
Ch 14 – A Wacky Guy

"Finally, this fucking laser gun is made!" Braun shouts, grabbing the gun by the handle and glancing at the toy-like appearance of the gun.

'There are two modes, the toy mode where it will shoot a red laser, and the gun mode where it will shoot a super-hot beam of plasma that would kill any normal human with ease.' He thought, pocketing the gun in his pockets and rubbing his tired eyes.

'Sigh, now I need to sleep without my original cheat. I really need to modify my body later.' He thought, standing up from his seat and plops head down on the bed, easily snoozing into dreamland, and sleeping for a few hours straight.

(A Few Hours Later)

Opening his eyes, he lets out a satisfied yawn and groggily gets out of his bed while rubbing his eyes.

'Oh man, I guess I need to sleep right now, my mind feels so refreshed and reinvigorated!' he thought with a joyful grin, his cold gaze now gone as if he was a different man.

Opening the curtains, he looks at the crack of dawn in the distance and takes a deep breath, preparing for the oncoming day he will go to and explore the city of Musutafu and perhaps even visit UA to see its students in action.

Grabbing his plastic bag on the table, he pockets his laser gun and portal gun where people can't see them and leaves the hotel for his stay is ending already but not before taking a quick breakfast along the way to fill his grumbling stomach.

Getting out of the hotel, he munches on a piece of bread in his mouth while looking around the area with a raised eyebrow.

'Hmm, what place should I go to first? I still need a laptop and an apartment so money is a must, hmm, what job should I do? Or do I just gamble? Yeah, let's just gamble.' He thought, bumping his arm into the pocket of a man, and with a swift grab, he steals the phone that was in their back pocket, and without any hint of suspicion, he turns on the phone to see if a password was needed.

'12345678?' he thought, inputting the password and unfortunately, it didn't work.

'password?' after inputting the password, it also didn't work.

'87654321?' he thought, inputting the last password and with a flash, the password worked which made him wear a slight grin.

Opening the internet, he went to search for some casino around Musutafu and as he turns around, he glances at the shining casino in front of him and chuckle.

Dropping down a save file, he enters it with a confident stride and looks around the place with a toothy grin.

Walking up to the blackjack counter, he browses through Rick's memories of card counting, and after watching one round, he easily learns how it works and went to buy some chips with his remaining money.

Bringing them back to the counter, he places them down on the table and takes his own sit.

Soon, the game went on for hours as more and more chips went to pile up on Braun's side but they didn't suspect him card counting one bit with his charismatic way with words that allowed Braun to gain their trust and friendship.

"Goodbye, guys! It was fun playing with you, but I need to go home right now," Braun said, standing up from his seat while grabbing his chips.

"Goodbye Braun, if you want to play with us again later, just call us," the other people on the table said, giving him their number as he nods and pockets it in his pants.

Going to the counter, he exchanges his chips for cold hard cash as he chuckles at the immense amount of money he earned with his higher form of card counting that Rick himself made that increases his edge to 5% which is drastically high compared to the abysmal edge card counters have.

Leaving the casino with a wad of cash in his pants, he takes a deep breath with this new capital he can use.

'If I want to leave this planet, then the chances of finding extraterrestrial life out there would mean I would have to travel thousands of light-years, and getting Concentrated Dark Matter is out in the window right now without any tools or lab. For now, I'll just get an apartment and get a proper lab later once I know I am safe in this universe and not forced to leave this one into another alternate one.' He thought, rubbing his chin while entering a Wacdonalds to buy some food for himself.

As he stands in line, he looks at a kid with spiky yellow hair in the distance eating with his mother and chuckles at that ridiculous hairstyle.

'Spiky hair, but he does rock it though so props to him.' Braun thought, and after a while, it was now his turn to order.

"I would like 3 Big Wacs and some cola please," Braun said as the lady nodded and after a few minutes, his order came to him in a bag which he grabs, pays the bill, and walks outside while looking at his phone on where he could buy a laptop and a bag.

As he walks around Musutafu, he looks around the place where tons of wacky-looking people walk about as if the scenery is normal, some have horns, elongated ear lobes, and even big teeth which he looks at with curiosity.

'So not only do they get elemental abilities, but also mutations? Hmm, I do have some ways on how I could gain those abilities for myself but most of them are theories or untested.' He thought, walking down the street while munching on some burgers and sipping on his cola.

But as he was walking on the street side, he looks at the cars in the distance not moving and many people running away which caught his curiosity.

'Are those roots?' he thought, glancing at the woods being thrown around in the distance while multiple civilians bump into him to run away from the danger.

With his interest now peaked, he walks towards the occasion and sees Kamui Woods fighting a two-bit villain that looks like a gigantic crocodile with reptilian scales that gleams green under the sun.

