
Chapter 10


"I'm driving, so make it fast." I said to Andrew driving back to home from a crazy work day.

"Where are you going, did you like my surprise?" he asked me.

"Home and what surprise are you talking about?" I asked him stopping at the red light.

"Oh shoot, Amaya has been waiting at your office from 7 its almost 10 now." he said with fear evident in his voice. Amaya? What is she doing in my office? Everyone would have left by now.

"What are doing out till now? Your schedule shows that you would be back in office by 7." he asked me, why is he worried about her.

"The meeting got extended so I had to stay and what is she doing in my office?" I asked him.

"she wanted some help from you, she asked me to ask you, but I set it up, so you guys can have some alone time. Dude get back to the office fast. I tried calling her from my other phone, but she is not lifting." he said. Why is she not taking his call I'm starting to get worried? What if something bad happens to her? she is different from every girl I dated.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to her, remember she punched me and the kid at the school? She can protect herself. Let me go back to the office and checkup on her." saying that I cut the call and started driving back to the office.

All kinds of bad thoughts were entering my mind. The office building was pitch dark, looks like no on is in the building. I hope she is okay thinking of all these I went to my office all the lights were on. There she is sleeping on the 3-seater couch with her knees to her chest in a fetal position. Thank god she is okay, so I texted Andrew that she was alright and sleeping. I knelt near her face tucked a hair strand near her ear which was covering her face.

"I'm up, I'm up Don't pour water on me." she yelled waking up from her sleep, she looked so funny and cute with all the messy hair. She rubbed her eyes and realized that she is in my office and looked at me like she was looking at an alien.

"Not funny, stop laughing I thought it was my cousins trying to wake me up." she hissed and pushed me back which made me land on butt.

"Move, I have to go somewhere" she said trying to get up from the couch as there was no place to stand.

"I heard that you were here to talk to me, where are you going now?" I asked her holding her hand to stop her from leaving. Her fingers were freezing cold.

"M. Browne I have to pee so please move I will come back." she said which made me move and she ran towards the door. I never heard anyone say that they have to pee to my face. She is so unique and refreshing. I got up from the floor and sat on the couch waiting for her to comeback. I asked her to call me Jameson but she either calls me Mr. Browne or by no name at all.

I heard the door open and saw her, she was wearing a workout outfit with a black jacket on top of it. Why does she need workout she looks pretty fit to me? I felt a pang in my heart when I saw her with tears explaining her mother and father were dead the other day. I couldn't help myself to stop holding her hand. I have this strong urge of touching her and keeping her close to me all the time. Andrew saw me holding her hand asked me about it, so I had to tell him everything going on with her.

"I need a help from you Mr. Browne." she asked sitting on the couch next to me.

"I will, only if you sit beside me and call me Jameson." I told her so that I can have her beside me, she had an amused look on her face. She started mumbling something and sat beside me.

"My friend's husband is missing from the last 2 days. The reason I'm asking you for help is he was admitted in your hospital before he went missing. The management was not responding to her, so I had to ask you" she said it all without talking a breath. No one told me about this, they have such a huge issue going on and no one informed me about it.

"I will look into that for sure, send me the details of him and I will get to the bottom of it." I told her.

"Thank you, Jameson, I already sent you his details to your email." she said smiling at me.

"So, call the hospital now." she said pointing at my phone.

"Right now? I will go to the hospital tomorrow and deal with this, I promise you that I will help you with this." I said and then her stomach started making hungry sounds. she looks flushed with embarrassment.

"Do you wanna go and grab some food?" I asked her, so that I can spend more time with her. I don't know why after the day at restaurant she started avoiding me. She always talks to Andrew about the project and during my visits to her office, she is never alone always with the other girl Sarah.

"Thanks Mr. Browne, you are already doing so much for me I don't wanna impose. I have to leave anyways, it's almost 10:45 now." she said looking at her phone.

"Don't thank me and we are going to get some food. I'm hungry too." I told her, and she thought for some time and nodded her head to a yes.

