
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 11 – The End of a Devil

Back in the real world, steam suddenly erupts from the hairy titan's nape with Braun's body hanging out of it, and soon enough, his eyes open wide with a cold glint.

"Ymir," he mutters, dropping down to the ground without sustaining any damage whatsoever as he looks area around him… all of these Eldians…

"A promise… is a promise," Braun mutters, nearing his arm to his opened mouth and with a silent chomp, lightning strikes from the sky directly on his head, and with a flash of light, a vastly different titan was formed out of nowhere.

With long, flowing black hair that reaches his shoulders, a body rippled with overly strong muscles that could destroy buildings with a single punch with ease, a body made to be the best it could be, optimized to perfection with a versatility wider than the Female Titan.

"Ymir," the titan said with a distorted voice, and soon, right in from of him forms a little girl wearing ragged clothes but now, her eyes were shining with joy and hope with tears streaming down her cheeks.

As the titan kneels down on the wall, he slowly stretches his hand out for Ymir with her standing on it without any hint of fear.

"Braun," she said, watching Braun nearing his hand so that they can talk from eye to eye.

"So… I guess this is our goodbye… forever," Braun said, a depressing tone clearly coating his voice.

"Yes… but don't be sad, I want you to live a happy life without me, I want you to do what nobody else has been able to do, to change the world into a better one," Ymir said with a wide smile.

"… Goodbye Ymir, see you in the afterlife… till death do us apart be damned, please wait for my return up there," Braun said, causing Ymir to chuckle one last time.

With their goodbyes said, Braun opens his mouth wide and with Ymir closing her eyes, she was thrown into Braun's mouth and down his throat, and finally dissolve in his stomach.

As the titan's eyes roll back, Braun was finally able to attain almighty power in this world and soon, visions from the past and future invade his memories, and soon, he was greeted by the sight of a singular being standing high above a skyscraper under the dark night sky.

With the being glancing around the area, he was greeted by what appears to be a modern metropolis but with a severe lack of digital gadgets such as phones and computers.

"Sigh, after all these years, it seems like a plateau has appeared. Well, I've spent a long enough time in this world already, I guess this is goodbye… Ymir," the being said, and with a flash, a blade suddenly appears in his right arm and with a cold gaze to the horizon, he props the blade to his neck, and with one swift slice… the vision went black as Braun's eyes opened wide.

"It seems like that step would be inevitable huh, but to finally experienced what it's like to be a godly being… it's exhilarating," he mutters, standing up from his kneeling position and glancing at the walls around him.

Taking a deep breath, he opens his eyes wide which glow green.

"ROAR!" he shouts, a deep rumbling voice encapsulating all three walls for a few kilometers straight, and with thousands upon thousands of lighting strikes appearing everywhere, he was greeted by the sight of a kingdom of titans right in front of him, all of them consisting of a diverse bunch from Warhammers to Armored, everyone was there.

"People of Eldia! It is time to retake what was ours! Follow me as we shall raze the whole Earth and remake it anew! We shall make a new world, a world that is just and fair!" Braun shouts, the eyes of the titans in front of him lighting up as the walls below him start to shake.

As steam erupts from his nape, he jumps out of his titan's nape while energy coursed through his whole body, using the founding titan's ability to manipulate the body of Eldians, he connects with each of them gaining all of their experience, from childhood to birth, he was able to connect with all Eldians to gain their experience raising his own to an absurd degree.

But most of them were useless trash that he discards to not cloud his mind, with newfound capabilities born from a whole race, the Colossal Titans of the walls erupt below him and now start their rampage.

Riding atop a Colossal Titan, they reached Marley in no time and as the civilians look at the spectacle in horror, the titans rush with enraged eyes from the memories they received, swinging their gigantic fists and summoning white constructs, decimating the land of filth around them and start the conquest of a race cornered into a little island.

One by one, multiple cities of Marley were conquered and destroyed by titans, and with the strongest nation in the whole world now gone, their conquest was already set in stone to win without obstructions.

Riding atop a bird-like titan, he flies all around the place and glances at the innocent civilians below him with a cold gaze, summoning a white hammer in his right arm, he jumps down with a wide grin and smashes the hammer to the ground, creating a tidal wave of white spikes killing countless of humans.

With multiple titans dropping down to the ground beside him, they all rushed in all directions to decimate the buildings and more, the rage of a whole race who has conquered the whole world more than a thousand years ago showing all its might.

As no force could oppose the titan's might, the whole world was conquered in a matter of months and soon, Braun sits in the middle of Paradis Island acting as a source of knowledge for every Eldian to use.

