
Chapter 7: Knowing Past and Future

After tasting the sweetness, in the next few days, Lin Fan began to study those ghost spells whenever he had time.

However, it was found that the display of those ghost techniques requires the support of soul power.

And the fastest way to cultivate soul power is the "Soul Eater" that Lin Fan dismissed!

Perhaps a few days ago, Lin Fan thought that swallowing souls was an extremely cruel thing.

But now, I don't think so.

In this continent where the strong are respected, everything is determined by strength.

Without strength, what can you do to reach the pinnacle of life?

If you have no strength, what will you use to marry Bai Fumei?

"Dou Qi Continent, the strong are respected!

I am Lin Fan!

Be the strongest!

Tremble, mortals, hahaha..."

With a loud laugh, Lin Fan seemed to have seen how dazzling and dazzling he was when he stood at the top of the continent.

"Trash, where are you yelling?

Do you bear the consequences for disturbing Master Gu Ni's medicine refining? "

Just as Lin Fan was YY, Hao Jian's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Really, the man lives up to his name!

This wretched man, if he likes Ya Fei, go after him.

If you can't catch it, take the medicine.

Don't you just look more handsome than you, and you don't target me every day, right?

If it weren't for your strength at the peak of the fighter, you would have been put on the ground long ago. "

Lin Fan greatly despised Hao Jian for a while, then suppressed his anger, then turned around quickly, and said attentively, "Uncle Hao Jian, what's the matter?"

Hao Jian glanced at Lin Fan and said indignantly, "I really can't understand why Miss Yafei wants to leave you as a waste!

It's really annoying to look at, hurry up and don't appear in my sight. "

Ever since he returned to Wutan City, he saw that Lin Fan was unhappy, and he mocked Lin Fan whenever he had the chance.

The reason was just because Ya Fei brought Lin Fan back from the Demonic Beast Mountains, and he still stayed in the Mitel auction.

Lin Fan gritted his teeth, and just as he was about to leave, a bold idea suddenly popped into his heart.

Then, I saw Lin Fan stopped and turned his head slowly, the corner of his mouth slightly Yang: "Do you want to know why?

I'll tell you then. "

As soon as the words fell, a gray air flow gushed out from Lin Fan's palm, instantly turning into a gray wolf shadow.

As soon as he appeared, Wolf Shadow turned his head and glared at Hao Jian fiercely.

It clearly knew that the middle-aged man in front of him was the one who killed him.

"You're a piece of shit, what do you want to tell me?"

Hao Jian turned a blind eye to all this, and still ignored Lin Fan with disdain.

"Huh~ Hao Jian really can't see the wolf soul.

Hahaha...beautiful. "

Lin Fan let out a long sigh and couldn't help but feel relieved.

When he was in the World of Warcraft Mountains before, Lin Fan had already discovered that Hao Jian couldn't see the wolf soul, and the wolf soul at that time didn't have a spirit, and it didn't have any attack power.

Now, the wolf soul has been awakened, and Lin Fan's move to summon the wolf soul is undoubtedly a fight.

Bo is that Hao Jian still can't see the wolf soul.

Obviously, Lin Fan made the right bet.

Although the strength of the wolf soul is not as good as that of Hao Jian, under the premise that Hao Jian cannot see the wolf soul, these are not important.

After a dark feeling in his heart, Lin Fan silently said in his heart, "Go, Big Big Wolf!"


With a roar, Wolf Soul received the order and quickly rushed towards Hao Jian.

However, Hao Jian didn't feel any danger at all, and didn't even react at all.

The huge wolf head slammed into Hao Jian's chest.

As if struck by a giant hammer, Hao Jian could only feel an incomparable force attacking him.

In the next second, he was already flying into the sky.

Then it fell heavily to the ground, splashing all over the ground with dust.


Hao Jian struggled to prop up half of his body from the ground, pointing at Lin Fan just as he was about to say something, but suddenly felt a sweetness in his throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Just to teach you a lesson.

I am the power that knows the past and the future, keep your eyes open. "

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he ran away without looking back.

Although Hao Jian was wretched, he was not guilty of death, and he was the one who rescued Lin Fan from the wolf king, so Lin Fan just taught him a lesson.

Lin Fan trotted back to his room, gasping for breath.

"Just don't be too cool.

If they can't see the wolf soul, then it can be said that there is no advantage in attacking with the wolf soul. "

Lin Fan immediately decided that he must find more beast souls when he has time to form a beast soul army.

At that time, under the sneak attack of the Beast Soul Legion, no matter what Douhuang Dousheng he was, they all fell to him.

"Lin Fan, Miss Yafei has a request."

A crisp female voice came from outside the door, interrupting Lin Fan's thoughts.

"Understood, go right away."

Lin Fan adjusted his clothes, opened the door and walked out.

Ya Fei is looking for herself at this time, it must be because Hao Jian has sued, there is no need to think about it at all.

However, looking at Lin Fan's appearance, it seemed that he already had a way to deal with it, and there was no panic at all.


"Lin Fan, Uncle Hao Jian said that you injured him?

What else are you talking about...knowing the past and the future?

Why is this? "

Ya Fei looked at Lin Fan who had just walked in, her beautiful eyes kept spinning in her eyes.

When Hao Jian said that he was injured by Lin Fan, Ya Fei didn't believe it at all, but later, Hao Jian said that Lin Fan knew the power of the past and the future. Zhang Fan was called to ask.

"He wasn't injured by me, but was punished for being rude to me."

Lin Fan's face was serious, and he pretended to be an expert.

In fact, Lin Fan had already thought about it before fighting Hao Jian. Since he knew something about what was going to happen in Dou Qi Continent, why didn't he take advantage of this to raise his status.

In this way, wouldn't the road to become a strong man be much easier?

It's just that this unpredictable prophet's story is a bit shocking, and others will definitely not believe it, so Lin Fan has never had a chance to talk about it.

The appearance of Hao Jian just paved the way for this matter.

First punished Hao Jian as a waste, and then told Ya Fei something about what was about to happen, then his status would be raised infinitely.

"Let's not talk about the incident of Uncle Hao Jian's injury, then why do you claim to know the past and the future?"

"Miss Yafei, can you take a step to speak?"

Lin Fan pretended to be mysterious, turned around and walked to the door.

Although Ya Fei had some doubts, she couldn't help but follow her curiously.

When Ya Fei approached, Lin Fan smiled slightly, then lowered his voice and said:

"Miss Yafei, you were born in the Mittel family of the Gamma Empire.

But because she is a female streamer, she was placed outside the family in this frontier place. "

Hearing Lin Fan's words, Ya Fei's delicate body was startled. Although many families in the empire knew about her affairs, there was no news in Wutan City.

But if someone from the Holy City of Jama told me, it shouldn't be difficult to know this.

"Could it be that this Lin Fan has come into contact with people from the Holy City of Jama?"

Just as Ya Fei was about to speak, she heard Lin Fan whispering: "You want to return to the family through good performance, but this is undoubtedly more difficult for you as a woman, let alone in this borderland.

Moreover, even if you return to the family, can you escape the fate of being forced to marry?"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, although Ya Fei's expression did not change, a huge wave was set off in her heart.

Even within the Mittel family, few people knew about her forced marriage.

How did Lin Fan know about this?