
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 130 – Leaving Terra

Inside the Western Continent of Elves, a hospital constructed from a ginormous tree can be seen. Within that hospital, many elves wearing outfits for professionals can be seen. From nurses, doctors, and patients, many walked around with haste to do their own business.

"Thank you for your help, Doctor," An elf thanked the young elf beside him whose appearance was similar to that of a child. Yet, it was normal for an elven doctor to look like a child considering the long lifespans they held.

"You're welcome, Alver. For now, you'll just need to take this potion for today and you'll be up and ready by tomorrow. But remember to rest well for today," the elven doctor responded. Though his face was hidden by a mask, a new technology shared around by the Northern Continent, the patient could see the bright smile hidden behind it.

Bidding farewell to the patient, the Doctor slowly walked through the hospital's corridor in slow and steady steps. His originally bright smile disappeared in a matter of seconds, and even his presence felt cold and dangerous.

He muttered something lightly under his breath that no one was able to hear, not that anyone would hear considering he was alone in the hallway, and a flash of white light appeared. As he opened his eyes, the elven doctor found himself now standing in a mysterious room with rocky walls and an uneven gray rock ground.

He slowly took off his facemask and gloves, only to replace them with new ones. His eyes were cold when he walked through the room and arrived at an operating table with a gruesome, bloody scene. Atop the bloody operation table, a grotesque body can be seen that was broken to a degree that its appearance couldn't' determine whether it was an elf, a human, a demihuman, or from another race altogether.

The elven doctor laughed lightly, before he muttered, "Shall we continue where we last left off?"


In the Eastern Continent, there live the Demihumans who can wield a special power determined by their bloodline.

For example, the first stage is named Primal Awakening. With it, a demihuman can tap into their primal bloodline to increase their physical and magical power, boosting it to another level.

The next stage is called Ancestral Markings, wherein a black marking appears in a random part of the demihuman's body. The marking depicts the animal and its bloodline's source. For example, a lion demihuman would have a lion's head as its marking. It would further increase the increase in power but will take more energy to keep up.

The third stage is called Ancestral Cloak, where the mark spreads all around the body while a cloak of mana covers their body. It further amplifies their strength to absurd proportions, making those who achieve this state become powerhouses in their own right.

The final stage is when a demihuman is finally able to tap into the source of their power. To transform into their Ancestral Spirit, the extinct race from thousands of years ago. Yet, only a few in history have been able to achieve this state throughout the entire Demihuman history.

Yet, inside a certain village of demihumans, one can see a pool of blood drenching the entire area. The smell of iron engulfed the air, while a being glowing a bright orange can be seen standing still in the ocean of blood. His eyes were glowing a bright orange light, while multiple orange tails swished behind the figure's back.

Around his mouth and arms, one can see chunks of flesh, indicating that this person was the source of all this bloodshed. And yet, a maniacal smile can be seen forming on the figure's face, as he muttered lightly, "So this is what it's like to learn of your ancestral roots."

And so, his ninth tail popped out of his back, and a bright orange glow engulf the entire around him.


*Chop chop chop*

As the sound of a knife hitting a chopping board was heard all inside a luxurious kitchen, a girl with long blond hair and emerald green eyes can be seen rapidly cutting down vegetables into small chunks. Her skill was impressive, and her hands moved through the air like phantoms, leaving only behind a trail of finely chopped vegetables in her path.

"Fear me, Vegetable-san! For my Dragon Cut shall let you perish into fine cubes-"

"Uh… Are you okay?" Hearing a voice appear behind her, the girl shrieked and blushed.

"B-Bella! You should have knocked or something!"

"Well, you should instead explain what Dragon Cut is to me, Silvy," Bella grinned, before reenacting what Silvy was doing.

"Stahp! Just pretend you didn't see anything!" Silvy begged.

"Since when did my sister act so childish? Sigh, I knew Lute would be a bad influence on you, but I didn't know you'd caught his childishness!" Bella sighed, before patting Silvy on the back.

