
Future plans

"It looks like one of you was not only able to feel the qi but also breakthrough to the first level of qi gathering, congratulations Ethan"

Everyone turned to look to Ethan and clapped for him most of them didn't even take it seriously.

"Miss Zhao Han I think we have a more pressing matter"

Suddenly a girl complained cause Zhao Han to stop and turned in her direction.

"And what would that be"asked Zhao Han

"The girls haven't taken a bath in like two days we really can't continue like this"

"yeah we really need to take a bath"

"some of us can't anymore"

"Yeah some of us can't concentrate anymore"

A few girls raised their complaints

Zhao looked at the boys side as well

"sure we could use a bath as well"

"If its not a problem sure"

Zhao Han thought for a second before coming with a preposition.

"sure I'll take care of it"

Zhao Han flew up to Zhao feng, and after a few moments they both flew down. Zhao feng created two earth pits along the wall on that was earlier divided.

Zhao Han stood on the dividing wall and filled both parts with water and fire came out of her hands heating the water up.

"Wow that looks amazing"

"Will I also be able to do that"

"she looks amazing"

The whole crowd was in awe and some were motivated, and they all went to take a bath separated by the wall.

"sister Han your skin is so smooth what soap do you use"

"Sister Han you have a nice figure I'm so jealous"

While on the boys side one man took up the initiative to initiate the exploration of the land of milk and honey.

"Lets take a peek"

The boys bath was an oval shape and had enough space for everyone to bath in peace without worrying about space.

"If not for ourselves then for our fellow comrades who can't experience this, now who's with me"

Standing in the middle of the oval while the other boys sat in the edges of the pool the boy stood tall although he was skinny,the boy had spiky black hair

"c'mon guys who is with me"asked the spiky haired boy

The Male teachers and coach paid him no mind.

"If you do it we will follow you" Looking at his wrists that had a hand print Ethan suggested causing the other boys to look at him.

Most of the boys respected Ethan who was like a little brother who was always helping and whom they played football.

"are you sure" asked Alex next to him

"Just watch the show...so what do you say we can even give you a lift over the wall"said Ethan as he looked at the spiky haired kid

"Sure" the boy got out of the water and wore a towel around his waist.

Standing a few meters away the boy ran as fast as he could before he jumped and used the wall to perform a second jump, his hand got a grip on the edge of the wall.

"I bet you he won't see anything"said Ethan causing everyone look at the boy to tried to pull himself up.

Just as the boy's head was about to peek through his body was sent flying into the water by a pillar of water.

"Damn pervert"

"men are disgusting"

"Thank you sister Han serves him right"

Insults came flying from the other side

"Told you" said Ethan as he placed a towel on his face and faced up.

"I almost died" getting out of the water the boys face had turned slightly red.

"Hey Ethan what are your future plans" the boys with a red face asked

"Why ask me jimmy" slightly removing towel to look at the boy Ethan was confused

"Well I don't know maybe it's cause you already started cultivating and well most of use here respect you and we kinda want to here your opinion" said jimmy causing all the boys to nod and look at Ethan.

"I'll fight obviously"said Ethan

"But why" asked jimmy

"Jimmy I'm sure you already know but what happened in China last week before the network died that caused all of us to laugh" asked Ethan

"Well news that Chinese scientist discovered a living zombie caused the whole world to laugh" answered jimmy and all the boys nodded.

"well then who's laughing now" Ethan laughed sarcastically

"and now they are here half-way across the world, wouldn't it be safe to assume that the whole world is effected by this so running and hiding just went out the window" said Ethan

"but couldn't we just stay" asked Jimmy

"look around and think back to what happened to the orphanage...a giant building came out of the ground and killed everyone than zombies from video games followed...And besides yesterday I snuck out and barely made it out by the skin of my teeth there's were giant wolves, even a gold fish is bigger than a human" Ethan spoke as his face morphed with different emotions.

"so to answer question jimmy no I will not hid or run I'll fight to live... don't you see those too cultivators don't you wish to do what they do...look at me yesterday I was overpowered by that girl with one hand.."

Everyone went silent

"so what are your future plans"Zhao feng asked as he slowly descended

"We were lucky to be out of the city while it got destroyed others were not so lucky... so I'm planning to get stronger and hopefully find others who are wondering out there and I'll create my own tribe than if...mother was right about me being the only one to stop her than so be it I'll fight her"Ethan said as he stood up from the water

"than I'll follow you till the end" said Zhao feng surprising everyone else

"Why are you following me"asked Ethan looking at Zhao feng

"When a general attacked my hometown on the fare east he killed our parents, my sister and I only survived only through shear luck and your mother... my master took us in as disciples and promised us power to fight back...for years she trained us... she treated us as her own and now I'll do the last thing that she asked of us"said ethan

"Plus I consider her as my mother as well"said Zhao feng as he turned around

"Than count me in although we weren't born on the same day we will make up for it by dying on the same same day"said Alex as he stood up and place his hand on his shoulder feeling left out.

"you don't have-" Ethan turned to look at Alex

"Na I can't let you have all the glory besides you heard what jimmy said the first to get stronger will get milk and honey" said Alex as he got out of the water

"Your doing this for sarah arn't you" asked Ethan

Alex only laughed

"There's your answer"said Ethan as he looked at Jimmy

Getting out of the water they all look regrouped as the girls stood a little further from the boys.

"Alright feng left and I'll be teaching you except for Etha-"

"Wait Han..."Ethan interrupt her and walked up to her, he shared with her what the system had suggest her to do which she though would suffice.

They all sat crossed legged and concentrated than Zhao Han slowly released a pressure that slowly increased causing a small layer of sand to fall from the wall but Zhao Han handle it.

Surprisingly after the sand fell bright stones appeared sticking out of the wall illuminating the entire place, Zhao Han called them spirite stones.

An Hour later slowly but surely most of the students and teachers had felt the Qi.

[If you want to create your own faction I don't think its a good idea to have people stronger than you yet maybe later but not now] the system stopped Ethan when he wanted to give the others his qi gathering technique

"than what do you suggest" asked Ethan

[I suggest you by a high tier qi gathering technique and distribute that one]

"How much" asked Ethan with concern

[25 S.C.Points]

"... fine buy it" after struggling Ethan bought it.

A bright light distracted everyone as the book appeared, Ethan quickly took it and ignored everyone.

He showed the book to Zhao Han who was surprised but didn't ask and they distributed it among everyone.

While the others were distributing the book Ethan gathered the qi.

[Congratulations host has broken through to the 3rd stage of qi gathering]

"when will I be able to shoot fire out my hands"asked Ethan already bored

[host is being impatient you haven't even gathered enough qi to fill your entire body after that host has to refine his body by using the qi than you have to establish a foundation and enter the core formation only then can host use the elements]

"what ..." Ethan was shocked

"what stage is Zhao Han at" asked Ethan

[she should be in the core formation]

"looks like reaching the top is gonna be hard"

Ethan sighed as he continued to cultivate

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