
My past

I woke up on Monday morning with the same memory of my past which have been fighting to forget. My name is blessing and am the second born of my family. I happens to be the only one that resembled my father and I think this is where my problem with my mom started from. Do you think a child should have a problem with her mom because she looks like her dad? I know your answer will be no, but this is where my problem started from. Let me take you guys to my personal life first. I grew up without my mother love and attention, I feel save with my grandma than my own mother, I grew up with the believe that I still don't know who my mother is or if she is actually my mother, I was a little girl facing different challenges and I had no idea on what to do. No where to run to or who to run to. My dad was in Lagos so I had to face it alone. Imagine how it feels when your siblings are been loved by your mother and shows total hatred to you. Imagine crying when others are laughing, just imagine your own mother telling you she is going to poison you if you stress her or offend her. I tried my possible best to please her but all proves abortive.