"So, how has my genius chef sister been? Did you miss your older sister who's been gone for a while?" Bella grinned.

"Of course, I missed you. But I still have to refine my cooking skills."

"Well, you really don't need to cook, now, right? Considering you have your restaurant chain all around the Central Continent already with many of your head chefs you personally trained cooking the food for you," Bella laughed lightly.

"Well, cooking was the thing that allowed us to earn money, so I shouldn't just let my skills go rusty. Besides, I'm still waiting for the time I can surpass Lute-sensei!" Silvy's eyes were full of vigor at that moment.

"Hehe, yes, yes. Anyways, I still have to catch up with Honda-san right now. See you back at lunch!" Bella waved goodbye.

"Take care! Just because you're an S-Rank adventurer doesn't mean you can act recklessly!"

As Silvy watches her sister walk through the door, she smiled brightly and continued to chop the vegetables. Yet, the moment Bella walked through the door, her body plunges into the shadows, and found herself appearing at a different location altogether.

In front of her, she was greeted by two cloaked figures. Removing their hoods, the face of Honda and Imerda can be seen inside the dark alleyway they were in.

"Greetings," Bella greeted, and a dark purple gate appeared beside them on the wall.



As they nodded their heads to one another, their eyes glowed purple for a split second. As if that flash of purple light confirmed something, they walked towards the purple gate with cold gazes. Disappearing from the dark alley, the area returned to normal as if the trio were never there to begin with.


Inside the Central Continent, somewhere in the Holy Kingdom, one can see the Saintess herself conversing with a strange masked figure in a modestly decorated room.

"Kira-sama, our preparations have been going spending, just like you ordered," the Saintess—Holly Grandestine—bowed her head.

"Good," Kira responded quickly, before standing up. As they walked out of the room and through the corridors, Holly Grandestine followed him obediently like a cute puppy. Her eyes when she glanced at Kira's back were full of fervor as if she wasn't looking at a normal man, but a being above her.

Continuing to walk silently, Holly felt her body passing through an invisible barrier and suddenly found herself standing in the white void, her steps came to a halt at the same time as Kira.

Waving his arms, the entire around them radically changed, as if he was a god. With ripples forming in the air, their bodies elevated to the air while steps formed, along with a golden throne appearing behind Kira which he sat on.

In front of them, Holly Grandestine watches as countless beings wearing priestly robes appear out of nowhere. Their eyes were full of worship upon seeing Kira's masked figure and hurriedly chattered.

"Your holiness!"

"Your grace!"

"My Lord!"

Many cried out their voices of faith, as if they were one collective entity who fully worshipped the masked man. Their eyes were filled with blindless trust, as if the being they were looking at wasn't a man, but that of a god.

"My subjects, you've done well serving me from the start. From this point on, we shall move on with the next steps of our plan, so that we can bring the gift of knowledge to the ignorant masses!" Kira shouted, his voice booming as many cheered.

Not only that, Kira slowly stood up and walked to the very edge of the platform his throne was located upon, while Holly Grandestine bowed her head respectfully.

"With our efforts, we'll bring upon a new era to the entire world!"


"Hello there, sister."

In front of Sophia, she watches as the scarlet flames that appeared from nowhere slowly form a humanoid figure. With scarlet eyes, snow white hair, fair white skin, and wearing a witch's clothing, she felt her mind coming to a halt upon seeing the face that very much resembled her own.

"Huh, so you guys really were sisters! Damn, I didn't expect the Demon Lord himself to experi-!" Lute exclaimed from the side before his mouth suddenly disappeared with a glare from the Demon Lord whose figure remained similar to a shadow's.

"Father?" Sophia asked.

Turning towards her father, Ordo, the man only nodded his head and spoke: "Scarlet, to think you'll finally be back after so long."

"Oh? Did my own father, who was gone for so long, doesn't feel any hint of remorse for giving her daughter a fake life, fake parents, fake everything?!" Scarlet screamed.

