
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 115 – Akasha and the Akashic System

*** (Three Weeks Later)

A month has now passed since school first started, and one can see the kingdom was experiencing a very pleasant weather. With cloudy blue skies that had birds flying through the skies as its citizens roamed around the wide streets with joyful smiles. Kids played around with each other and their toys, and adults walked their magical pets such as a horned rabbit or six-legged dogs with three eyes.

Some did their work, setting up stalls to sell items, or opening up their shops. Everyone was quite busy, yet none felt exhausted or lethargic even with such a busy condition. How could they? Under the rapid changes the kingdom went through this past month, one can say it has been developing faster than ever before.

From better food, better housing, better everything! It was like a revolution, a change that came unprecedented yet well accepted.

Inside the kingdom, a young girl woke up under the attack of the sun's rays through her glass window. Opening her ocean blue eyes, Imerda yawned and stretched around her bed before standing up with a grunt.

'Ah! Saturdays really are great when you return back to school, it makes one appreciate the simple things in life.' Imerda thought. Looking at herself in the window, she could see white froth building up around her mouth as she brushes with lively eyes.

She already had plans for the day, such as visiting the Love Heart Baker and hanging around there. Or buy herself a treat at night for the hard work she went through this past month, toiling the fields relentlessly under Lute Stolas' strange and mysterious experiments.

Spitting out her whatever-the-stuff-toothpaste-produces onto her sink, she gargled some water and walked out of her bathroom to her kitchen.

Going to her fridge, she opened it with a slight pull and saw an overabundance of ingredients clogging up the inner space of her pristine white fridge. From eggs to vegetables, meat, and such.

'Hmm, maybe some ramen? The Magic Kingdom does have instant ramen now, so maybe I could just make some eggs and cook some meat as additives to the ramen.' Nodding her head, Imerda takes out the required ingredients to her counter.

Looking at the cup ramen at her counter, she scratched her head for a moment and wondered, "How did this even come into existence? Like actual cup ramen? Ramen is already a thing, but cap ramen? How does one even create cup ramen? But, I at least know that this would taste great because it comes from L Enterprise."

Nodding her head, she started to boil some water and went to prepare her breakfast.

But first, what is L Enterprise? You can say it's the fastest growing company in the Magic Kingdom, a direct cause of many of the changes in the kingdom. Their products were simply innovative and of the highest quality, from cheap cleaning golems that any household can buy to great food, and ingredients, nearly anything you want can be bought from L Enterprise.

And so, a few minutes passed and Imerda takes a whiff of her bowl of ramen. It had light yellow noodles, cooked meat slices, a sunny-side-up egg, and other condiments added by herself to spice up the taste of the instant ramen.

"Mmm! This should taste great! Uwah, to think I would be able to eat instant ramen in this world! Nothing beats little work yet great outcome!" Imerda giggled, grabbing the large bowl back to her living room and placing it down on her wooden table.

Sitting down on her black sofa, she felt her body being swallowed by the sofa and grabbed the remote near her. Pointing it towards the Magical TV produced by L Enterprise in front of her, she clicked on the power button and watches the TV's black screen produce colors with the aid of magic.

'This world is really weird, huh? We have TVs yet no cars. We have instant ramen yet no advanced machinery to create them.' Imerda chuckled, indulging herself in the pleasure of having no work to do now that she doesn't have to stupidly take care of Lute Stolas' farm.

As she watches the news playing in front of her, announcing things such as the recent events the Reincarnates and the members of Insurgents of God have done.

'Huh, the Insurgents of Gods are really expanding, so many heroes joining all around the world to help our just cause. Sigh, maybe I should get my own hero party later, like a harem of handsome men… Or… Lute.' Imerda blushed, her locked fantasies resurging to the top of her mind before shaking her head to push back those forbidden fantasies of her back into the deepest reaches of her mind.

Deciding to eat her ramen, she grabbed her chopstick and took her first bite. Like a blast from the past, she opened her eyes wide and couldn't believe how nostalgic the taste was.

'Holy crap! It's like the exact, nay! It's even better than the ones back from Earth!' Imerda couldn't believe the burst of flavors currently residing in her mouth. She went to slurp, glurp, and eat the bowl of ramen relentlessly like a thirsty man finding water in the desert.

But as she was eating, she looks back at the TV and suddenly saw the screen turn black.

'Hmm? Did something happen?' She wondered, placing the bowl of ramen back down on her table before the screen suddenly lit up once more in front of her.

Looking at the screen, she was greeted by the sight of a stage similar to those of people announcing things in the school's gymnasium. In the middle was a podium holding a mic on top of it.

"Sorry to interrupt your time, but the owner of L Enterprise has something important to announce to the entire kingdom! It is a matter of grave importance, so we apologize profusely."

Out from the shadows, she watches as a man suddenly erupts from the darkness. He was wearing a dark cloak that covers his whole body, no inch of his skin nor body can be seen. He was like a man made from the darkness, the shadow man.

"Huh? That's the owner of L Enterprise?" Imerda muttered, confused at what the man could be announcing of such grave importance to the entire kingdom.

"Mic test," his voice appeared, it was both masculine and feminine at the same time. An androgynous voice is the word to describe his voice.

From his shadow-riddled body, one can see a pair of purple eyes appear as he directly looks into the camera as if making direct eye contact with whoever was watching the live feed.

"Hello there, dear viewers of this current program. You might be wondering who I am, for who is this mysterious man who suddenly appeared on your screens all around the kingdom."

The man chuckled lightly, before continuing: "My name is L, the owner of L Enterprise. I am sure that most of you here have already heard of my company, is that right? But if not, then I shall give a quick summary of what my company does and produces."

