
Chapter 12


"Hey! we are here." Sanjay waved his hand in front of me, I was thinking about Meera's husband. Jameson called me and asked me to come to the hospital, I hope he is alright.

I went out with Sanjay again because his parents were forcing him to marry me. We decided that we have to keep this charade going on for another month. Because Sanjay's girlfriend is out of country for work and he wanted to keep this going on till she comes back. I told him that I'm going to tell the family because I don't wanna bring their hopes up about us.

"Thank you for the ride." I told him and gave him a smile and opened the car door preparing myself to hear the worst. Hospitals make me sad and panicky, the last time we rushed to the hospital was for my parents and it changed my life.

"Don't worry, I will try to tell my parents ASAP." Sanjay told me and gave me a hug.

"And I'll make a good fake future fiance for a month" saying that he winked at me. To which I hit him playfully and we bid each other goodbye.

I started walking towards the reception and there was a lady in her 40's at the reception with a beautiful smile.

"I'm here to meet Mr. Jameson Browne. Can you tell m.." before I could complete my sentence someone pulled me back and hugged me?

"What are you doing Jameson?" I said in muffled voice and this jerk face made the hug tighter. I knew it was him because of his perfume and the way he holds me.

"Don't make me punch you in your hospital." I said looking at his face. He slowly released me and kissed me on my forehead. He kissed me thrice now, he has to know that it's not okay to barge into my personal space and kiss me.

"Do you know that there is thing called personal space right?" I asked him.

He took my hand and started pulling me with him towards the elevator. I had to run to catch up with him. He told me that they found Meera's husband and is going through a surgery right now. We reached the ICU, and I could see Meera and Lindsay waiting in the Lobby. Please be good news please help her. I don't want the little kids to end up without a father figure. Thank God Meera sent Rohan to India and his parents are here to support her.

"The surgery should be done by now" Meera said with a worried look on her face.

"Let me go in and see what's going on." Jameson told us and went towards the ICU.

"Don't worry Meera, everything is going to be fine. You are worrying the baby too." Lindsay said rubbing her belly. I sat beside Meera and held her hand to give her support. Seeing her sad the past few weeks made me feel worthless that I couldn't help her. That's the reason I was pestering Jameson to help me the whole time. Thank God! He came to me at the middle of the night the other day, I don't know what would happen to me otherwise.

A beautiful girl came out of the ICU with a neutral expression on her face. She looks so pretty and is like a porcelain doll. The only difference was she was wearing blue scrubs instead of a fancy dress.

"The surgery went great Mrs. Khanna. You can meet him in after some time." she said and left.

I looked at Meera and she has happy tears in her eyes and the biggest smile on her face. We were jumping and squealing with joy like little girls. I saw Jameson coming towards us with a big smile on his face. When he reached us Meera and Lindsay thanked him. He hugged Meera and said that everything will be good. I don't know what came over me but when he looked at me I couldn't stop myself from hugging him.

"Thank you so much for helping us." I told him. This is the first time I will be returning from a hospital with happiness. I'm so glad he helped us who would have thought the Jerk Face has a heart.

"Do you know that there is a thing called personal space?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I took my hands off him and started to run from this embarrassing situation. He held my hand before I could run and said

"I was kidding, you can do whatever you want with me." and winked at me. Is this Jameson Browne the one who talks like there is a stick up at his ass every time, He is making fun of me and smiling at me? The one I know either yells or orders for things to be done. This is Definitely a dream, good news at a hospital and a fun Jameson. Two surreal things are always too good to be true. Let me check

"OUCCHHH, what are you doing crazy lady!!" He yelled, and started rubbing his arm where I pinched him.

"I can do whatever I want right." I told him with a sheepish smile covering up the stupid thing I did.

"What are your plans after this?" he asked me.

"I have to pick up the twins from Rick's house, I'm babysitting them this weekend." I told him. Rick and May are going away for the weekend. I volunteered to baby sit them for the weekend.

"Come out for" before he could complete we heard

"JAMIE!! What are you doing here?" the pretty doctor asked in a excited tone and hugged him.

"Hi Sophie, I'm here for Meera" He said returning the hug.

"They said the board brought him in, I didn't know it was you." she said touching his shoulder.

They look so good together she is a pretty doctor, he is a rich CEO, great combination right. What do you do when a new person comes in and talks to the person with you and totally ignores your presence? Leave right, but I didn't want him to leave with this girl. somewhere deep in my heart there was a sting seeing them together. I started to leave them releasing my hand from his grip which made him hold my hand tight.

"It was nice seeing you Sophie, I have to leave." he said, and she gave him another hug and whispered something in his ear and left.

"Come out for dinner with me." he asked me.

"Did you not hear what I said, I have 2 girls to baby sit." I replied.

"Let's take them with us. I'm sure kids would love to eat outside." He said with a pleading look on his face. I'm so conflicted now do I go with him or not. My heart says yes because he helped me in finding Meera's husband and we can spend more time with him. My brain says no because if I go with him I may get my heart broken in future.

"Please, I promise I won't say anything that will make you punch me." What happened to Jameson today, he is making it difficult for me to hate him and avoid him.

"Fine, but we have to pick up the kids from their ballet class." I said and he gave me a big smile which made my heart flutter.

Soon we said bye to Meera and Lindsay and drove towards the ballet class. Ari and Ani were so excited when they saw Jameson with me. They were jumping with joy when he said we would be going out for dinner. He looks so care free while talking to them. Ani babbled about her ballet class and school stuff the whole ride.