We both went down to the parking lot and she was about to go near her car. I don't wanna go to the same place in 2 cars. I'm sure she won't say yes if I asked so I dragged her to my car made her sit in the passenger seat and locked my car door so she won't run away.

"You should've asked me instead of dragging me here." she scoffed at me putting her seat belt on.

"So, where do you wanna eat? All the restaurants will be closed now. I can ask the Green Valley Grill to keep them open for us." I asked her she thought for some time and said

"I'm bored of that place, Let's go to MC. Donald's for fries and for the chicken sandwich I'm confused. I like sandwiches from both Chick-fil-A and Wendy's."

she is so excited about food, I can see it on her face. The last time I went to these fast food restaurants was when I was in college. She pointed two fingers at me and asked me to pick one and I picked the middle finger. I chuckled at her behavior she is like a kid struck in an elder's body. She is so carefree that might be the reason I'm so attracted to her.

"Wendy's it is, let's go before they close." and she held my hand and moved the gear stick from parking to drive.

"Nice car, I like Porsche, but it feels super heavy right but Tesla feels like a toy car so delicate. So, you own 2 cars Mr. Richie Rich" she said because the day when we hit her I was driving a Tesla and today I have a Porsche. She likes and researches cars too. Could this girl be more awesome?

"Cars are the only things I'm obsessed with, so you don't wanna know how many I own." I told her

"Do you know about this new electric car company named NIO, I love their new concept car." she said

"NIO Eve, yeah I saw that it's so cool, but 2021 will be the time they come into production." I said, and she nodded her head

"I want it to be my second car, but right now Benz is the only thing I can afford." she said with a thought full face. Her family is rich right? Her uncle and I own almost the same cars. She bought this one with her own salary.

We drove to MC. Donald's and Wendy's, she got a large fries and a spicy chicken sandwich and I got 2 cheese burgers and a coke. We are now in the parking lot and she moved her seat back and put both her legs up and sat in Indian style and started eating.

"Umm... This is the best chicken sandwich. Thank you for forcing me to come otherwise I had to go home and cook food." she moaned eating her food and I chuckled at her.

"Is your aunt's family not in?" I asked her as far as I know she lives with her aunt.

"Nah they went to India I'm living alone right now" she said to me.

"So, tell me about you, you know so much about me and I don't even know a thing about you" she asked

"I own Global tech along with Andrew. The Global Care hospitals is also mine but I'm not the CEO because I wanted some more experience on it." before I could say some more she bought her hand to my lips so that I would stop talking.

"I asked about you not about the things you own." she said with duh look in her face and took her hand off my mouth.

"My parents are doctors and I have a step brother who lives in London and he has a daughter. I did my MBA at Harvard where I met Andrew. I go Kart racing when I'm bored or frustrated." I told and started eating my cheese burger.

"If your parents are doctors why are you not a doctor?" she asked

"My uncle was a business man and he is my inspiration, he looked after me when my parents were busy with saving lives. Do you have any siblings?" I don't know why I told her my inner feeling about my parents. I know it was important at that time they were new in their jobs I understand that now.

"Yeah, I have a sister she lives in Colorado let me show you her picture." she told me and put her sandwich on the dashboard and pulled her phone from her workout pants side pockets. Her sister looks like a taller and bony version of her. Her sister was laughing, and Amaya was sitting on the mud floor in the background.

"What are you doing on the floor?" I asked her

"How did you find me, I can't even see myself there. We trek every time I visit her, and I fell, and this happens at every trek. She was laughing at me and explaining all my embarrassing moments to her husband." she said with an annoyed expression. She looks so cute. I looked at her closely she has a little bit of ranch on her nose and my hand went up her face and I rubbed it of her nose. She looks shocked of my action, I don't wanna get kicked again so to deviate the whole thing I took a fry from the bag and ate it.

She yelled at me for eating her fries. When I tried to steal it from her one more time, she took the bag and swung it and the fries were flying everywhere in the car. We laughed at it and soon we drove back to my office parking lot. We both got out of the car she came towards me and gave a hug and made my crazy day a lot better.