
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 21 – A Goal for Superpowers

Appearing back in the void of space just beside the moon of this new alternate universe, he looks at his car that was now invisible, and glances at Earth in the distance with blue seas, white clouds, and green lands full of vitality and life.

'So I should just start the superpower serum later, I don't even need quirks really, I'll just take it as a sort of goal to broaden my understanding, Rick has a goldmine of knowledge on how superpowers work and I could even grant myself esper powers if I want to, but the one I want needs that serum.' Braun thought, making a mental list of the materials he will need like an unstable quantum crystal or tesseract, maybe even an unstable quantum field generator, and other stuff that would allow him to gain a power so ridiculous he almost guffawed when he found that Rick didn't want to use it as it was too inconvenient to master.

As the engine throttles in silence, he drives back to Earth and looks at the current state of the world gathered by his chip once he reached orbit and gained access to the internet.

'So just a few weeks before school will start all around the world. Hmm, do I still stay in Japan or move to America? Hmm, America has a bigger population and a more dangerous place to stay in overall, Japan is a small nation with a lot less population and less threatening villains, and there is also All for One, a mythological figure where people think he doesn't exist, but he exists all right.' Braun thought, a figure flashing in front of his retinas, a figure of a certain individual that could be called the most powerful villain in the world if he were to gain more quirks for himself

'Another thing to experiment with later once I get my power. For now, no other country has a being who has the power to steal quirks unless they are hiding in the shadows. So Japan it is.' Braun thought, his van shooting through the atmosphere and with a quick portal directly appearing in front of him, his van directly appears high above the sandy shores of Takoba Beach.

But as he opens the door of his van, he directly sees two certain figures he was oh so familiar with.

"Izuku and All Might, what are they doing here on the beach so early?" Braun mutters, watching the two with intrigued eyes, hiding behind the invisibility field around his van as his ears directly heard what the both of them were saying.

"One more Izuku! One more!" All Might shouts, Izuku letting out a grunt as he bench presses a pair of weights, tears coating his whole body until he finally lifted up the weight.

"Good!" All Might said, lifting the whole weight with one arm as Izuku deflates like a balloon, letting out a sore groan from his mouth from the sheer exhaustion he was feeling.

'Oho, why is All Might training Izuku right now? The last time I remember, a frail man was helping Izuku train when I watched him through the drone that accidentally went to the beach.' Braun thought, intrigued at the current theory in his brain, and decide to wait a little longer to see what All Might's secret was.

Soon, as he watches Izuku sit up from his lying position, the almighty All Might, the symbol of peace, the greatest hero of Japan, deflates like a literal balloon, his muscles evaporating into pure smoke leaving the same frail man he last saw in A-1.

'Oh, so All Might's power grants him muscles? Or is it due to a different cause?' Braun thought, his eyes flashing a slight blue glow as his AI chip went to analyze All Might's current body through x-ray and soon, he finds something that really intrigued him.

'Oho? His stomach is gone?' Braun thought, looking at the literal void of All Might's body, his respiratory organs destroyed and his stomach destroyed.

'Kukuku, another revelation found. Toshinori Yagi, pass… Hmm? There's something wrong here… Something is suspicious.' Braun thought, glancing through Yagi's past, even though it was little, there was some stuff that he found… a little too weird to be real.

'There is a gap, a gap that comes from nowhere. Toshinori Yagi, an alumnus of UA who has a strength-enhancing quirk, but after graduation, he disappeared from Japan altogether, and then, All Might's first debut appeared in America. So, that's why nobody knows Toshinori Yagi is All Might, his appearance alone is drastically different compared to All Might, but why? Why did he move to America all of a sudden?' Braun thought, glancing at All Might in the distance who was in his skinny form, patting Izuku on the back to continue his training.

Shaking his head, he decides to leave this question for later but he attaches a miniature camera on both All Might and Izuku just in case, his AI chip will alert him if something important is happening so he can watch it.

Leaving the area with his silent van, he flies through the area to find a place to park it, eventually finding a faraway island a few tens of kilometers away from Japan, nodding his head, the van shoots out a series of metallic balls in the air, and soon, the whole island was covered in an invisibility field, leaving it undetectable to the outside world until he turns off the field.

Standing up from his seat, he presses a button on the car, and with the sound of gears churning, the whole van goes back into lab form while the black box behind him opens automatically, all of his tables, his equipment, his vials and such returning back to their rightful place as if they were sentient.

"Lab all set, next plan, get superpowers. Perhaps even get Stripe and Stars for myself if I implant a brain chip to her later, a reality manipulator all to myself, how exciting," Braun said, a grin on his face as he walks up to a table and watches floating blue translucent screens appear in his vision.