"Why should I care about things as remorse when I created you from the very nothingness? You were merely an experiment of mine, so it doesn't matter what you think of my actions," Ordo ruthlessly replied.

"Sigh, I understand. So, I was just a pawn for your plans, right?" Scarlet asked, her tone turning nonchalant.


"Huh… I expected to feel a lot more emotional than this, but I guess I was kinda expecting this too since a long time ago. My powers really were strange, and I was a devil, so the only thing that matches those conditions would be that I was the daughter of a powerful devil or something."

"Bingo! Your Majesty created you as his experiments, a girl with Order, and another with Chaos. You were supposed to play a different role but then you became friends with Kilt which threw a wrench into his Majesty's plans and left you all alone for so long. But now, we have a new goal! A new plan of a much grander scale than killing the nine Reincarnates!" Lute exclaimed, his mouth has also returned to normal.

Lute then continued after Ordo nodded his head, "You see, the reason why many people came from Earth and reincarnation into this world was due to a certain something his Majesty has done more than a thousand years ago, essentially creating a permanent connection between the two worlds. Now, a few decades ago, his Majesty has been eavesdropping on Earth and has been fucking pummeling those dastardly humans by sending down Monster Generators with his bullshit reality warpers. Then, Angelica took action by giving the power of magic to random humans and converted those Monster Generators into a pocket dimension called Dungeons."

"Wait… Then why are there dungeons in Terra then?" Sophia asked. It was strange for her to feel so apathetic to Earth, but considering she has been the princess of all devils for so long, her emotions for Earth and humans have long dispersed.

"Oh, basically, his Majesty is also being interfered with by Angelica in this world by changing his Monster Generators into dungeons. But, his Majesty still succeeded in some aspects by creating forests and certain locations where monsters are born from nothing."

"Now, the reason why I am saying all of this is that a certain someone is going to invade Earth and work from the inside for us," Lute announced, shocking the two.

"Eh? Then why are you saying all of this to us?" Sophia asked.

"Because you both will be valuable assets when we might have to send more personnel as infiltrators. But for now, we already have decided on who will be sent. Also, we have to alter the infiltrator's existence to make him fully assimilate into Earth. You might not know this, but the Monsters that broke through dungeons have a different 'feel' to them, so we need to fix that."

"Then who do we have to fix?" Scarlet asked.

"My son," Lute chuckled before crimson lightning suddenly appeared from nowhere.

*** (A Few Minutes Later)

As a blue portal appeared in front of the five, Raiden walked forward slowly. His appearance was still the same, yet his presence felt different that only beings from Terra could feel. Just like the same 'different aura' demons exude that only non-demons could feel.

Approaching the blue portal in front of him, Raiden takes a deep breath. He felt exhilarated and also scared for what the future has in store for him. Yet, he also felt a sense of calmness within him.

Looking back, he saw Ordo, Scarlet, Sophia, and his father, Lute, looking at him with encouraging faces. He nodded his head silently and turned to look back at the blue portal with a resolute gaze.

With crimson sparks erupting from his body, Raiden nodded his head and ran, disappearing entirely from the world of Terra. The only one who knew of his disappearance and the plan was the five, and now, one can only wonder what the future holds.

Just like that, a chapter closes and a new one opens. But this time, the new chapter takes place in an entirely new world telling Raiden's wacky adventures in a foreign plane. Will their mysterious plan succeed, or will they fail under Angelica's strength and wits? Only time will tell, for this story was far from over.

AN: This chapter has 2345 words.

What?! Another World?! EARTH?! DUNGEONS?! A potential cliffhanger ending to this novel now that I'm probably gonna go on indefinite hiatus due to the government?! Was this the chapter I talked about in the Final Farewell chapter?!

Yes, dear readers. I intentionally did plan things out to leave the final chapter to be a cliffhanger that will lead to Volume 7.

Ha! The true villain here was me who planned meticulously to have the last chapter be a cliffhanger. Fufufu, the villain truly does have the last laugh.

(August 19, 2022 – 268th day of writing)