
Chapter 7


"Good afternoon passengers! We will be landing in 10 minutes at the Piedmont Triad International Airport. The temperature outside is 63 F and the local time is 11:45 am. Thank you for flying with American Airlines and Have a Happy Halloween." the announcement came in as I was working on my computer. I have been travelling from the past 2 days to work on issues with the hospital's saline production. I wish there was someone to do all these. I'm so tired but I have to go the office.

Thinking of the office reminds of Amaya and her beautiful face, I don't why but I mess up every single time I'm around her. I was so happy that she was there in the team that was assigned to me. I kissed her that day before leaving. But looking at her face I couldn't resist myself. She was so happy and carefree while dancing with the others. I had this weird feeling in my gut when Aarav caught her.

I heard Dana say they make a cute couple which made me uncomfortable and angry. That's the reason I yelled at her. When she punched me, I wanted to go after her, but I couldn't do it as I didn't wanna create a scene. Later my father came in and asked me to go to Hawaii about the saline plant. My father acted weird that day he told me if I like a girl, I should make her feel special not worthless.

I reached the office around 2 and almost everyone was wearing a costume. Andrew was not in today as he went to New York on business work and I had a lot of quotes to verify before the weekend. Thinking of all these I started to work.

"TRICKKK OR TREATT!!" yelled two twin girls and boy barging into my cabin. No one comes into my office for this thing. What is my secretary doing she had to stop them and give them candy before entering my cabin right?

"Can you guys wait for some time? I will ask my secretary to get you some candy." I asked them as I don't have any candy with me. They all nodded in a yes, the two girls wore a bat girl and robin costume. The boy was wearing Darth Vader. I showed them the lounging area to sit. They started jumping on the couch and table and started throwing things everywhere.

"Could you guys not throw things around please?" I asked them working on my laptop to which they threw a pillow to my face. Whose kids are these? Why are the parents not monitoring them? Before I could go to them the door opened revealing an Indian teenager looking into his phone.

"Dru! what's taking you so long? Let's go back before Ammu kills us." The teen guy said looking at the boy. And all the kids started jumping more when they saw him. Is this boy monitoring them! Great! Can this day be any better?

"Dude, this office is so cool, and you got a Play station in here." he exclaimed looking at my lounging area.

"Thanks man, can you get these kids to calm down?" I asked him

"Only if you let me play a game with you." he asked me, I am so tired, and I don't have the strength to handle them, so I told him okay. He went near the girls and gave them a candy bar and told them something to which they stopped jumping. He gave the boy his phone which stopped him.

"Which game do you wanna play?" I asked him switching on the TV and my PS4, giving him all the games I have. He selected Fortnite and settled in the couch and then the Bat girl came in and sat on his lap. Robin and the boy where looking in the phone on the 2-seater couch.

Soon we started playing he got 2 kills and I got 3 and there were 50 remaining

"Arjun, I wanna play with you guys." the Darth Vader started

"Dru not now okay, let's play the next match." Arjun told

"NO,NOW NOW!!" the kid started yelling but the girls were quiet

"SHUT UP DHRUV, let me play this one." Arjun said looking at the screen as someone shot him in the game.

"Amy, Arjun is not letting me play with him." he said to someone

"We are in the fancy office upstairs." he said and stopped talking. The kid thinks my office is fancy? Cool and then I heard my door open. I didn't wanna turn my head as there were only 10 others left in the game and I didn't wanna loose. Soon all the kids ran to the door.

"Arjun, I told you to look after them. What are doing here?" an angry Amaya came in front us blocking the screen.

"Please Ammu, let me play for 5 min." Arjun was pleading her to which she went back to Dhruv. My eyes followed her to see Aarav holding the Bat girl. Amaya bent down on her knees and was talking to angry Dhruv and Robin was giving her a side hug.

"What are doing? You got shot man hide somewhere and let me revive you. " Arjun nudged me with his elbow before I could hide, I died. There was 1 more person left as soon as I died Arjun found him and killed him.

"Arjun let's leave, you can't be here." Amaya said looking at me with no expression on her face.

"Ammu, I wanna play one more game" he asked her.

"Amy don't talk to him he was so mean to me." the small kid Dhruv told her, she looks devastated and confused with these 2 kids.

"Arjun, Dhruv, inko mata matladithe nenu pinni ki call chestha, let's go (if you say one more, I'm gonna call your mom)." she is yelling at them in a language I don't understand. She is wearing a Halloween shirt that says Trick or treat yo self. She looks so cute yelling at them it reminds me of my mom yelling at me and Daxton. Arjun and Dhruv got quiet and were walking towards the door. She looked at me and said

"I'm sorry Mr.Browne, we will be leaving now, and we won't disturb you." she said as Aarav opened the door for them to leave.

"Amaya, I would like to talk to you stay back." I told her in a monotonous voice

"Sure Mr. Browne." she replied with a clueless and worried face and she looked at Aarav and he told her

"Agar voh kuchh bura kahe to kamare se baahar nikalna." in Hindi which means get out of the room if he says anything bad. Which is making me angry. She nodded her head and asked him to take all the kids to the meeting room. He patted her back before leaving the room with a concerned look on his face.

"Sit here Amaya!" I asked her patting on the couch beside me

"Don't worry, I didn't ask you stay back to yell at you." I told her to which she looked relieved. she came and sat beside me.

"I see you made good friends here, How is everything going on?" I asked her

"Everything is good, this is our last day here. We got all we need. Victoria told us we can contact her anytime we want. You have good employees I couldn't stop myself from making them friends." she told me fidgeting with her fingers.

"That's' good to hear, How is your hand?" I asked her

"It's almost healed the black shell stuff is gone too. I didn't know you would be back here otherwise I wouldn't send them upstairs." She rolled up her sleeve and showed me her hand. I held her hand and asked

"Don't worry I needed a break, So are they your brothers?"

"Yeah Arjun and Dhruv are my cousins, Ani and Ari are Rick's kids." She said

So the bat girl and robin are Mr. Morgan's kids but what was Aarav doing with her if he is not related to the kids.

"So, you guys came to the football match to watch Arjun?" I asked her justifying her presence at high school.

"Yes, how do you know that and when did you see me at the game? " she asked me curiously.

"Me and Andrew were there at the last game and we saw you at the school cafeteria." I explained to her.

"Don't tell me you were there. This is so embarrassing. You saw the whole high school kid thing. No wonder Mr. Jones felt familiar." she said, and her face is all kinds of red which made me chuckle.

"It's not funny Mr. Browne." she said in a serious tone.

"To me it was, call me Jameson." I told her, and my other hand went up to her face. I took the hair strand and put it back behind her ear which was covering her beautiful face. She looked so innocent her fingers were getting cold.

"You look like a zombie." she blurted out and she realized what she said, and she told

"I didn't mean like ugly, you look good, but you look like you haven't slept for years. you should sleep and eat, you look like a homeless person. oh! God I should shut up and leave." she rambled which was funny and took her hand from mine and covered her mouth and got up to leave. I held her hand before she could leave.

"It's okay Amaya, I know you didn't mean anything " I told her. She is so petite her forehead reaches my chest and her hands are smooth like a baby's hand.

"I have to leave before Arjun and Dhruv do something again, I'm sorry about the mess." she told me looking at the mess they made in here.

"Yeah, No, you probably should go." I told her and she left

It feels so good talking with her. This the first time we had a decent conversation without me getting punched or bitten. I started working again as soon as I saw all the work waiting for me.