
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Anime & Comics
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215 Chs

Ch 103 – Arriving at the Magic Kingdom

Standing atop a tall mountain, a ginormous pig the size of a large hill can be seen. On top of it, three humans look at the far away city in the distance with sparkling eyes.

One was a young man wearing a white cloak, a long-sleeved tunic white shirt, and black pants. His dark violet eyes sparkled with stars while a staff of spiraling wood was held by his right hand, and on top of it was a red gem that slightly glowed under the radiant sun above them.

The other was a tall man wearing a snow white mask, showing his pair of eerie black eyes with abysmal depth, that it was as if one look from him directly in the eyes would swallow a person's soul. He wore a baggy black shirt and tight-fitting black pants.

And the final one was a young child, perhaps 10 years or older, sitting on top of the figure's neck as his legs wrapped around his shoulders and neck. He has crimson eyes, and wore a black shirt under a red hoodie, along with tight-fitting black pants.

The three of them gave off a harmonious feeling, like a family of sorts. A bond much deeper than even a family tied by law and blood. They were a family made out of love and memories.

"Uwah! Is that Venal City, Dada, Papa?" Raiden asked, his arms waving in the air as if he was trying to grab hold of the city in the distance just in front of the blue ocean.

The two nodded their heads, while Porky stood still below them. It was quite the impressive feat for a pig of that size to stand atop a mountain's peak, especially considering it was quite tall.

"When are we going there?" Raiden asked while slowly dropping down from Kira's neck, and onto Porky's large back. The cold winds of the mountain peak made cold mist appear whenever Raiden exhaled, causing him to chuckle from time to time as he grabbed some snow that built up on Porky's back and made snowballs.

"In just a few minutes, [Show me the time the Gate would open]."

With a flash of blue light, a number popped up in front of Lute that told a certain time. 1:01, 1:00, 59.

"Okay! Raiden, prepare yourself! We're gonna commit a crime so we don't have to pay the fee for teleporting towards the Magic Kingdom!" Lute shouted as the black magic circle etched on the palm of his right hand glowed a blue light, and slammed it down to Porky's back.

In tandem, Kira's eyes turned snow white, and grabbed Raiden with a pair of white arms that erupted from his back. Below him, white platforms appeared so that they can stand in the air, and Raiden watches as Porky's body slowly shrunk down with each passing second.

"EH?! Porky is so small now!" Raiden hop out from Kira's grasp and dropped down to the ground. Glancing downwards, he crouches down to the snowy ground and looks at Porky who was now the size of a normal dog, and squealed.

"Uwah! You're so cute, Porky! But you were also super cool and handsome when you were big!"

"You like Porky being that small?" Lute chuckled, crouching down, his right palm glowed a flash of blue light once more and slammed it to the ground. Slowly, the ground around them transformed into a type of metal.

"Kira, Raiden! Grab tight!" Out of nowhere, Raiden watches as the metal around them started to form into a triangular shape while metallic poles erupted from the ground. Not only that, an explosion of wind suddenly occurred behind them and Raiden watches as they were flung forwards off the mountain peak.

"AHHH!" Raiden shouted, grabbing tight on the metallic pole with his right arm while holding Porky with his left. Now, was Porky still as heavy as a hill, or did he become lighter with magic?

'We're gonna fall and die!' Raiden thought while peeking to the ground with fearful eyes. But slowly, it widened in shock as he saw the metallic triangle they were riding on smoothly glide downwards.

'It- It's like a boat for air!' Raiden thought, gasping in shock as he yelled loudly, feeling excitement course through his veins as the mountain behind them became smaller and smaller while they neared the open plains in the distance.

13, 12, 11.

Lute watches the clock slowly count down steadily. Estimating the time it would take for them to land, he nods at Kira whose eyes returned back to an eerie white and covered Lute, Porky, and himself in a white cocoon just as they neared the ground.


'So, this is Venal City?'

With a flash of bright blue light, a girl with long brown hair, and ocean blue eyes covered by glasses suddenly appeared over a windy grassy plain. She wore a long-sleeved pink sweater, a dark blue skirt, and a pair of black thigh-highs.

But her mind was disrupted when she saw something in the distance, squinting her eyes, she suddenly saw a triangular chunk of metal glide down to the grassy plain far away from her and heard a loud shout just barely.


With a flash of blue light, she watches the chunk of metal disintegrate into dust particles and crimson sparks suddenly exploded out of nowhere. Along with that, a resounding sonic boom was heard and the girl only heard the shout of what appeared to be coming from a child before a trail of crimson light appeared.

"<Martial Arts, Godspeed>!"

As she looks into the distance with a dumbfounded gaze, the crimson trail of light disappeared in less than a second that she wonders if what happened was simply a dream. Shaking her head, she muttered inaudibly and the wind around her body suddenly gathered into a thin coating, and she flew towards the place where the sonic boom appeared.

'Hmm?' Crouching down, she glances at the pile of dust particles flying in the air and heard distinct voices in her ear telling her that the dust particles are made of metal.

'What exactly happened here?!'


'FAST! I NEED TO GO AS FAST AS I CAN!' Raiden thought, crimson sparks erupting from his whole body while tightly grabbing the white cocoon beside him. Taking in a deep breath, he crouches down and slowly watches as his feet was about to make contact with the ground, the metallic glider he was previously on starts to disintegrate into metallic dust particles.

"<Martial Arts, Godspeed>!"