'Making an unstable quantum field would be easy, but getting access to that and granting myself control would be hard but feasible. Then also grant myself the desired power which would mean I would have to alter the serum to bring the desired reaction. But it would be basically just me staying inside an unstable quantum field, then abusing its unstable nature to grant myself access to the special power I desire that relies on quantum physics and altering reality to the one I desire.' Braun thought, designing what the machine would look like and how he will make it.

'First of all, to make the field, I would have to make a gravity field, then alter the field with some crystals…' Braun thought, the plan pacing in his mind as the step-by-step process slowly got developed and refined.

'Hmm, what if I just alter the gravity field to be an electromagnetic field and then alter the quantum field through that? Then I can just overcharge it with electricity to basically do the same effect as the gravity field.' Braun thought, changing things along the way, replacing certain materials with other ones that were more convenient and easier to find in this world.

'Okay, for the serum. I would have to get some radioactive materials but uranium would do fine, then some hypnotic chemicals, or maybe even drugs, and other stuff, then after I process it, I would force my body to evolve and gain access to that power.' Braun thought, nodding his head as most of the problems were solved, now he only needs to make the serum and field along with precautions like what if he accidentally displaces himself or be both dead and alive at the same time.

'Finally, the formulas and devices are done. Superpower, here I come.' Braun thought, rubbing his brain that slightly aches from the multitude of mental formulas he had to answer.

Crouching down to the ground, he opens the drawer in the table below him to take out metal coils, a wired fence, along with some magnets that he would have to transform into superconductors later.

"Wait, fuck! I do need the gravity field!" Brauns suddenly halts his movement, realizing his mistake, he hastily summons the floating blue translucent screens back into his vision and glances at the machine.

'If I were to add the gravity field above, it would interfere with the radioactive rays being sent to me, so if I were to put it on the ground, the EM field would be too weak and unstable failing to alter the quantum field. Hmm, if I were to remove the wires and instead make an EM field through the air… okay, an EM field through the air and the radioactivity rays high above, and the gravity field below.' Braun thought, letting out a sigh of relief that he didn't have to alter it too much.

'And if my quantum state does become unstable, well I could just reload back if I really need to.' Braun thought, waving the screens away, he throws away the wires and picks up metallic poles and more magnets that will keep the EM field stable.

Lining up the metallic poles on the ground into a circle, he went to add the magnets on top of them and as energy went to enter the ground where the poles were, the poles lit up with blue light and an electromagnetic field went to envelop the whole area inside it.

Walking to another table, he went to grab a series of glowing green rocks inside a black box, as a blue glow covers the rocks, he grabs a circular object and puts it on top of the series of magnets floating high in the air, propping the circular plate on top of it, he puts the uranium in the holes in the hatch and watches the green bar beside it glow green.

With the things he could do in the present now done, he lets out a groan and stretches his body around.

'Welp, that's the things I could do for today. The gravity field would be for later, then I also have to gain quantum particles or crystals for the serum which means I would also have to go into the quantum realm for that, sigh, so many things to do for a single serum. But the power I would gain would offset the pain, with the threats of precogs and time travelers already being found, they won't matter much now that I have most things under my control.' Braun thought, cracking his neck and walking towards a floating chair that uses electromagnetism to float.

Sitting down, he leans his body forward and nears a black table with nothing on top of it, that is until Braun taps the table and blue lines suddenly erupts all around it, a blue holographic table now on top of it along with a series of translucent blue monitors.

'Once I give enough juice to my AI, I wouldn't need to use this computer anymore. But for now, this would do fine.' Braun thought, placing his hands down on the table, and began to think about what to search.

'I would still need to leave this lab as it isn't feasible for a home, maybe rent the apartment again? Izuku has a connection with All Might and I could get closer to All Might through that, or I could just go guns blazing and implant a brain chip in them?' Braun thought, but then remembered how many times Rick failed using a brain chip as if it was doomed to fail, maybe not now, but surely later and that led to him facing many unfortunate circumstances.

'In the end, brain chips are not that reliable when an enemy who can manipulate technology appears and now your supposed army is now theirs, but once I gain my power, then even if you did get control of my technology, then I wouldn't be in that much danger and can still fight.' Braun thought, finally deciding to live back in the apartment until he finishes his serum and field to give himself superpowers.

AN: This is 2064 words, you're welcome.

The amount of stuff I have to make up in this chapter just fried my brain, so why don't you give me some powerstones.

(May 25, 2022 – 182nd day of writing)