As the villain stomps his feet to the ground, he grabs Kamui Wood's woody pillar that shoots towards him at dangerous speeds, biting them off with his sharp teeth as he laughs.

"You stand no chance Hero! My defense is impenetrable for your wood!" the villain shouts, pointing at Kamui Woods with a condescending stare.

'Tch, there are still some civilians over there, but once they are gone, I can finally go all out and entrap him.' Kamui Woods thought, deciding that his plan of action was one of attrition.

As their fight continues, Kamui Wood lets out a sigh of relief when he sees that the civilians are now away from danger and stomps both of his arms and legs on the ground, preparing to uproot the whole street, but he was soon distracted when he heard a voice right beside him.

"Huh, I thought you would be able to take care of that two-bit villain faster, I've been watching you guys fight for 2 minutes straight and I've already made tons of plans on how to kill that villain," the strange man mutters, watching the both of them with a bored gaze.

"What are you doing here! Run away! You're in danger right now!" Kamui Woods shout as he heard a loud chuckle and watch the villain rush toward the civilian.

With his plans changed, he erupts a wall of wood in front of them while rushing to the civilian to drive him away from danger.

But with swift movements, the guy sways his body to the left, accurately dodging Kamui Woods as he slams onto the metallic pole that the guy was leaning on.

"Tsk tsk tsk, here I thought you guys are better than that. Here, let me show you how true heroes fight and save the day," the strange guy said, and as Kamui Woods rubs his head and turn around, he looks at the guy calmly walking toward the crocodile villain and his eyes widen.

"Hahaha! You? A hero? I'll show you why they call me Crocodilian the G-" without him being able to finish his sentence, the man takes out a gun from his pocket, and with a single press on the trigger, a red beam of light went to shoot out of the nozzle of the gun and with the smell of charred meat wafting onto the villain's nose, he lets out a loud shriek as he looks at his legs that were cut off by the laser beam.

"AHHH!" the villain shouts while his body slams forward to the ground, his legs were left standing as his stumps burned further, pain shooting up his veins into his brain.

"See, that's how you take care of a villain, you're welcome," Braun said, turning his body around and with swift movements, and starting to walk away, but as Kamui Woods sees a blur high in the sky, his eyes dilated in shock when he sees a gigantic man appear right behind the strange guy to grab his shoulders.

"Huh?" the guy mutters, turning his head around to be greeted by a menacing face that has long blond hair that defies the sky.

"Oh, hello All Might, fancy seeing you here," the guy calmly said, turning his body around to meet All Might face to face.

"You, why did you do that?" All Might said with a low voice, clearly angry at the guy's actions.

"Oh, you mean me saving the day? No need to thank me, I just play as a hero for fun," the guy said, shaking his head with a smug smile on his face.

"You… why did you resort to useless violence?! You know we heroes should not resort to lethal force unless it's needed!" All Might shouts, angered at this guy who appeared.

"Well… I still did the job, didn't I? I saved the day in a matter of seconds, saving a fortune on the cost of infrastructure, rebuilding the streets, etc. In fact! You should be thanking me instead!" the guy said, raising his right hand in a cha-ching sign that shows he wants some money.

"Yoouuuu!" All Might growls, this man, it's as if his every action was born to incite him further which causes his eyes to widen in shock, this man, he was dangerous.

"Sigh, it seems like there would be no reward to little ol' me, well goodbye then you two, this might be the last time you'll see me, maybe, perchance, eh, who knows," the guy mutters, turning his body around and with a golden portal suddenly appearing right below him, the guy drops through it leaving the both of them alone there, confused at the mysterious individual.

"As expected, the number one hero of Japan would have a great degree of control over his emotions, but what was that… it was like something was wrong with him. Hmm, oh well, at least I got some blood samples from both the crocodile guy and wood guy," he mutters, his eyes gleaming as if there was more to the actions he has done.

'The first set of dominoes has been laid, the first line of defense if you will to any precog hacks or time fuckers. But if I play careful, I shouldn't have to deal with any of them, but now, they will think of me as a mysterious guy with a wacky personality, a fake weakness I crafted, to create something from nothing, an old saying from a random Chinese guy.' He thought, appearing directly in a random park as his face morphs slightly with steam emitting from it.

'But still, the heroes of this world are big pussies. I wonder if there are any anti-heroes out there?' he thought, glancing at a pond while rubbing his chin.

AN: This is 2029 words, you're welcome.

I'm too lazy to explain what he is doing but basically, he hates time manipulators, precog hacks, and the unknown.

And don't worry, he's not getting stupid, he's virtually in no danger at all so he is just letting loose once in a while to see what happens, but if you haven't notice... he seems to be avoiding using his cheat?!

Writing is hard, so give me powerstones.

(May 20, 2022 – 176th day of writing)

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