With a boom, his whole body pierces forward through the grassy plains and rapidly arrived at Venal City. Everyone inside seemed like a stagnant statue, and he instantly saw the portal opening in the distance, the exact portal Lute instructed him to enter.

Without hesitation, he walked through it before it even fully opened and suddenly found himself standing in a crowded city.

Glancing around the still world he found himself in, he saw countless bizarre scenes all around him. From mages flying around on top of their staves, to runes being etched on many buildings, tiny little golems standing around doing various tasks—such as cleaning the streets of watering the plants—and more, that Raiden felt mesmerized in the grand kingdom he found himself in.

'Oh right, dark alley!'

With a bzz, Raiden stops inside a dark alley far away from any humans and deactivated his power, and the world around him resumed once more. With a crack, he watches as Lute, Kira, and Porky slid out of the white cocoon and onto the ground. And Lute in particular wore a victorious grin when he found himself in the dark alley.

"Aha! My plan did work! Good job, Raiden! We're officially in the Magic Kingdom!" Lute shouted with a maniacal grin, his laugh slowly turning villainous as he chuckled nefariously.

"Well then, we still have to find ourselves a house, so just hold Porky tight, okay?" Lute said, nodding his head, Raiden crouches down and picked up Porky on his green belly.


"You're excited too, Porky?"


Laughing lightly, the family of three, well now perhaps four considering Porky is basically family at this point, walked out of the dark alley, for their grand adventure in the Magic Kingdom in another continent now starts.


"Tch, the houses here are so expensive!" Lute grumbled as the four found themselves standing in the middle of a large living room. Couches made out of luxurious materials were everywhere, and bookshelves of grandeur designs stood beside snow-white walls, one can say this house belongs to a very rich family of sorts.

"But Dada, you clearly picked the expensive the house! We could have just picked the cheaper-"

"What?! You think I won't get the best for my son?! I would only buy the most expensive of gifts for my Raiden-kun," Lute said, causing Raiden to chuckle and take Lute into a tight hug.

"You don't need to buy expensive stuff for me, Dada. I only want to spend time with you, that's enough for me."

"Aww, you're such a sweet boy, Raiden."

Crouching down, Lute hugs Raiden tightly and hummed. But he also glared at Kira who silently sat on the couch and forced him to also hug Raiden.

'Ehe, I wish this could go on forever.'


"Mmm! Dragon Meat!" Raiden took in a deep breath, and smelled the savory scent of the dragon meat entering his nostrils. Just from a whiff alone caused Raiden to salivate profusely, even though he already ate dragon meat plenty of times.

"That magical stove is really convenient! Much better than the ones from the Pendragon Kingdom. I can fine tune the heat as much to my liking," Lute muttered.

In front of the four, yes, Porky too, were plates filled with dragon meat cooked with various techniques. There were boiled, baked, fried, and so much more. Not only that, Raiden was more so happy that they have an infinite reserve of dragon meat due to his Dada being able to manipulate time.

'Uwah! I can't wait to also control time like Dada, or create objects at will like Papa! So cool, they can get any type of food they want with just a thought! I'm so jealous! But this is just sho good!' Raiden thought, his mouth already wolfing down on dragon meat like a hungry hippo.

"Hehe, Raiden, even Porky here has more table manners than you."

"Eh? It's true!" Raiden couldn't believe it, turning his head up, he saw Porky slowly eating his share of the food slowly and elegantly, when compared to him, it was like an elegant adult compared to a pig. And Porky was supposed to be the pig, not him!

But the taste of food overpowered his senses as he kept eating and chewing in rapid succession, he even choked many times but he forced it in deep into his bottomless stomach.

And so, the family of four ate peacefully without disturbance for dinner.


"Raiden, it's time for Operation: Capture rich bad guys! Remember that this are your targets!" Pointing his stick at the floating screens beside him, Raiden listened attentively to Lute giving him the fine details of the operation.

"Are you ready!"


"I couldn't hear you clearly, ARE YOU READY!"


"Now go get em' tiger!"

And so, crimson sparks erupted from Raiden's body and he disappeared from Lute's view. In the distance, Kira silently leaned on a wall while munching on a stick of dragon meat.

"Is it good?" Lute asked while waiting for Raiden. In response, Kira silently nodded his head and kept eating the stick of dragon meat through his white mask.


In less than a 20 seconds, Lute watches as Raiden reappeared along with certain humanoid figures bound and gagged and grinned widely.

"Kira! It's time for the birth of L Enterprise!"

Walking slowly, Kira's eyes turned an eerie white and grabbed the chest of the humans Raiden brought and their eyes rolled to the back of their head.

"Welcome to L Enterprise, ladies and gentlemen."

"We're pleased to work with you, L-sama."

And so, the birth of a grand business empire started with the mind fucking of a few individuals.


'Hmm, I wonder if I should take in some disciples?'

Within a certain room mostly made of wood, an old man with a regal white beard and wrinkly skin thought. His eyes were filled with wisdom while his white hair flowed endlessly. He wore a scholarly robe of dark blue in color while his wizard hat lay down on the couch beside him.

And floating in front of him were three cards depicting three humanoid beings. One was colored a dark shade of violet. The other was blue in color. And the last one was scarlet.

'Three disciples, huh?' the old man thought, grinning widely as he rubbed his beard like an old wise sage.

AN: This chapter has 2198 words.

Writing is fucking hard boohoo, send power stones because.

(July 28, 2022 – 246th day of writing)