Listening to him, Imerda can't help but feel ensnared like a moth attracted to a flame. His voice was soothing, and his words were direct and charming. She listened attentively to whatever he said and felt his words were engraved into her mind.

"Now, let us go to the main topic of my sudden announcement."

Waving his arm, Imerda saw a light blue magic circle covers his entire right arm, and the screen suddenly pans to the blank wall beside L. Out of nowhere, she saw the entire wall be covered by a projection, showing a certain interesting object that made her wonder the sense of familiarity.

"This, dear viewers, is my latest product, the Akashic System."

Hearing his words, Imerda's eyes widen as she finally realizes why the projected item looked so familiar. It directly looked like the interface of a phone or a computer!

"A product that can be said the greatest treasure any scholar wishes to obtain in the entire world! A magical device, nay, a magical spell to be exact, produce from countless magic circles and runes working together to acquire unlimited potential! Connected to the very storage of knowledge called the Akasha!" L shouted loudly. His arms flailed around as the projection changed, showing multiple passages of texts like the overview of a product.

"But what does it do, exactly? Well, dear viewer, that is what I hope for you to learn," L chuckled, before turning his body to the projection beside him.

"Have you ever wondered what the greatest thing anyone can ever grab hold of in this world?" L asked, turning his purple eyes directly to the screen.

"That thing is called knowledge. As the saying goes, knowledge is power," L laughed, before the projection magnified on a passage of text.

"With the Akashic System, one is able to connect to Akasha, a storage of data that is basically a library holding the world's knowledge in one neat place. All of the books stored in the kingdom's library have been magically transformed into raw data one can access with the Akashic System for free whenever and wherever."

Hearing his explanation, Imerda widened her eyes, realizing that the Akasha L spoke of was very much similar to the existence of internet. If L was smart enough to realize Akasha's potential, then Imerda was confident the kingdom would revolutionize the way it functions.

"With that alone, it is a national treasure! A kingdom's entire library that anyone can access? It would be a scholar's wet dream! But nay! If I say infinite potential, then it has infinite potential!" L announced, waving his magic-circled-covered arm and the projection changed once more.

"One can even upload their own knowledge into the Akasha through the Akashic System. From images, words, direct experiences through memory magic…"

L started to list out a series of features to the masses. Each feature makes the Akashic System and Akasha closer and closer to the existence of the internet and a phone/computer.

From uploading images, videos, books, etc. It's a treasure trove of knowledge one can potentially access for free. Not only that, L started to say the potential it has for the whole kingdom.

From new potential jobs, earning money through ads, putting a price on personal uploaded data, it's literally becoming a newborn internet at this point. From game development, bootleg Youtube, and streaming sites, the Akashic System is a beast of a creation.

"Now that you know a small fraction of the Akashic System's prowess, the most important thing has finally come. The price!" L shouted, laughing loudly as he grabbed his cloak, and took it off in a grand arc.

'L-Lute Stolas?!' Imerda reeled back in shock to see Lute Stolas in the flesh. He was wearing his Sage's Magic Academy Student Council Uniform along with his mask.

"The price is a measly 1 Gold to buy!" Lute announced, the projection behind him changing into a holographic gold coin floating in midair.

"With 1 single gold coin, anyone in the kingdom can gain access to the knowledge of millions! This is what it means to be part of the Magic Kingdom! We are scholars, researchers of the arcane path riddled with mystery! As the son of Aldrich Stolas and Student Council President of the Magic Academy, I shall revolutionize the kingdom and pave forth a new path of development in magic! Libraries, books, nay! I shall allow anyone, whether they be a commoner with no talent in magic to the richest of nobles to learn the arcane secrets!"

L declared flamboyantly, his dark purple eyes gleaming with brilliance as he continued:

"But how? How can a commoner with no talent for magic, become a scholar of the arcane?! Then fret not, for yours truly has an answer that shall change what it means for us to be equal! MEAT PLANTS!" Lute shouted, the projection behind him changing to suddenly show an endless field of green plants.

As the projection continued, Imerda reeled back in shock as she saw the green plants produced… produced, produce something alien. The plants produced meat!


"Pardon my outburst, a certain friend of mine has just been complaining to me about how useless the Dragon Fields project was. But yes, as we all basically know, both products I mentioned hold mythical properties. Such as the dragon meat allowing a boost in physical strength and etc, while the dragon heart holds the property to directly cleanse the soul of impurities, increase mana amount, increase physical strength, obtain a new attribute, etc."

Listening to Lute, Imerda couldn't believe the product he just announced. The Akashic System and Meat Plants, two products that can truly revolutionize the way magic is handled in the Magic Kingdom.

But her eyes soon widens as she saw a screen pop up in front of her, a screen she was very much familiar with.

"Hello," Imerda gulped, answering the call as she saw Kilt looking straight at her in the eye.

"You need to go back here," Hearing him, Imerda nodded her head and saw a purple gate appearing in front of her.

With the appearance of the Akashic System and Meat Plants, it will very much amplify the strength of the Magic Kingdom. Any commoner now has access to a chance at gaining a Pure White Soul and multiple attributes, along with the ability to read the entire library of a kingdom of magic. One can see how absurd that notion is, and would allow any nobody to become an S-Rank Mage with enough effort now that both talent and resources are given to them for a very cheap price.

How would this change the whole world? A kingdom of magic that can very much challenge an entire world, it would definitely make others feel threatened, causing a turbulent storm to build up in the world of Terra.

AN: This chapter has 2386 words.

Yeah, Braun is making bolder moves now, but this will lead to him meeting the Reincarnates face to face for the first time and finally gain precious knowledge.

PS, that means Power Stones, so give me them NOW!

(August 9, 2022 – 258th day of writing)