
Martial arts technique

Waking up Ethan suddenly felt his everything hurt like crazy especially his eyes.

After a while of trying to adjust his eyes his vision slowly came to but his eyeballs still hurt.

After a while Ethan noticed that he was in a tent, it was silent with no sound.

"System" Ethan called out.

[Yes host] responded the system

"What happened before I passed out"asked Ethan as he sat up.

[You ran to save the other girl who was about to be bitten by zombies and your second bloodline activated, I guess the zombies listen to your voice when you shouted for them to stop and after you arrived and punched both zombies and you collapsed on the girl] said the system in one breath.

"I see" said Ethan as he went into thought

Just as he was about to dismiss his thought the memories before he passed out suddenly came to him as he experienced a sharp pain.

Going out of the tent Ethan saw that there was no one around the mans campsite but he could smell an aroma in the air.

"Bbq" limping slowly towards the eating grounds Ethan was in pain for whatever reason he didn't know.

Arriving where the main camping site would be Ethan saw that the was a big structure simular to a warehouse but made entirely out of earth, going around the warehouse Ethan found a door on the side the was facing the entrance.

Pushing the doors open with great difficulty Ethan saw that it was spacious and people were eating, sitting on tables and chairs also made out of earth.

Hearing the doors open the people near the door stopped talking and looked at the intruder, the sudden silence of the table next to them caused the other people to be silence as well and like wildfire everyone was silent and looking at Ethan.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap

Suddenly looking at the huge crowd Ethan heard clapping and a few students stood up.

Looking at the standing ovation Ethan was shocked by the student who were clapping with enthusiasm and vigour.

After a while they stoped and sat back down.

"Ethan!" Ethan suddenly heard a shout coming from the fare end of the hall so he looked towards the back and saw Alex signalling to him which he obliged.

"Your finally awake" said Alex

"what did I miss" asked Ethan as he sat next to Alex, the tables were large and long and so were the bunk chairs, on the table sat sixteen man.

"Well while you were taking your beauty nap we were cleaning the dead zombies and fixed up the place" said Alex

"Hey Ethan" called out a voice at the end of the table

Turning towards the voice Ethan saw Jimmy standing up and looking at him.

"Yeah what is it Jimmy" Asked Ethan

"Earlier when you said you wanted to start your own tribe to fight these zombies were you serious" asked Jimmy with a serious face.

"Yes I was" Ethan responded

"Than can you let me join" suddenly Ethan heard a voice coming from behind him.

Turning around Ethan saw Ashley wearing her big round glasses and holding a plate with previously eaten food and her wrists were bandaged.

"Hey I was about to ask!" jimmy got mad and shouted towards Ashley

"Well?" Ashley ignored Jimmy and asked Ethan waiting for an answer.

"You can but you must know that the road I'll be taking is a very dangerous one you could die at any moment" said Ethan as he glances at jimmy as well.

"I don't mind "responded Ashley as she looked towards Ethan

"I agree" jimmy also responded.

"Wait Ethan me too"

"yeah I wanna join"

"Don't forget about me"

One after another the sixteen man asked to join.

[Tell them that those who become traitors, cause managing this much people will be a problem as you never know who might betray you so I suggest you instill fear right know] said the system

Ethan went into silence for a second in deep thought and everyone by the table turned silent waiting for his response.

"ok but there will be rules in the future that I have to instill" said Ethan as he looked around.

"If someone will be in this tribe their lives will rest on all our shoulders and our lives will also rest on theirs so if anyone dares betray one of us then they betray all of us and puts our lives at risk..."Ethan looked down and closed his eyes.

"I will personally kill them myself" Ethan said as he opened his eyes and they turned neon green.

Everyone in the hall turned silence as they suddenly got scared and their bodies slowly shivered for no reason.

Ethan calmed down as his eyes turned returned to normal as they heaved a sigh of relief, some turned to look at Ethan's table and wondered what they were talking about.

"So do you still wanna join" asked Ethan and all of them took a while before they nodded showing great determination .

"good" Ethan nodded

After eating Ethan saw Zhao feng and Zhao Han they both looked tired and they showed him the work they did so Ethan was interested in seeing what it looked like.

Ariving outside Ethan saw that the settlement's walls were spiked and it was surrounded by a large deep river that covered the entire surrounding.

"here it belonged to the monk" Zhao feng tossed him a ring

"Why give it to me" asked Ethan.

"I don't want it and it was cause of you that we defeated him" Zhao feng turned around and left claiming that he was drained.

"Thank you" Zhao Han suddenly said

"For what "Ethan asked

"For everything" she said as she turned around and left

"Wait how Do I use this" Ethan shouted

"Figure it out"she said as her face started turning red

Ethan sighed and went to his tent.

"stats" called out Ethan


* Race: Human

* Bloodline: Seikatsu/Paragon of death/Phoenix

* Cultivation: 1 stage of the core formation

S.C.Points: 1005111

"wow were did I get so much S.C.Points" Ethan was honestly shocked

"were there really that much zombies" asked ethan

[of course not] said the system

[when you threw your sword you killed that zombie who you were fighting and you got a lot of points but that wasn't were most of the points came from, they came when the monk zombie died]

[I see] said Ethan in thought

"but how did my strength increase again" was it my bloodline again.

[Yes and no]

[ when you were fighting you broke though 3 small realms and ran out of Qi you asked me buy more Qi so I used all your Point than you broke through 2 small realms usually takes a lot of qi to break through to the core formation but when you used your paragon of death bloodline it used your all your Qi and your cultivation base was almost lost if not your Seikatsu bloodline healing you and provide the last energy you needed you would have turned into a vegetable] said the system

" What is the Seikatsu bloodline" asked Ethan

[I don't know but if you upgrade the system maybe I can get more information]

"ok do it"said Ethan

[When system is upgrading I won't be able to help you until its done and if takes a long time] said the system

"Ok how long"asked ethan

[I don't know for as long as a day or more] said the system

"..."Ethan was shocked

"ok wait how do I use this ring I saw Zhao feng and Zhao Han take large thing out of theirs"

[Use your qi to look into the ring]

"Wait how do I use my Qi" asked Ethan

[Oh yeah that's what happens when you jump stages instead of learning like a normal person!] the system shouted

[Close you eyes and concentrate and with so much Qi in your body you should be able to feel it with relative ease] said the system

[After that move the Qi out of your body but don't just leave it alone but keep it connected together and move it around]

After following the system's instructions Ethan view the inside of the ring he saw a large area that was half full.

Looking around the ring Ethan saw a lot of monk stuff including weapons that was glistening like with gold and a stack of books that had many book covers.

Two books stood out from the rest one was gold and floating in mid air and next too it was also a floating book but it was purple.

"What is this"taking out both books Ethan asked the system

[Those are martial arts technique's]

[Imagin if someone were to fight his own clone naturally they would be evenly matched but if you give the original person a martial arts technique he would be able to fight two clone that are at the same stage as himself]

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