
Chapter 5: Alley Cry

The streets of Wutan City were still very lively, and shouts kept echoing in Lin Fan's ears.


Lin Fan came out of a medicine store once again, swearing even more.

Maybe it was because of his bad mood that Lin Fan's luck was not very good.

I went to several medicinal material stores in a row, and I was told that Purple Spirit Grass was sold out.

The medicine store behind him was already the sixth one he went to.

"Hey~ This feeling of being under a fence is really uncomfortable!

But what can be done. "

Lin Fan let out a long sigh and had no choice but to go to other medicinal herb stores to continue looking for Purple Spirit Grass.

After turning several corners on the spacious street, Lin Fan found another medicinal herb store.

"The shopkeeper, I need a purple spirit grass."

Lin Fan shouted as soon as he walked into the medicine store.

"Purple Spirit Grass?"

"Yes, it won't be sold out again!"

Lin Fan couldn't help but feel unhappy again. This is the seventh company. I really don't know how this purple spirit grass has become a scarce commodity.

"It is indeed sold out, but the new batch of Purple Spirit Grass is already on its way. If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for a while, but at this price..."

The shopkeeper of the medicine store twisted his slightly bloated body and squeezed out from behind the counter with difficulty, then raised his hand with a smirk, and rubbed his thumb and index finger.

"Depend on!"

How could Lin Fan not understand this internationally accepted gesture, this is the rhythm of raising prices on the ground, but to Lin Fan, this is obviously nothing, because what he spent was not his own money.

"Tell me, how much to add."

"Brother really understands people."

The shopkeeper of the herbal medicine store gave Lin Fan a thumbs up, and then introduced with a diligent expression: "Purple Spirit Grass is in short supply right now, I'm not bragging, you can't buy it anywhere else in Wutan City except here. Yes, so adding thirty gold coins is not too much, right?"

"Let the drug delivery be quicker.

When you're done, go to the Temir auction house to get the money. "

Lin Fan took out a sign, shook it, and said casually.

"Hey, so very good, very good."

His eyes swept across the sign in Lin Fan's hand, the corner of the mouth of the shopkeeper of the herbal medicine store twitched. Although he said it well, he was surprised.

"That brand is the exclusive identity card of the Temir auction house. I have long heard that the Temir auction house has a lot of money and spends 30 more gold coins to buy a purple spirit grass without blinking an eye.

Although I don't know who this young man is, it must not be easy for someone who can get the exclusive identity card of the Temir auction house. "

After putting away the sign, Lin Fan stopped talking and sat on the chair quietly waiting.

The shopkeeper also had a flattering smile on his face, and handed over tea and snacks.

"Shopkeeper, you said that if a person's soul is injured, how should he recover?"

When he had nothing to do, Lin Fan thought of Huangquan Ghost Emperor.

Ever since he knew that Xiao Yan had discovered Yao Lao, Lin Fan wanted to find a medicinal herb that could restore his soul, then wake up the Huangquan Ghost Emperor and scold him.

What bullshit "Soul Eater", it's useless.

Of course, Lin Fan would not foolishly want to restore all the opponent's strength.

After reading countless books, he naturally understands that although the old man is a liar, he is an existence who dares to call himself a ghost emperor. Once the other party recovers his cultivation, he may be taken away by him at the first time, and he is not dead at that time. Up!

"Restore the soul, never heard of it!

You don't even know about the Temir auction house, let alone my small pharmacy.

The shopkeeper shook his head, embarrassed.

When Lin Fan heard this, he didn't ask any further questions. According to the records in the book, that kind of thing is indeed a treasure of genius. Without the chance, it is really difficult to find.

After that, Lin Fan talked with the shopkeeper about other things, such as Xiao Yan in Wutan City, and the Jialie family who wanted to annex the Xiao family...

Two hours later...

"The shopkeeper, can you hurry up?"

"Don't worry, little brother, I'll be there soon, I'll be there soon."