"Do we have to go to a fancy place for dinner?" I asked him as soon as I saw the restaurant we were parked.

"Stop whining like a baby and move Ani said that she is hungry." he replied to which Ani nodded in agreement. Thank god I'm wearing a dress. Otherwise I would definitely look like a homeless person in this restaurant.

"Welcome Sir, Let me take you to your table." said the welcome girl at the restaurant. Ani was going with him but it takes long time for Arabella to connect with people hence she is coming with me. Ari is the quiet one to the outside world but once you know her she is the brat.

Once we reached the table. There was a woman who looked like Jameson, a guy and a small girl were sitting at the table. I immediately looked at Jameson who was standing beside me. He is not surprised to see his family here. He was smiling at his mother and his niece jumped towards him.

"You should have told me this was your family dinner." I hissed at him smiling at others.

"I know you wouldn't come if I said this was a family dinner so I lied." he whispered near my ear

Stupid Dingusting man! What does he think he is? Why in the world would I want to join his family dinner when I don't even know him properly. I thought we would go to some fast food restaurant and eat in the car. I'm going to kill him and I'm sorry brain next time I will listen to you for sure. Run Amy before they recognize your presence here, but what about the twins?

"Jamie won't you introduce us to your guests?" his mother asked, she looks so beautiful and elegant. This Jerk face is so busy with his niece and the twins he ignored his mothers question so I had to step up.

"Hi, I'm Amaya I work for Jameson not like in his office. I work for United Tech and he hired them to do a project for them and I work for that project so I work for him. These are my colleague's kids Arabella and Anabella. He had an emergency so I'm babysitting them this weekend. I'm sorry for ruining your family dinner. I didn't know this was one otherwise I would never come here" I blabbered the whole thing. Everyone was smiling by the time I was done except for Ari and Ani they were looking at me like I was crazy.

"I'm Analise Browne, Jameson's mother, You are more than welcome to join us honey, It's nice to meet you. Jameson already informed me that he was bringing someone. " she said and gave a thousand dollar smile. I pulled my chair out and was about to sit that's when I saw Shaurya coming towards our table.

"SHAURYA!! Thank god I found you. How are you? " I said giving him a hug.

"Hey Amaya, I'm good How are you? How is your hand?" he asked me returning the hug and patted my back.

"Yeah, it's good now " I said to him and broke the hug to show him my elbow.

"Mom, looks like you got a competition, Dad went and hugged her instead of you." Jameson's brother told his my mom. Wait... What did he say? Dad, Is their father here and who is he hugging?

"Shut up Dax. Dad, How do you know Amaya? " Jameson asked scowling at his brother, I am confused now. Why is Jameson asking his dad if he knows me?

"I met her at your office" Shaurya replied smiling. This is not true Shaurya can't be their father. How did I not see this? No one in the office knew about Shaurya. Jameson has black hair and brown eyes the most dominating Indian gene. And the worst thing is I badmouthed about Jameson to his father. Awesome job Amy way to embarrass your self. Flabbergasted is an understatement about my feeling right now.

"Shaurya ,nenu thana gurinchi chedda ga matlada ani cheppodhu. Nenu cheppindhi antha venaki teskuntna. Me abbayi chala manchi vadu. (Please don't say that I said bad things about him, I take back everything I said and he is a good person)." I said to him with pleading eyes in Telugu so no one at the table would understand.

Shaurya laughed at my request and hugged me again. What does this mean? Is he going to accept my request or not? Then Shaurya went to his wife and kissed her and whispered something in her ear.

"You know Dad's mother tongue?" Jameson's brother asked me.

"Yeah, I was born and bought up in India and that's my mother tongue too. I moved here 3 years back." I said to him settling between Jameson and Ari.

"Cool, My name is Daxton this Idiot's brother. My wife went out to meet her friends and that's my daughter Layla." Daxton and Jameson don't look alike. Daxton has gold hair and blue eyes and they have the same nose. The twins and Layla were talking with each other like they know each other from a long time.

"What did you say to my dad?" Jameson whispered in my ear as I was reading menu.

"And why would I tell you that" I replied.

"Cuz, I'm your friend " he said in a duh tone.

"Not good enough and i'm not gonna tell you because you made me come to your family dinner." I stuck my tongue at him.

"Fine, I will kiss you in front of everyone if you don't then." he said leaning towards me with a smirk on his face.

"Try that and I'm gonna beat you to pulp" I said to him with a smile on my face. I'm not naive to get scared of his stupid threats.

"Son, she is not gonna tell you and I will help her hit you." Shaurya said to Jameson which made him go pale and I gave a high five to Shaurya.

Soon we started our orders came in and we started eating. Jameson has a great family, Shaurya and Ana yup that's what she asked me to call her, they look so much in love. When we talked about India and the Indian food, Shaurya had a gloomy look on his face. Daxton is the fun among them. He said that I should call him if Jameson yells at me which he does a lot. Daxton's wife is a microbiologist. she was his high school sweetheart and they have been together ever since. The twins and Layla were in their own world.

Looking at Jameson's family makes me jealous. He has a loving family I wish my parents were here. I know that my grandparents treated me like their own but I never had the chance to call anyone Mom or Dad. My heart aches when I see how others have the joy of getting pampered and yelled by their parents.