in the void of space where there is no indication of time along with the time dilation, a few days hastily passed without him even noticing as Braun opens his eyes in the real world, a groan escaping his mouth while he glances at the floating blue translucent screen in front of him as he raises his eyebrows when he saw a few hundred hours has already passed without him even noticing.

'Huh, my sense of time is really changing with the change of life span and being in the void of space. Even when I was in Eldia and living as a god of that world, days would have still felt like hours to me, but this time, I didn't even notice hundreds of hours has passed.' Braun thought, shaking his head and deciding that it won't be a problem for him because his sense of time would only get further away from this later, maybe there will even be a time where millions of years feel like days to him.

Standing up, he takes out his portal gun and shoots it straight to the wall beside him, walking through it without a second thought and appearing back inside his moon base, his armor entering inside his body while multiple drones appear all around him, their danger levels having risen through the roof that would make training with them drastically harder.

Calming his breath to one that is steady, his muscle became pumped with blood and oxygen, energy coursing through his whole body while multiple visions soon entered his mind.

"Start," Braun mutters, thousands of bullets, lasers, elemental attacks, and other strange attacks rush straight towards him, each projectile looking like they are touching his body but in reality, not even a single nick of damage hits him from those thousands of attacks that shoots towards him each second.

As if he was an intangible monster that couldn't be hit by anything, his body looks like a shadow while the AI of the drones slowly got better, slight blood soon trickles down his forearms and cheeks but his mind was still fully concentrated, his body being inside a black void while all the attacks got isolated in his vision, each attack being calculated by his mind that slowly evolves alongside the AI.

But his victory became short live when multiple bullets in mid-air suddenly collides with each other, his mind became overloaded with the multitude of visions that came from nowhere, a multitude of visions where he died through the collisions of fireballs that created explosions, or where shrapnel was produced from the collision of metallic bullets that exemplified the complexity through the roof.

As his body became riddled with holes and burnt from the bullets and lasers, he drops down to the ground with ragged breaths, and even though the pain would knock any human unconscious, his months staying right inside the stomach of the titan made his mind used to the pain, taking a syringe from his pocket, he stabs it to his neck and pressed on it, the blue-purple liquid entering his veins as his regeneration factor got amplified, steam erupts from his whole body, his charred flesh, bullet-riddled body was healed in a matter of seconds.

Standing up, he stands on his two legs and decides to finally train his special ability.

Jumping up, his whole body starts to float in the air while multiple sparks appear all around him, multiple metallic pellets appear in front of him that got controlled through his electromagnetic manipulation, each ball spinning around him leaving behind trails of blue light, hurling all the balls forwards, a bend in space suddenly appears in front of him as if the balls encountered a weird force that made them spin into each other, forming a much larger ball.

Strengthening the gravitational sphere, the ball becomes denser and denser, until it became a small sphere the size of a small 1-centimeter ball, controlling it to make the ball float towards him, grabbing it, he nods his head when he felt how the ball was quite hefty in weight.

Controlling the ball, he connects to the ball's atoms and slowly alters it into helium and oxygen, connecting the atoms to one another, the ball rapidly expands into a small sphere of water the size of his whole fist.

Continuing his training, a year soon passed.

AN: This is 2011 words, you're welcome.

I recommend Medito as a meditation app, it's pretty poggers and completely free which I can respect.

And also, just try to meditate, it only takes like a literal minute or even less than that to do it. Why am I encouraging you to meditate? Because I'm not a big bad evil author. I just want to encourage others to try and improve themselves, to 'progress' in life, and if you don't try and fucking meditate now, just know you-

And you know what soothes my nerves just like meditation? It's when you send me some powerstones, and be sure to check if you have collected this novel already.

(May 30, 2022 – 187th day of writing)