Another two hours have passed...

"The shopkeeper, can it be delivered?"

"I'll go out and have a look, little brother wait a moment."

I don't know if another few hours passed, and the medicine delivery man finally came back in a hurry.

"Brother, wake up, wake up, wake up.

Purple Spirit Grass is here! "

The fat hands of the medicine store shopkeeper rested on Lin Fan's shoulders, shaking it gently.

"Did it come?"

Lin Fan opened his sleepy eyes and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.


At the entrance of the herbal medicine store, Lin Fan looked at the sky full of stars and felt even more depressed.

It took a whole day to buy a purple spirit grass.

But luckily I bought it.

Shaking his head, Lin Fan didn't think too much, turned around and walked into the darkness...

Compared with the hustle and bustle during the day, the city of Wutan at night is at another extreme. There are dark lights everywhere, and the few bright lights are extremely dim.

Due to the lack of light, Lin Fan walked into a dead end in embarrassment.

"Damn, it's necessary to play with me like this.

Depend on! "

Lin Fan stood there and cursed angrily, feeling even more unhappy, because he realized that he had actually lost his way.


Suddenly, an extremely cold voice came from behind, which made Lin Fan shiver violently, and his heart almost jumped out.

After calming down, Lin Fan tilted his head slightly, but was stunned to find that a dark figure appeared on the small road at the entrance of the alley, walking back and forth in place at the moment.


This was Lin Fan's first reaction. As soon as this thought appeared, it couldn't be erased.

In an instant, Lin Fan's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and his back was gradually soaked with sweat. Standing in the same place, he stared dumbly at the people walking back and forth at the entrance of the alley. His legs began to tremble.

Although I have dealt with it countless times in TV and movies, when I actually see it, I still have a creepy feeling.

"Tai Shang Lao Jun, Tathagata Buddha, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie... Come and show up."

In my heart, I invited all the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, but the feeling of horror still spread all over the body, increasing unabated.

Then, the body that was walking back and forth seemed to have spotted Lin Fan, suddenly stopped, turned around slowly, and walked towards Lin Fan step by step.

The figure walked very slowly.

For Lin Fan, this was more like a torment.

An ordeal in the face of death.

Death is not scary.

Terrible is waiting to die.

Lin Fan was highly concentrated, staring at the figure slowly approaching him step by step, not daring to breathe.

As he got closer, Lin Fan finally saw clearly that it was a middle-aged man in a gray suit.

"Don't you know that scaring people can scare people to death?"

Lin Fan patted his chest and let out a long sigh, "A big man, what kind of alley fright are you playing in the middle of the night?"

The middle-aged man still didn't say anything, he just slowly raised his head to look at Zhang Fan, their eyes met briefly, and Lin Fan couldn't help but shivered again.

Because he found that the middle-aged man's eyes turned out to be two incomparably dark holes, and there were no eyeballs.

"You...are....the first...the one....who...sees...me...."

The middle-aged man grinned and made an extremely ethereal sound, which echoed in the night sky for a long time...

Lin Fan felt that he could no longer breathe.

Fear had begun to dominate his brain.

The middle-aged man twisted his neck, as if moving his muscles and bones.

Then, he reached out.

Two skinny hands.

It seems to be a call from the god of death in hell.

Slowly, little by little, he approached Lin Fan's face.


Despair from the bottom of my heart.

Looking at the two withered hands that slowly stretched out like a ghost in front of him.

Lin Fan opened his mouth!

what you want to say!

But the voice was stuck in his throat and couldn't come out, he could only murmur twice hoarsely.

Do not!

I can't be killed by him.

I just crossed over.

Haven't reached the pinnacle of life yet.

Haven't won White Fumi yet.

No, never!


Maybe it's an instinctive reaction, maybe it's the instant desire to survive that overcomes the fear.

Lin Fan roared and suddenly threw a punch.

Hit the middle-aged man's temple directly...