Showing them the wonders of the modern world that he was able to gather with his meager past, he gave them the pitiful amount of knowledge he knew of Earth from his first life, a very dark past of his that further made him near the brink of insanity when he was eaten by the titan he himself controlled to eat himself from the past, forcing himself to go through that harrowing experience to grow into the being he is now.

A weird cycle he never expected he himself to do, but now, with all this power to himself, he rebuilds the world slowly but steadily with better infrastructures, technology, and more.

Transferring all that he has to offer to all of Eldia, they all soon start using his given knowledge to learn for themselves.

New medicine was used to heal the ill, but soon, their bodies evolved with Braun manipulating their biology to be able to produce babies faster, be stronger, be more resilient, have greater immune systems, and more that further elevated the race of Eldia to a height never before seen in this world.

And just inside the paths, Braun sits there in a lotus position, going into a deep meditation connecting the pasts and futures of all Eldians and where it all stopped at that one point he will have to, the point where Eldia reaches a plateau with their development and intelligence.

A dilemma that was born from him never being that smart himself, a brain is too complex for him to ever understand as he is right now and to the him a few decades later, so he decides to finally relinquish his time in this world.

And in a flash, he opens his eyes to be greeted by the sight of a white ceiling with fluorescent lights above him, a vastly different one from the one he first reached Marley a few decades ago.

Standing up from his bed, the blanket falls to the ground below him as his muscular body was shown for the whole world to see.

"Manipulating my own body to reach the level of the literal peak of humanity, or should I say the peak of Eldia. Sigh, even with all of that and my increased talent, it seems like changing the past isn't just possible with this loop that was set in place," he mutters, opening the curtains to show that he was currently high above a skyscraper in the middle of an advanced city compared to the ones he saw when he first arrived in Marley.

"To think there would be a great lack of talents in Eldia, now technology would reach a gigantic plateau and with that, I would leave this world through death and reincarnate. Their bodies are already enhanced to the maximum of my own capabilities, but sadly, my limit isn't enough to make them smart enough. Sigh, the rapid rise has been faster than their brains could've kept up with, if I stayed here any further, then I would only gain diminishing returns until a few centuries or even a few millennia straight before their brain could be smart enough to progress further into the digital/internet stage," he mutters, glancing at the civilians below him that walks around minding their own business.

"But still… I've finally made a world that is just and fair, a non-corrupt system, a great government, an education system that anyone can have, free healthcare, I just need to wait for a few more years and I can finally leave them alone when they eventually don't need me, but for now… I still need to govern them like children," he mutters, closing his eyes to descend back into the paths.

(A Few Years Later)

High above a skyscraper that stands above the clouds, Braun watches the descending sun in the distance covering the whole city in a warm orange glow.

With a blank stare, he sits down on the edge of the roof while cold winds hit his body directly, almost making him fall off the edge multiple times but he still stays there, watching everything around him with a gleam in his eyes.

Closing both of them, he reconnects back to the paths once more with all Eldians in the world appearing directly in it.

"Eldians of this world, it has been a very successful century that we have lived through. We went from desperately fending off titans and being abused by Marleyans, but in the end, I managed to save you all from that cruel fate and brought you a new one, a fate much, much, better than the one you all lived through," Braun said, causing all of the Eldians to cheer in revelry as if he was a god.

"But now, it's time for me to also rest. I have guided you all for a hundred years, and now, it's time for me to go back to the land of the dead," Braun said, causing a cry of shock from billions upon billions of Eldians.

"Don't worry, even with me being gone, you're all still Eldians. And Eldians always pushed through the hardship they faced! I have bestowed you all the power to shift between all 8 titan shifter forms, and all your future offspring shall have the same abilities as yours. With the power to transfer experiences from one another, you all shall never get stagnant and I wish you all a bright future ahead of you, and for now, I must say my goodbyes for one. Last. Time." Braun said, giving a very lame speech, disconnecting himself from the paths for one last time as he shall perhaps leave this universe entirely.

Standing up from the ledge, he opens his eyes while looking at the darkness that has set upon the land from the setting of the sun, as if indicating the dark times Eldians will have to go through now that Braun is leaving them.

But he didn't care, summoning a blade in his right arm, he mutters. "Sigh, after all these years, it seems like a plateau has appeared. Well, I've spent a long enough time in this world already, I guess this is goodbye… Ymir."

With a swift cut, he slits his own throat with the sharp edge of his blade, ending his own life just like that without any fear whatsoever in his eyes.

And soon, the cycle of reincarnation takes hold of his very soul as Braun ends his journey in the world of titans, and onto a new one, he shall go.

AN: This is 2095 words, you're welcome.

Writing is hard, so give me powerstones.

(May 19, 2022 – 176th day of writing)